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8/29/2015 1 LEARNERS SUPPORT. 8/29/2015 2 THE OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION Participants will be able to develop a plan for learner services and support components.

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Presentation on theme: "8/29/2015 1 LEARNERS SUPPORT. 8/29/2015 2 THE OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION Participants will be able to develop a plan for learner services and support components."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/29/2015 1 LEARNERS SUPPORT

2 8/29/2015 2 THE OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION Participants will be able to develop a plan for learner services and support components of the ODL system.


4 8/29/2015 4 RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM Preparing students to be independent learners OR Final test of previous semester Face-to-face tutorial Social activities Character building

5 8/29/2015 5 PREPARING STUDENTS TO BE INDEPENDENT LEARNERS Introduction of ODL for D3 TKJ Program Independent Learning Study Skills ICT Skills TEST PASS/FALL

6 8/29/2015 6 FACE-TO-FACE TUTORIAL All subjects Max. 8 sessions/subject (@ 2,5 hours) Practices/practicum Test at the end of f2f tutorial

7 8/29/2015 7 ONLINE TUTORIAL Take places during Independent Learning Session By e-mail, chatting, discussion forum, vicon Tutor: 5 initiations  5 assignments  feedback Students: submission of 5 assignments ICT CENTERS

8 8/29/2015 8 VISITING TUTOR 2 times/semester Identify and facilitate to solve learning problems Explain subject matters, if needed

9 TUTORIAL PROCEDURES Face-to-face Tutorial (Residential Program) On-line Tutorial 2 Feedback A 1 & Assignment 2 On-line Tutorial 1 Assignment 1 Visiting Tutor I On-line Tutorial 3 Feedback A 2 & Assignment 3 On-line Tutorial 4 Feedback A 3 & Assignment 4 Visiting Tutor II On-line Tutorial 5 Feedback A 4 & Assignment 5 Remarks: A 1 = Tutorial Assignment 1, A 2 = Tutorial Assignment 2, A 3 = Tutorial Assignment 3. A 4 = Tutorial Assignment 4, A 5 = Tutorial Assignment 5.

10 8/29/2015 10 FACTORS PREDICTING LEARNERS’ SUCCESS SUCCESSSUCCESS Self-discipline Time management Self-confidence Motivation Cognitive ability ADDITIONAL SUPPORT & COUNSELING

11 8/29/2015 11 PROBLEMS FACED by ODL LEARNERS  Instant culture  Misconception about ODL  Anxiety about learning  Academic and administrative aspects

12 8/29/2015 12 WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM LEARNERS SUPPORTS? To be accessible by learners: as near as possible to their area as varied as possible for learners to be able to choose as affordable as possible (remember economic constraints) as comprehensive as possible (one stop service)

13 8/29/2015 13 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE Assistance in dealing with the routine administrative aspects: Registering Paying fees Getting tuition benefits Obtaining materials Practices & Practicum Taking exam Receiving grades Etc Information must be up-to-date and valid Test and Exam Materials on Homepage Registered Student Enrolled Student

14 8/29/2015 14 Tips and Tricks 1.Learners support is to assist learners to be independent in their learning process, thus it has to be decreasing in provision as the time of study is increasing 2.Learners support is to assist learners to learn and study, not to assist them in passing the exam.

15 8/29/2015 15 Tips and Tricks 3.Since learners are the ODL clients, their satisfaction to the support provided is a must. The provision of the support must also take the principles of service provision (care, smile, continuing, etc.)

16 8/29/2015 16 Tips and Tricks 4.In term of using technology, it is important that learners understand the equipment and have the skills in using technology in order to effectively participate.

17 8/29/2015 17 Tips and Tricks 5.Learners supports should give students the opportunity to learn relevant to their learning style, needs, interest, learning pace, etc. 6.The heart of ODL is to bring education to students, thus, the support must bridge the distance between the learner and the learning resources. 7.Etc……………?

18 8/29/2015 18

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