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) In 1973 Member Governments of The Colombo Plan concerned with the shortage of qualified and trained technician education staff recommended to set up.

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2 ) In 1973 Member Governments of The Colombo Plan concerned with the shortage of qualified and trained technician education staff recommended to set up CPSC through an MOU signed in 23rd Consultative Committee Meeting creating CPSC as a specialized agency of the Colombo Plan (on 5 December 1973) In 1973 Member Governments of The Colombo Plan concerned with the shortage of qualified and trained technician education staff recommended to set up CPSC through an MOU signed in 23rd Consultative Committee Meeting creating CPSC as a specialized agency of the Colombo Plan (on 5 December 1973) A story of intergenerational wisdom

3 after one generation… In 2004 or 30 years after, the Member Countries of CPSC signed Seoul Declaration 2004 and Manila Resolution 2005 manifesting support to APACC In 2004 or 30 years after, the Member Countries of CPSC signed Seoul Declaration 2004 and Manila Resolution 2005 manifesting support to APACC

4 Colombo Plan, born in the 1950s as the first multi-lateral aid in Asia, gave birth to the Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education (CPSC) in 1973, as an autonomous specialized agency and CPSC in turn, conceived APACC (at her ripe age of 31)…thus it could be considered that APACC is a third generation child of the Colombo Plan organization of nations… In other words….

5 APACC – Outcome of Prior Efforts CPSC Corporate Plan (2003-2008), Goal 1, Strategy 1.2, “to facilitate capacity building to develop Accreditation and Certification System for the Asia Pacific Region in TET”. International Conference on Accreditation and Certification, Seoul, December 2004 Regional Workshop on “Regional Accreditation Modeling and Accrediting the Accreditors” Manila, August 2005 Experts Meeting on “Competence Building in APACC accreditation”, Cheonan, Korea, June 2007

6 APACC – Outcome of Prior Efforts Seoul Declaration 2004 Manila Affirmation of Commitment 2005 Organizational Development 2006 APACC President APACC Secretariat Quality Systems and Procedures Competence Building in Accreditation 2007

7 APACC – Outcome of Prior Efforts APACC Conceptual Framework and Accreditation Models APACC 21 Policy Papers APACC Development APACC Foundation Documents –APACC Primer –APACC Video Documentary –APACC Skills Standards –APACC Accreditation Manual –APACC Survey Instrument –APACC Handbook for Accreditors Network of APACC Accreditors Pilot Testing

8 Agreement as Part of MOA (14 countries) Promote the objectives and goals of APACC as mechanism for undergoing self evaluation; Identify TVET institutions to apply for accreditation and certification by APACC; and Tap qualified local accreditors, in addition to NCAs from the MC, for training on APACC accreditation procedures

9 APACC Framework for Accreditation Gold Silver Bronze

10 APACC ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS 2008 Silver Level TESDA Women’s Center, Philippines Bronze Level International Academy of Film and Television, Philippines Bogra Polytechnic College, Bangladesh Rangpur Technical School and College, Bangladesh Feni Computer Institute, Bangladesh Dhaka Mohila Polytechnic Institute, Bangladesh

11 Online Inquiry and Application APACC INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION FLOW CHART Responsibility Activity Procedure Description APACC Application Applicant contacts APACC. The applicant submits accomplished application form endorsed by NCAs/NAB/HRDA. APACC processes the application within a week. Upon confirmation, notifies the institution on successful outcome and informs the institution to accomplish and submit online Self -Study guide. Application Processing APACC Confirmation of Application Applicant Institution APPAC On-Site Visit Team Accreditation Applicant Institution Applicant prepares required documents based on the Self-Study Guide within two to three months. During the Self-Study the institution may seek assistance by hiring an APACC Consultant. APACC reviews SSR within two (2) weeks upon receipt of SSR. When the result of the report is acceptable, applicant is notified of accreditation status awarded. APACC Each site-visit team members will submit report to the Team Leader on their assigned area. Team Leader prepares final report and submits to APACC President/Committee through the NCAs/NAB/HRDA. If not accredited, applicant may submit written request for appeal. If appeal is accepted the institution will accomplish necessary corrective actions for a minimum period of six (6) months. Online submission of Self-Study Report to APACC Accreditation and Certification APACC Evaluation During on-site visit, Team Leader conducts opening meeting and starts evaluation based on APACC’s Criteria and Policies, inspects facilities and equipment. Applicant Institution Self-StudyApplicant Institution Evaluation Review& Decision Not Accredited Request for Appeal Corrective Action On-Site Visit Activities Document Review Online Submission of Self-Study Report (SSR) to APACC Conduct of Self-Study Applicant Institution

12 The Self-Study Guide Contains three general Sections: 1. Profile of the Institution 2. Criteria-based Data and Self-Study 3. Institutional SWOT Analysis

13 Section 1: Profile of the Institution Information about the institution Status of the institution Law/Ordinance that created the Institution, and date of establishment Information about the Head of the Institution Information for Communication about Other Important Officials Any Quality Management System adopted by the institution Vision/Mission Statement of the Institution Area of the Institution Other campuses of the institution Classification of current TVET programs offered

14 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation Criterion 1: Governance and Management Criterion 2: Teaching and Learning Criterion 3: Faculty and Staff Criterion 4: Research and Development Criterion 5: Extension, Consultancy and Linkages Criterion 6: Resources Criterion 7: Support to Students

15 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation CRITERION I: GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Indicator A – Administrative Structure and Bodies Indicator B – Qualifications of Administrative Staff Indicator C – Management Systems and Procedures

16 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation CRITERION II: TEACHING AND LEARNING Indicator A – Institutional Objectives Indicator B – Curriculum Indicator C – Syllabus Indicator D – Instructional Materials Indicator E – Teaching Methods and Techniques Indicator F – Other Related Teaching-Learning Indicators

17 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation CRITERION III: FACULTY AND STAFF Indicator A – Qualifications and Job Descriptions of Faculty Members and Staff Indicator B – Faculty Members Assignment and Load Indicator C – Systems of Recruitment, Compensation, Staff Development and Evaluation

18 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation CRITERION IV: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Indicator A – Program of Research and Development Indicator B – Faculty Participation Indicator C – Dissemination and Utilization of R&D Outputs Indicator D – Management of Research and Development

19 CRITERION V: EXTENSION, CONSULTANCY AND LINKAGES Extension Indicator A – Program of Extension Indicator B – Faculty Members Participation in Extension Projects Indicator C – Management of Extension Consultancy Indicator – Consultancy Program Linkages Indicator A – Linkage with Industry Indicator B – Consortia/Arrangements with Educational Institutions Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation

20 CRITERION VI: RESOURCES Financial Resources Indicator A – Financial Resources Indicator B – Financial Management Physical Plant ( Building) and Facilities Indicator A – School Campus Indicator B – Classrooms Indicator C –Other Facilities and Conditions Library Indicator A – Library Collection Indicator B – Library Space and Facilities Indicator C – Library Management System Indicator D – Other Related Library Matters

21 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation Workshops/Laboratories Indicator A – Equipment/Tools and Supplies and Materials Indicator B – Workshops/Laboratories Management Information Technology Indicator A – Computers and Licensed Software Indicator B – Other Information Technology Units

22 Section 2. Criteria for Evaluation CRITERION VII: SUPPORT TO STUDENTS Indicator A – Guidance Counselor-Student ratio Indicator B – Student Services

23 Section 3. Institutional SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

24 The System of Evaluation CriteriaWeighted Points I. Governance and Management100 II. Teaching and Learning250 III. Faculty and Staff150 IV. Research and Development100 V. Extension, Consultancy and Linkages100 VI. Resources200 VII. Support to Students100 Total1000

25 The System of Evaluation LevelTotal PointsStatus Awarded I (Bronze) 600-800Accredited for two years. Barely meets threshold of the standards with deficiencies which can be improved within a period of two years. II (Silver) 801-900Accredited for three years. Meets standards substantially above the threshold with minor deficiencies which can be improved within a period of one to two years. III (Gold) 901-1000Accredited for four years. Meets standards substantially way above the threshold with minor deficiencies which can be improved within a period of six months to one year.

26 The System of Evaluation THE INDICATORS OF QUALITY Commendations are expressions of the demonstrated strengths of the institution, e.g., it excels in providing adequately certain inputs Affirmations. These are acknowledgements of adequacy of certain inputs or provisions, healthy practices being adopted, or promising or potential achievements, but have yet to be proven or demonstrated to be successful, to deserve a Commendation. Recommendations. These are suggested measures to address or improve certain identifiable elements of weakness

27 Conducting and Hosting an Evaluation Visit Organizing and Mobilizing Self-Study Team Organizing and Supporting the Team of Accreditors Disseminating the APACC Accreditation Program Initiating the Process Holding Consultancies (optional) Conducting Self- Study Flowchart of Main Activities Before On-site Visit

28 i) Consultation with the officials and faculty of the host institution, and concluding the three-day on-site visit; ii) the Team should meet again after the exit conference to affirm the Report, or to make revisions, if necessary Consolidation and validation of the data/ information Accreditors prepare their individual reports; i) Rating the institution based on the criteria, indicators and elements; ii) computing the summary of points; iii) identifying the finding Analysis of the data/information APACC Accreditors i) Rating the institution based on the criteria; ii) Computing the Summary of Points i) The ratings and other decisions are discussed and decided criterion by criterion; ii) adopts a consensus in all ratings; iii) accreditors reviews their individual reports; ii) identifying the findings strengths and weaknesses, and making recommendations; iv) Team Leader consolidates the Accreditor’s Report APACC Accreditors i) Reimbursement of travel expenses of all Accreditors; ii) payment of honoraria; iii) issuance of certificates of appearance and recognition; iv) return of all materials to Accreditation Center APACC Accreditors APACC Accreditors APACC Accreditors APACC Accreditors / Institution Continuous Gathering/ validating of data or information Preparing individual reports Data analysis Rating Meeting on composition of Accreditor’s Report Finalization of the Accreditor’s report Clearing of obligations A DAY 2 DAY 3 Cont …. Flowchart of Main Activities During On-site Visit

29 i) Concluding three-day on-site visit; ii) all the Accreditors must attend the closing program; iii) will inform institution that the final decision will be formally communicated to the institution within one (1) month in as much as the report will still be reviewed by a Committee, and approved by APACC APACC Accreditors i) Validate findings; ii) check the accuracy of factual information/data; iii) secure feedbacks APACC Accreditors APACC Accreditors/ Institution Affirms report or makes revisions if necessary Exit conference Final Team meeting Closing Ceremony A Cont … Flowchart of Main Activities During On-site Visit

30 The System of Evaluation Example of Rating Elements in Criterion I. Indicator A – Administrative Structure and Bodies 1.How frequent does the institution communicate its vision and mission to stakeholders (administrators, governing board members, student, parent’s faculty, staff and community)? Frequency Please tick ( ) POINTS Remarks Weighted (10) Institution’s Evaluation Accreditor’s Evaluation Every quarter 8 Half yearly 5 Yearly 2

31 The System of Evaluation Data Required: Annex 1. Dissemination of Institution’s Vision and Mission to Stakeholders Data Sources: Vision and Mission Statement Institution’s Charter or Constitution Government Laws Affecting Institution Corporate Plan Quality Manual Capability Statement Feedback from the Stakeholders Copies of newsletters and related correspondence

32 APACC Policies and Procedures APACC Accreditation Status Certificates Competition Complaints Extensions Non-compliance Single School Accreditation Use of the APACC’s Name Use of APACC Official Seal and Letters Voluntary Withdrawal

33 The APACC Accreditation Manual 1.The APACC Accreditation and Certification 2.Criteria for Evaluation 3.The System of Evaluation 4.The Self-Study Guide 5.Conducting and Hosting an Evaluation Visit 6.Qualifications, Roles and Responsibilities, Code of Conduct for Accreditors 7.APACC Policies and Procedures

34 APACC accreditation Instrument More accreditor friendly

35 Handbook for Accreditors APACC international code of conduct Guidelines for conducting on- site visits The system of evaluation Tasks for on-site visits Tips In interview Tips for writing a good report Tips for accreditors Do’s and Don’t’s for accreditors Desirable attitudes of accreditors

36 Characteristics of APACC Accreditation It is voluntary on the part of the TVET institution that may want to be accredited. It adopts the APACC accreditation criteria as defined in this Manual. It is a partnership endeavor between APACC and the applying institution. It is governed by openness and transparency. It is a form of regional regulation as a value-added dimension to augment self-regulation and/or national government regulations. It is aimed at continual improvement leading to excellence. It conducts external evaluations through APACC accreditors It accredits the TVET institutions which are accredited by recognized accrediting bodies at the national or sub-regional level.

37 APACC accreditation is an internationally recognized sign of quality

38 Benefits of APACC Accreditation Accredited institutions and stakeholders enjoy the following benefits: Q uality and employable workforce in member countries through APACC coordination among its network of institutions, agencies and other stakeholders; P art of a regional network of quality institutions that expand schooling and learning opportunities for students; R eceiving institutions take note of whether or not the credits a student needs to transfer have been earned from an accredited institution. E mployer confidence on the selection of employees coming from accredited institutions. S tatus of Accreditation is important to employers when evaluating credentials of job applicants and when deciding to provide support for current employees seeking further education;

39 T ransferability of credits earned by a student among educational institutions. I nternational recognition of the institutions’ quality, accountability, and public trust; G reater workforce mobility and mutual recognition of qualifications in Asia and the Pacific region; E ligibility and reliability of TVET institutions for funding support from donors and other lending agencies; Benefits of APACC Accreditation

40 -Thank you-

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