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bumps around the sting site sharp pain up through my armpit a feeling like your throat is closing (but it isn’t) numbness pretty much anywhere. As.

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4 bumps around the sting site sharp pain up through my armpit a feeling like your throat is closing (but it isn’t) numbness pretty much anywhere. As the night progressed, my whole face was numb and I couldn’t focus on anything. tingling, like when your foot falls asleep, but you can’t wake it up.




8 God can use Satan to accomplish His purposes (Job 1) God can use treacherous nations to accomplish His purposes (Judges 3:1-15) God can use rebellious believers to accomplish His purposes (Philippians 1:12-18) God can use wicked mobs to accomplish His purposes (Acts 2:36-39)





13 God will execute His judgment as He sees fit Exodus 12:29-30-death of firstborn in Egypt 2 Kings 19:35-38-death of 185,000 Assyrians Acts 12:20-24-death of prideful Herod We live in the midst of a spiritual battle Ephesians 6:10-14-Battle is not against flesh and blood Daniel 10:10-20; Jude 9-Michael

14 God’s revelation in nature (Romans 1:18-28) God’s revelation in Scripture (Luke 16:19-31) God’s revelation in Judgment (Exodus 6-12) Man’s Response to God’s disclosure of himself… REBELLIOUS, UNBELIEVING HEART


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