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Governance Board Progress Report Shu-Ti Chiou, MD, PhD, MSc Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan President,

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Presentation on theme: "Governance Board Progress Report Shu-Ti Chiou, MD, PhD, MSc Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance Board Progress Report Shu-Ti Chiou, MD, PhD, MSc Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan President, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services Global vice president of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Chair, International Task Force on Health Promoting Hospitals and Age-Friendly Health Care Chair, International Task Force on Health Promoting Hospitals and Environment

2 Outline Summary of the HPH Priorities 2011- 2013 HPH Global Strategy 2013-2015 2

3 3 Summary of the HPH Priorities 2011-2013

4 Growth & Member Care Visibility & Publication Partnership & Affiliated Members Qualitative Growth 4

5 Growth & Membership The International Network has achieved a good and steady growth rate. ~ 1,000 members in 41 countries – including national/regional networks and individual hospital/health services members New procedures regarding non-payer support have been implemented A new and leaner administrative/payment initiatives has been implemented - new CRM, PayPal options etc. 5

6 yeas Member Number No. of accepted papers @ Conference Participants @ Conference Taiwan Total%TaiwanTotal%TaiwanTotal% 2006(Join HPH) 5 2008 (Observer) 416576.22722711.9245154.7 2010 (Vice Chair) 677568.96826925.3385037.6 2011 798459.38547817.85853010.9 2012 (Chair) 9391210.259874480.4994137072.6 2013 13197513.425758244.217781621.7 Taiwan’s Participation

7 Visibility & Publication Improvements had been made to websites and online resources. Many exposures of HPH in various international events: 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, 2013 Global Health Forum in Taiwan, Pre-conference for 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Pre- congress on HPH during the IHF 38th World Congress, and various regional meetings with WHO. 7

8 Partnership & Affiliated Members Memorandum of Understanding signed with the WHO, South-eastern European Health Network (SEEHN), International Hospital Federation (IHF), and ENSH. Action plans related to each partnership were also developed and implemented.  Initiate contact with IHF from Taiwan  Taiwan invited Dr. Eric de Roodenbeke, the CEO of IHF, to 2013 Global Health in Taiwan Affiliated Member Framework had also been developed and implemented. 8

9 Qualitative Growth New Global HPH Strategy for 2013-2015 had been finalized and distributed to all membership and partners. The period’s HPH Schools, Newcomer’s Workshop, Coordinators’ Workshop, Management Schools etc. had all been conducted successfully according to schedule. 9

10 10 Global HPH Strategy 2013-2015


12 Main constituents  Governance Board + International HPH Secretariat  HPH Networks + Individual HPH Members  HPH Task forces  Affiliated members, partners, collaborators Action plans on the global HPH Strategy Follow-up via Progress Reports:  Annually for GB + Int HPH Secr  Biannually for Networks and Task forces 12

13 Four Priority Areas for 2013-2015 WHO-HPH Standards & Indicators Training & Education Community & Advocacy Advancement of Clinical Health Promotion Research 13

14 WHO-HPH Standards & Indicators Implementation in hospital members  Toolbox + e-learning online  Support their members in implementing standards (1 per year) Development for health service members (non-hospital)  Evaluation of existing model in HS-members  Draft revised model and validation in pilot-tests  Participation in pilot-tests Possibility of a working group/task Force on Standards and Indicators 14

15 Teaching & training: assure capacity and competence International HPH Schools  HPH Autumn School in Estonia: “Strengthening the Partnership between Public Health and Health Care System”, September 30th~ October 1st, 201, Tallinn, Estonia International Clinical HP Master  Establishment of a new Scientific Society on Clinical Health Promotion.  Discussed by GB members in 2013, formal launch in 2014 during the HPH Conference.  Focusing on young researchers, support and encouragement of more HP research, abstract and journal article writing. New working group and TF on collection & dissemination of Evidence-based Health Promotion (GB March 2014) 15

16 Advancement of Clinical Health Promotion Research WHO-HPH Advanced Recognition Project 8 countries participate in the research project Taiwan HPH Network (21 hospitals in Control and Intervention Group) Czech Rep: 8 Thailand: 4 Slovenia: 2 Estonia: 2 Canada: 1 Indonesia: 1 Malaysia: 1.......and more nations scheduled to join 16

17 Communication + Advocacy (1) Advocate internationally of International HPH Network  Pre-meeting for 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Helsinki Finland, June 9, 2013 (With support by the Health Promotion Administration of Taiwan, including travel expenses of Prof. Tonnesen to the meeting)  Pre-conference of IHF Congress Oslo, June 17, 2013 (With Support by the Health Promotion Administration of Taiwan, including travel expenses of Prof. Tonnesen to the meeting)  a symposium during 20th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in Seoul, South Korea, June 24, 2013  IUHPE 21st World Conference on Health Promotion on Best investments for health, August 25-29, 2013 GB Chair Shu-Ti Chiou attended the conference through self- finance and raised HPH visibility and engaged new partnership with the IUHPE platform. 17

18 Advocate internationally of International HPH Network  Leading Systems Network (LSN) Global Conference, London, UK 2013.09.23 GB Chair Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou was invited to give a speech  HPH Autumn School in Tallinn, Estonia, Sep 30, 2013  2013 Global Health Forum in Taiwan, Nov 22-25, 2013  1st APEC Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services will be held in Taiwan in July, 2014. (to be organized and hosted by HPA of Taiwan) Communication + Advocacy (2)

19 Communication + Advocacy (3) Member growth New networks and individual members from May 2013~April 2014:  Hong Kong Network  Hungarian Network  Japan (Health Cooperative Saitama Chichibu Cooperative Hospital, Yoshida Hospital, Saitama Cooperative Hospital )  England (Ashworth Hospital and the Royal Bournemouth, Christchurch Hospital, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)  Zhengzhou AIXIN Hospital and Beijing Yanqing County Hospital (China)  Maastricht University Medical Center (Nederland)  Municipal Health Directorate, Ghana  New World Hope Organization, Pakistan  Uszoki Hospital, Hungary  Affiliated member: Nursing Studies, University of Edinburg (Scotland)

20 Communication + Advocacy (4) Newcomer’s school: introductory videos by N/R Coordinators explaining the benefit of the network and their work. Expand contents of schools which included new ways of care outside the hospital - “hospital in the home”, patient organizations and how-to-do HPH in real life. E-learning: HPH LinkedIn group is up to 646 members in 41 countries The newly launched Clinical Health Promotion Scientific Society, aimed at young researchers and how to write abstracts for HPH conferences.

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