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FERPA TRAINING TIPS & TRICKS Chantel Black North Idaho College July 30, 2015 General Interest Track Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

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Presentation on theme: "FERPA TRAINING TIPS & TRICKS Chantel Black North Idaho College July 30, 2015 General Interest Track Coeur d’Alene, Idaho."— Presentation transcript:

1 FERPA TRAINING TIPS & TRICKS Chantel Black North Idaho College July 30, 2015 General Interest Track Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

2 SESSION RULES OF ETIQUETTE  Please turn off you cell phone/pager  If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible  Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation! Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

3 INTRODUCTION  NIC then and now  NIC in the future  What are you doing? Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

4 NIC STATS  NIC employee demographics o Full-Time o Staff - 300 o Faculty – 160 o Part-Time o Staff – 430 (includes student workers and Work-Study) o Faculty – 200 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

5 NIC FERPA TRAINING HISTORY  FERPA Training prior to Fall 2013 o 2004-2005 – Last big push o Primarily by request Only required if individual wanted access to records with privacy holds Some departments more diligent than others o Training primarily conducted by one person o Registrar’s Office maintained records of FERPA training (i.e. Confidentiality Statement) and notified IT for record access o Research for Resources for Training AACRAO FERPA Guide K-12 products for purchase, but nothing for post-secondary Online videos (YouTube, websites, etc.) – Goldilocks and the Three Bears  Everything was too general or too specific; needed something just right Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

6 FALL 2013 – SUMMER 2014  New Employee Orientation o Coordinated with HR to add live FERPA training NEO is every other week All new full-time faculty and staff required to complete FERPA training Training primarily conducted by one person  If neither the Assistant Registrar or the Registrar were able to attend, the new employees at that NEO were not FERPA trained  By request for current staff and faculty  Registrar’s Office continued to maintain records of FERPA training and notify IT Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

7 FALL 2014 – SPRING 2015  New Employee Orientation o Prezi video with audio recording instead of face-to-face No longer “one person” conducting FERPA training for new employees Still only full-time employees Signed Confidentiality Statements returned to Registrar’s Office for maintenance and IT notification Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

8 PREZI TIPS AND TRICKS  Be sure to sign up as an educator – It’s FREE  Accessible anywhere there is internet o Share the link – Download option is very clunky  Transitions and the rollercoaster effect o Keep transition distances and turns short o Works best as large screen presentation  Adding audio o o You will need to record your sound files first I used a gamers headset. Do not use the microphone built into your computer.  NIC FERPA Training video (11 minutes) o Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

9 FALL 2014 – SPRING 2015 (CONTINUED)  Current staff and faculty – “College-Directed” FERPA Training o President Joe Dunlap mandate with President’s Cabinet support o Coordinated with HR to conduct 8 live group training sessions Full-time employees registered themselves in SilkRoad Learning (LMS)  Attendance tracked in SilkRoad Learning Part-time employees tracked separately by HR due to license limitations Included IVC sessions for outreach areas Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

10 SUMMER 2015  New Employee Orientation o Continue using Prezi video Registrar’s Office no longer “middle-man”  Signed Confidentiality Statements maintained by HR in ImageNow  IT notification sent by HR Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

11 FUTURE  Current employee FERPA training o Request Administration/Management put some teeth behind it What does required mean if there are no consequences? o 2015-2016 transition year Focus on training those that did not complete training 2014-2015 Coordinate with HR to develop an online training/knowledge test  Possibly use Articulate (eLearning platform) or SilkRoad Learning  HR purchased additional SilkRoad Learning licenses to include adjunct faculty  2016-2017 future All employees required to take online training/knowledge test annually  Must attend a live training if they do not pass knowledge test Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

12 SUMMARY OF TIPS AND TRICKS  Prezi Video with Audio  Get buy-in from Administration o Get some teeth!  Coordinate with Human Resources  Reduce/remove “middle-man” practices  Don’t forget your outreach or satellite campuses Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


14 THANK YOU! Chantel Black Assistant Registrar North Idaho College Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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