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Tyler J, Brian K, Andrew K, Chelsea M. Illegal Immigrants  Three categories: Immigrant who entered the country illegally Immigrant who overstayed the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyler J, Brian K, Andrew K, Chelsea M. Illegal Immigrants  Three categories: Immigrant who entered the country illegally Immigrant who overstayed the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyler J, Brian K, Andrew K, Chelsea M

2 Illegal Immigrants  Three categories: Immigrant who entered the country illegally Immigrant who overstayed the number of days permitted on their visas Immigrant who obtained a visa on false pretenses

3 Why are they here?  Economic incentives  Chain immigration (family connections)  US government inefficiencies  Trade agreements and government failures

4 Where do they work?  According to USA Today: 4% - Farming 21% - Service Industries 19% - Construction and related occupations 15% - Installation and Repair 12% - Sales 10% - Management 8% - Transportation


6 Tertiary Sector  Also known as the service sector  Services are produced  Primary sector Extraction i.e. fishing, mining, agriculture  Secondary sector Manufacturing

7 Illegal Immigration  In 2008, there were approximately 7.7 million illegal aliens employed in U.S. jobs.  Typical Mexican worker earns 1/10 of an American counterpart.  American businesses are willing to hire cheap labor from abroad.


9 Timeline of Immigration Policies  1790 - any free white person could apply for citizenship after two years of residency.  1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts 14 years of residency before citizenship and provided for the deportation of "dangerous" aliens. Changed to five-year residency in 1800.Alien and Sedition Acts  1864 - Contract Labor Law allowed recruiting of foreign labor.  1885 - Contract Labor Law. Unlawful to import unskilled aliens from overseas as laborers. Regulations did not pertain to those crossing land borders.

10  1917 - Immigration Act provided for literacy tests for those over 16 and barred all immigrants from Asia.  1948 - Displaced Persons Act allowed 205,000 refugees over two years.  1952 - Immigration and Nationality Act eliminated race as a bar to immigration or citizenship.Immigration and Nationality Act  1986 - Immigration Reform and Control Act provided for amnesty for many illegal aliens and sanctions for employers hiring illegals.  2001 - USA Patriot Act amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to broaden the scope of aliens ineligible for admissionUSA Patriot Act

11 Illegal Immigration Policy  Under current U.S. immigration policy, the Obama Administration will authorize an average of 138,000 new foreigners each month to fill American jobs, regardless of whether the U.S. economy is producing or losing jobs, or whether U.S. wages are rising or falling.

12 Cons: Health Care  Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act  Under Reagan Administration  Passed in 1986  Includes emergency care for illegal immigrants  Emergency Medicaid Provided for individuals regardless of citizenship, or income-level Funded partly through American citizens (taxes)

13 Cons: Health aspect  Illegal immigrants are not required to have health insurance coverage Cheaper for employers to hire them over citizens  Can spread germs more easily especially with the nature of most of their jobs (Ezra Klein) Place themselves and citizens in danger of sickness/disease

14 Cons: Taxes Year Total Costs Accumulated Taxes Paid (in billions) 1996$32.74 $12.59 2002$26.3$16  Costs: Medicaid, Treatment for uninsured, Food assistance programs, Federal aid to schools, Free school lunches, Federal prison and court system

15 Cons: Welfare System  With fewer American citizens working the provisions of welfare are being supplied to more individuals  Illegal immigrants are paid “under the table” Income is not documented by employers which allows them to receive welfare benefits in addition to their regular income

16 Contribution to U.S. Economy  Contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services The total goods and services that they consume through their paycheck, plus all that they produce for their employers, is close to about $800 billion 90% of the wages that the undocumented population gets are spent inside the U.S. ($400 to 450 billion) Illegal immigrants tend not to receive federal welfare benefits They usually pay income and sales tax

17 Take Low Wage Jobs  U.S. education has improved and places more people through reducing the low- skilled American labor force  Increases productivity  Lowers costs of goods and services  Results in subsidiary job creation  Most Americans would notice little change in their income if illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared

18 Other Benefits  Illegal immigrants tend to make more in the U.S. than they could in their homelands  Government spends to secure the border causing an increase in aggregate output  Immigrate according to the state of the economy Fill jobs when we need labor Migrate to regions where labor is needed

19 Proposed Solutions  Legalize all of the current illegal aliens in America (Amnesty)  Deport the nearly 12 million illegal aliens  Build a giant wall that extends along the U.S. and Mexican border  Continue enforcing the existing laws that the U.S Government has on illegal immigration

20 Legalize all of the current illegal aliens in America (Amnesty)  Amnesty granting legal status to a group of individuals unlawfully present in a country  Grants forgiveness for breaking the law  Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Provided temporary resident status to those who could prove that they had resided illegally in the U.S for 5 years After 18 months, it was then upgraded to permanent status 5 years later this led to citizenship

21 Deport all of the Illegal Aliens  Round up and deport the nearly 12 million illegal aliens in America  According to the Center for American Progress, it will cost 206 billion dollars  Five years

22 The Great Wall of America  Build a wall that extends over 500 miles along the U.S and Mexico border  Cost around 9 Billion  Berlin Wall?

23 Continue enforcing the existing laws that the U.S Government has on illegal immigration  mLMVR_o mLMVR_o

24 Our Solution  Grant Amnesty Allow illegal immigrants to become citizens after workshop completion Grant American citizenship after 5 years  Workshops Jump start English skills American history  Increase Border Patrol  Increase the number of citizens allowed in each year

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