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Ronco, Inc Company Intranet Project Proposal Presented by: Dave Kellas, Laura Schneider, Anahita Zamani R.

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Presentation on theme: "Ronco, Inc Company Intranet Project Proposal Presented by: Dave Kellas, Laura Schneider, Anahita Zamani R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronco, Inc Company Intranet Project Proposal Presented by: Dave Kellas, Laura Schneider, Anahita Zamani R

2 Agenda Project goal, problem / opportunity definition and proposed solution Project goal, problem / opportunity definition and proposed solution Content Management System research and selection Content Management System research and selection Proposed site layout Proposed site layout Cost / Benefit analysis and proposed budget Cost / Benefit analysis and proposed budget Proposed schedule and work breakdown structure Proposed schedule and work breakdown structure Overview Overview Questions Questions

3 Project Goal Design, Build and Deploy a Company Intranet called RoncoWeb

4 Problem / Opportunity Definition Employees do not have enough access to information Employees do not have enough access to information Information is spread out Information is spread out People in different branches People in different branches Too much time and effort spent on searching for information Too much time and effort spent on searching for information Department heads spend time answering FAQs Department heads spend time answering FAQs

5 Proposed Solution Create a company intranet called RoncoWeb Create a company intranet called RoncoWeb Centralize location for all employees to get information Centralize location for all employees to get information Increase efficiency and productivity Increase efficiency and productivity Build company unity Build company unity Minimal costs Minimal costs Disseminate company information quickly Disseminate company information quickly

6 Content Management System Evaluation CMS systems researched CMS systems researched Big Ace Big Ace CMS Master CMS Master Drupal Drupal Jaws Jaws Mambo Mambo Silver Stripe Silver Stripe

7 CMS Evaluation Results Drupal 6.8 Drupal 6.8 Open Source Open Source Under active development Under active development Many add-ons available Many add-ons available Cross platform Cross platform Security Security Performance Performance Flexibility Flexibility Winner of the ‘Best Open Source CMS’ award Winner of the ‘Best Open Source CMS’ award

8 Proposed Site Layout

9 Cost/Benefit Analysis Increased Efficiency Increased Efficiency Increased Productivity Increased Productivity Tangible Benefits Tangible Benefits Intangible Benefits Intangible Benefits Faster access to information Faster access to information Up-to-date information Up-to-date information Increased sense of team Increased sense of team

10 Proposed Budget DescriptionCost Internal Labor$8125 External Costs$710 Hardware and Software $3099 Training$2295 Total$11,934

11 Business Requirements Faster communication, wider distribution and greater efficiency for the rapidly growing company. Faster communication, wider distribution and greater efficiency for the rapidly growing company. Accessibility to the resources for all employees regardless of their physical locations. Accessibility to the resources for all employees regardless of their physical locations. Easy to maintain intranet for departmental content contributors to edit and add content. Easy to maintain intranet for departmental content contributors to edit and add content.

12 Potential Obstacles Difficulty changing traditional approach to company communication Difficulty changing traditional approach to company communication Frequent changes from departments Frequent changes from departments

13 Risks and Mitigation RisksMitigations Lack of web development resources Request resources early Department content mgrs may lack commitment Demonstration and presentation of benefits Drupal may be harder to use than we expect Budget for training

14 Major Project Activities Purchasing Purchasing Configure Hardware Configure Hardware Configure Drupal Configure Drupal Finalize layout Finalize layout Design site Design site Gather departmental requirements Gather departmental requirements Find dept content editors Find dept content editors Develop and test site Develop and test site Training Training Define and add users Define and add users Deploy and announce site Deploy and announce site Ongoing site administration Ongoing site administration

15 Proposed Schedule ActivityDate Install power / cabelingJanuary 16. 2009 Purchase and install hardware January 23, 2009 Install and configure system February 13. 2009 Develop site / site layoutMarch 6, 2009 TrainingMarch 13, 2009 Deploy siteMarch 27, 2009

16 Work Breakdown Structure

17 Overview Design, build and deploy RoncoWeb to create a central location where all employees can access information Design, build and deploy RoncoWeb to create a central location where all employees can access information Employees spend too much time searching for information that will now be found on RoncoWeb Employees spend too much time searching for information that will now be found on RoncoWeb Drupal is a feature rich, open source CMS which is easy to implement, easy to use and easy to maintain Drupal is a feature rich, open source CMS which is easy to implement, easy to use and easy to maintain RoncoWeb will have pages for each department with content added by department managers RoncoWeb will have pages for each department with content added by department managers Low cost project - $12,000 Low cost project - $12,000 Completed by March 27 Completed by March 27

18 Thank You! Questions?

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