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Russian Tactics.

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1 Russian Tactics

2 German-Russian Relations
Germany signed a non-aggression treaty with Russia before Germany attacked Poland. Germany promised not to attack Russia. After Germany attacked and took over most of France, Hitler then violated the treaty and attacked Russia. Russia (Soviet Union actually) and Germany were not exactly allies but they were neutral trading partners.


4 Decision for the War Hitler however always intended to renege on the pact with the Soviet Union and invade He made his decision of when to do so in spring 1940 Hitler believed that the Soviets would quickly surrender after an overwhelming German offensive and that the war could largely end before the onset of the fierce Russian winter.

5 Why invade Russia??? Hitler must be seen as attacking the Soviets to achieve the National Socialist Weltanschauung (world view) and end the war in Europe by seizing European Russia and smashing Soviet communism.

6 Blitzkrieg Strategy Combine land and air assaults to maximize destruction to enemy positions. Use paratroopers to secure important positions behind enemy lines. Strike fortifications hard and decisively with artillery, air raids or paratrooper assaults: whichever is most appropriate to the location. Strike quickly and decisively on land using mechanized divisions. Support mechanized assault with close air support from fighter bombers. Draw enemy attention to areas through feigning assaults in areas: thus reducing resistance in the primary intended area of assault. Assaults to work in pincer movements, encircling enemy forces and forcing subjugation due to lack of supplies.

7 Battles of Russia Leningrad- The German offense built many defenses surrounding Leningrad-Overall Leningrad didn’t fight back Moscow-Adolf Hitler considered Moscow, which was the capital of USSR & largest Soviet city, to be primary military and political objective for the invasion of the Soviet Union-Soviets were able to successfully prevent the most serious attempt to capture their capital.


9 Battle of Stalingrad It was a major industrial city (a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and northern Russia) and its capture would secure left flank of the German armies as they advanced into the Caucasus. The battle was marked by brutality and disregard for military and civilian casualties The Nazis lost and eventually were forced to retreat out of Europe To the Soviets victory at Stalingrad marked start of the liberation of the Soviet Union, leading to eventual victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. Germans not prepared for war like Russians were-forced to fight in summer uniforms in below freezing temps.



12 Advantages and Disadvantages: Stalingrad
Soviets kept front lines close together which forced Germans to either fight on their own or risk taking casualties from their own supporting fire; it neutralized close German air support and weakened artillery support. German advantage: mainly technology-tanks, infantry, engineers, artillery, and ground-attack aircraft Soviets counter attacked tanks and aircraft by anti-fire methods that included geographic location.


14 Outcome Because of Russian Wither, Volga River froze and they trapped many Germans Allowed Soviets to supply their forces in the city more easily. Trapped Germans rapidly ran out of heating fuel, medical supplies, & thousands died of frostbite malnutrition and disease Germans now starving & out of ammunition


16 Hitler V.S. Napoleon Both entered too far into Russia and lost
Both mistook Russia’s harsh winters-soldiers were unprepared and froze Both lost wars because of Russian invasion

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