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Click to edit Master subtitle style HUMANIZING THE REALITY : Students at Jesuit Institutions.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style HUMANIZING THE REALITY : Students at Jesuit Institutions

2 Statistics Sources: Migration Policy Institute, the Pew Hispanic Center, the Public Policy Institute of California, and the Urban Institute  11.2 million undocumented immigrants in U.S.  1.2 – 1.7 million undocumented students potentially eligible for DACA  65,000 undocumented students who have lived in the U.S. for 5+ years graduate from high school yearly  7,000 – 13,000 undocumented students enrolled in college in U.S.  California - state with largest number of undocumented immigrants (2.6 Mill)  25% of all undocumented immigrants nationwide  6.8% of total CA population.  553,000 undocumented students - eligible for DREAM Act in CA [AB540]

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4 RELEVANT FACTS Undocumented students have a right to primary and secondary education:  Plyler v. Doe: K-12 education - fundamental and protected right. Must be provided to all children regardless of citizenship or residency status Undocumented students are allowed to attend institutions of higher learning  In Arizona v. U.S., the Supreme Court’s majority decision purposely omitted the words “illegal immigrants” and “illegal aliens,” except when quoting other sources

5 Undocumented Student Reality Not for Undocumented Students 000-00-0000 Undocumented Students UNABLE to:  Receive Federal Aid  Legally work in U.S.  Participate in study abroad programs or international immersion trips  Participate in internship or community placements that require background checks  Acquire a driver’s license or social security number  Travel abroad

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7 After graduation…  Additional Educational Opportunities:  M.A.  M.S.  M.B.A.  Ph.D.  J.D.  M.D.  Unpaid Jobs or Internships  Independent Contractor Work

8 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)  Defers removal (deportation) of young undocumented immigrants who :  Came before turning 16  Are under 31  Are enrolled in school, have either graduated high school, acquired a GED, or served honorably in the armed forces  Can demonstrate at least five years of continuous presence as of June 15, 2012 AND  Do not have any serious criminal history. Executive branch Taking Action

9 QUESTIONS THAT REMAIN:  Work Study?  Background Check?  Study Abroad?

10 On the horizon… I. Outreach to :  Human Resources  Staff  Students  Faculty  Community II. Release of Ford Foundation Report: February 26–27 Washington, D.C. III. Expect Applications from DACA Students

11 resources  Educators For Fair Consideration:  Center for Immigration Studies:  Dream Activist: Undocumented Students Action and Resource Network:  Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund:  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services:  Department of Homeland Security:  Professor Cynthia Mertens:  Professor Laura Nichols:

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