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A Regional Campaign to Increase Participation in Adult Learning in the South Lumina Foundation for Education Meeting Indianapolis, IN April 19-20, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "A Regional Campaign to Increase Participation in Adult Learning in the South Lumina Foundation for Education Meeting Indianapolis, IN April 19-20, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Regional Campaign to Increase Participation in Adult Learning in the South Lumina Foundation for Education Meeting Indianapolis, IN April 19-20, 2004

2 Southern Regional Education Board The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)  America’s first interstate compact for education  Established in 1948 at the request of state leaders Created to provide services to member states  Develop ways to share resources  Improve every aspect of education  Establish goals for the region (“Challenge to Lead”) Board Chair always a governor  Currently -- Governor Mike Huckabee, Arkansas Background 2

3 Southern Regional Education Board A Regional Campaign to Increase Participation in Adult Learning in the South Addresses two SREB Challenge to Lead Goals:  Adults who are not high school graduates participate in literacy and job-skill training and further education.  The percentage of adults who earn postsecondary degrees or technical certificates exceed national averages 3

4 Southern Regional Education Board Project Approach Target Audiences Adult Learners Recent dropouts age (18-24) Adults age (25-44) seeking 1 st credential Adults seeking advanced coursework or credential, particularly distance learners 4

5 Southern Regional Education Board Adult Learning Campaign (ALC) Project Tracks  Adult Learning Campaign Toolkit  Develop a “how to” toolkit for building a state & local media campaign  Campaign for Ways In Mentor  Launch an Internet campaign to drive students to SREB’s Adult and e-learner portal  Policy Campaign  Address policy issues and barriers that confront adults  Use SREB “connections” to drive the policy effort with state leadership 5

6 Southern Regional Education Board ALC Recent Project Activity  Established Project Team  Hired Associate Director  Launched WaysInMentor website  Initiated Research for Developing State Profiles  Conducted a “Design Lab” Meeting in March, 2004 6

7 Southern Regional Education Board ALC Project Team Core Team Project Director Bruce N. Chaloux, Associate Director Angela Y. Birkes, Policy Consultant James R. Mingle, Campaign Consultant James Applegate, Administrative AssistantBen Cheaves, Other Project Consultants Joan Lord, Joe Marks, 7

8 Southern Regional Education Board ALC “Design Lab” What was the ALC Design Lab? A planning and design workshop that convened a diverse group of experts to formulate the best strategies to accomplish the project goals. Expertise Represented in the Design Lab: Adult LearningInternet Marketing Adult LiteracyDistance Learning Higher Education Health Care Community-based OrganizationsSocial Marketing 8

9 Southern Regional Education Board Selected Design Lab Results Engaging the ALC Target Audiences 9 Recent Dropouts age (18-24) Publicize message via entertainment and retail industry Utilize co-op model to meet needs of students and employers Adults age (25-44) seeking 1 st credential Provide convenient, flexible system that is educationally relevant Meet important non-educational financial needs (i.e. childcare) Adults seeking advanced coursework or credentials Build campaign approaches by defining the “hook” Market where education is aligned with student needs Tell the story in 1 st person perspective

10 Southern Regional Education Board An Underlying Admonition… “We shouldn’t build the expectations of adults if there is no state capacity to deliver programs and support.”

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12 Southern Regional Education Board Adult Learning Campaign Creating a Useful Toolkit for States  Toolkit will include:  model for state enrollment impact analysis to identify target audiences and set goals  assessment model  model and tools for conducting formative campaign research analysis of target audience message development/channel selection  guidelines/sample RFPS for selection and use of vendors to implement a campaign  sample campaign media material  Identify campaign partners and strategies to enlist and define the nature of their support  Utilize/Assess Toolkit in 2 nd Year Pilots 12

13 Southern Regional Education Board Internet Campaign Driving Adults to Services They Need  Short-term  Build on Ways In Mentor as the “touchpoint” for adults  Initial target on teachers through the SREB “Teacher Center”  Mid-term  Launch Internet Marketing Campaign  Build “alternative” connections to adults (“grassroots”)  Long-term  Utilize Internet Marketing Campaign results in Industry/State Pilot projects  Use Policy Results in campaign efforts to promote needed policy change at the state level (SREB’s primary constituency) Build on SREB being an (the) “honest broker” for on-line learning in the South 13

14 Southern Regional Education Board Policy Campaign Making the Case for Adult Learning  Develop state profiles  Formulate persuasive economic arguments  Engage Key SREB constituents  Define specific state goals for the target audiences  Create new or altered state financial aid programs  Develop “adult friendly” state policies  Governance, Funding, Regulation  Develop state “audit” model 14

15 Southern Regional Education Board Next Steps  Create ALC Advisory Board  Launch ALC Website  Initiate Internet Marketing Campaign  Continue Development of State Profiles  Release 1 st Publication Documenting the Problem and its Urgency  Conduct Research on Financial Assistance for Adult Learners  Establish ALC on key SREB Meeting Agendas 15

16 SREB Adult Learning Campaign Contact Information: Southern Regional Education Board 592 10th Street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30318-5790 Phone: (404)875-9211 Fax: (404)872-1477 website: Bruce Chaloux email: Phone: (ext. 240) Angela Birkes email: angela.birkes@sreb.orgPhone: (ext. 217) 16

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