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Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering Science Prof. Dr. Ir. Michiel Steyaert Dean September 21st, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering Science Prof. Dr. Ir. Michiel Steyaert Dean September 21st, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering Science Prof. Dr. Ir. Michiel Steyaert Dean September 21st, 2012

2 Internationalisation at the Faculty of Engineering Science Marie-Paule Buyse Executive Internationalisation +32 16 328642 Anouck Brouwers Senior Internationalisation Officer +32 16 321202 Pascale Conard Internationalisation Officer +32 16 328641

3 VTK VTK International What? –Part of VTK; it represents, helps and recreates international students Who? –Wout, Katia & Sander: 3 Belgian engineering students Where? –If you have a question: just send an email – –Stay tuned: invite yourself to the Facebook group: VTK Internationals '12-'13 VTK Internationals '12-'13 Global Information: “Vlaamse Technische Kring” Organization that unites engineering & architecture students from Leuven Support in education Book shop (non-profit) Defend the student’s rights “Support” in recreation Organizing parties Organizing cultural events Organizing sport activities Becoming a member Many advantages: cheaper entrance to our parties, being able to participate at sport activities... Friday 28th @TTI: special subscription moment for international students

4 VTK International Sander Van Gorp Katja Huys Wout Van der Veken Invite yourself to the Facebook group: VTK Internationals '12-'13!/ groups/187806873083/ /vtk-international/subscribe

5 Fans of Flanders What to do in a Flemish elevator...

6 Programmaboek + lesrooster

7 Toledo

8 ISP + IER 1) ISP (Individual Study Program) Online system for selecting courses Deadline sem. 1 : 10th October 2012 Deadline sem. 2 : 27th February 2013 2) Complete IER in KULoket ! No changes possible after the deadline ! Exam periods 14th January 2013 – 2nd February 2013 for sem. 1 10th June 2013 – 29th June 2013 for sem. 2 + all year courses => Oral exam with written preparation => Written exam

9 My study Programma (ISP) in KULoket

10 After adding all courses, ‘Save ISP’ + check schedule for overlaps As long as you didn’t click ‘Send ISP’, you can still make changes to your program.

11 Next : check your exam schedule

12 Explanation of the legend ‘Free choice of exam’ : select 1 exam moment for every course. Exams you have already chosen. Save exam schedule. Check completeness of schedule.

13 Studying in Leuven : tips & tricks Study Advice Service Help and support with study related questions & problems : -c-choice of programme -s-study support -f-further education in Belgium or abroad Studying in Leuven: Essential tips and tricks, part 1: Information session on study approach and time management : Monday 29/10/2012 Studying in Leuven : Essential tips and tricks, part 2: Information session on master thesis and presentation techniques : Monday 19/11/2012 in HOGM 00.85 : Huis De Munter (Faculty of Business and Economics), Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven Exams! Don't panic : TBD

14 Studying in Leuven : tips & tricks Ombuds service : ombuds person for every departement -Confidential advisor in case of problems that affect studies -Solutions for study related issues or conflict situations -Questions regarding exams Regulations on Education and Examinations 2012-2013 : with search engine + specific faculty regulations

15 Order of Enrolment & continuation requirement  Strict order of enrolment The student must have obtained the credit certificate or at least an applied tolerable fail mark to be allowed to follow a complementary course unit  Flexible order of enrolment: The student must have followed the course unit before, without necessarily having obtained the credit certificate;  Simultaneity The student must have followed the course unit before or take it up simultaneously with another. Continuation requirement The requirement that a student can only take a certain course unit when he at most needs to obtain the amount of credits stipulated by the faculty in order to graduate.

16 CSE Study efficiency = The ratio between the number of credits obtained in the KU Leuven and the number of credits actually taken in an academic year, expressed in % Cumulative study efficiency = CSE The same ratio but that is calculated over all preceding academic years within a programme of study up to the most recent examination period

17 CSE CSE ≥ 50% Register for: unlimited credits CSE < 50% Register for: Max. 66 credits Study efficiency = The ratio between the number of credits obtained in the KU Leuven and the number of credits actually taken in an academic year, expressed in % Cumulative study efficiency = CSE The same ratio but that is calculated over all preceding academic years within a programme of study up to the most recent examination period

18 LA, TOR and diploma Learning Agreement (LA)  Only for Exchange students and Dual Degree students  Overview of courses  LA = ISP = TOR Transcript of Records (TOR)  Official certificate with all courses, grades and credits  after every exam period or on special request with Mrs. Yvette Dupont Diploma  Not for Exchange students (only TOR)  immediately after graduation: diploma certificate with transcripts  6 to 12 months after graduation: notification that diploma is ready

19 POC Teaching commission or standing educational committee Is responsible for the quality of the education within a field of study (bachelor, master,…). POC for every:  field of study  group  course unit (OPO)  educational activity (OLA) A POC consists of ZAP members (professors), AAP/BAP members (assistants) and students and the Chair is the program director.

20 Schedule ▪ Group picture in front of castle ▪ Lunch at Alma 3 ▪ Campus Challenge ▪ Diner at Alma 1 ▪ Visit Oude Markt


22 Faculty of Engineering Science

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