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Hitler’s Rise to Power By Ashley Mogler Everything has a beginning? He started by joining a Party called the German Worker’s Party. He joined in 1919.

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2 Hitler’s Rise to Power By Ashley Mogler

3 Everything has a beginning? He started by joining a Party called the German Worker’s Party. He joined in 1919 He took on the anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist ideas.

4 Creation of Swastika It was originally a peace symbol used by Hindus and Buddist. It dates back to 10,000 BC It finally became the unforgettable banner for the German Workers Party or Nazi Party.

5 Hitler’s Rise Hitler began making speeches in Beer Halls. Hitler tried to take over and create a new regime during the Beer Hall Putsch. He was arrested and spent a year in jail. During this time, he began his plans for the Nazi Party and his master race.

6 Continue of Hitler's Rise Hitler was elected chancellor. He organized the fire in the Reichstag and helped abolished office of President. After Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler rose to power as Germanys leader.

7 My information hitler-9340144#rise-to-power hitler-9340144#rise-to-power

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