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Advanced Drawing II Mrs. Petr. “Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see – to see correctly – and that means a good deal more than merely.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Drawing II Mrs. Petr. “Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see – to see correctly – and that means a good deal more than merely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Drawing II Mrs. Petr

2 “Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see – to see correctly – and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.” Kimon Nicolaides Semester 1  portrait  perspective  drawing involving extensive texture.  observational drawing done at home over the course of the semester that is submitted as the exam

3 Requirements  Minimum size for the 3 required drawings is 12”x18”.  Any medium or combination of mediums can be used.  Art work is to be ready for mini-critique and photographing each A-day.  All entries of photos must be made into your portfolio that day.

4 “One of the characteristics of great drawings is the artist’s wholehearted acceptance of his own style and character. It is as if the drawing says for the artist, “here I am.” Nathan Goldstein Sketchbooks:  15 minutes per day – sometimes more  Write notes to yourself  Copy inspirational quotes  Draw  Plan  Limit erasing/never remove pages  Date every page

5 Portfolio Photo entry of class work each A day Photo entry of completed/graded projects Enter reviews of art exhibits and any other assignments.

6 Class work  Come prepared.  Work in your own space, quietly.  Be responsible for all materials.  Check in and out each class if working outside the classroom.  Make the most of all 40 minutes of class time.  Set aside time to enter work in your portfolio.  Pay attention to Net Classroom for all assignments.

7 “Art is the right making of a thing to be made.” St. Thomas Aquinas “Art is the right making of a thing to be made.” St. Thomas Aquinas Course Description: Advanced Drawing II is a course designed for seniors who have completed the requirements of the Advanced Drawing I class and are prepared to work on extended projects with more independence. It is a full credit course meeting every day all year.

8 Objective: The students will explore drawing in a setting conducive to creating and discussing art. The expectation is that the students will engage in creative and detailed approaches to observational drawing to enhance their portfolio. Critiques will assist the students to encourage one another’s progress. Projects, discussions, critiques, field trips and written reviews of current shows will enrich each student’s experience. Students will be responsible for assembling a portfolio.

9 Materials: There is no text for this course. Most supplies are available to the students in the studio. All students are required to have a sketchbook and a set of drawing pencils. They must also have a portfolio to transport their work.

10 Homework: Students will be required to complete ongoing assignments. This translates into work done at home as well as in class. A journal will be kept throughout the year and will periodically appear in the portfolio. Quarterly the students will review a current art exhibit and write a review.

11 Grades: Quarter grades: 70% portfolio 20% class work (effective use of time & participation) 10% written reviews Final Grade: 40% quarter 1 40% quarter 2 20% exam Plagiarism is taken very seriously and will not be tolerated. All assignments are listed on the Loyola website.

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