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10-4 Biological Hazards: Disease in Developed and Developing Countries.

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Presentation on theme: "10-4 Biological Hazards: Disease in Developed and Developing Countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 10-4 Biological Hazards: Disease in Developed and Developing Countries

2 What causes disease? Infectious agents ( pathogens ) that spread by: Infectious agents ( pathogens ) that spread by: AirAir WaterWater FoodFood Body fluidsBody fluids Vectors (nonhuman carriers, like mosquitoes)Vectors (nonhuman carriers, like mosquitoes)

3 Nontransmissible vs. Transmissible Diseases Nontransmissible : caused by something other than a living organism and does not spread from person to person (cancer, diabetes, etc.). Transmissible : caused by living organisms and can spread from person to person (bacteria, virus, parasite).

4 Pathogens –infectious agents Bacteria: Bacteria: CholeraCholera TuberculosisTuberculosis SyphilisSyphilis Virus: Virus: HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS HepatitisHepatitis EbolaEbola Protozoa: Protozoa: MalariaMalaria

5 Seven Deadly Diseases 90% of all infectious disease deaths are caused by: 90% of all infectious disease deaths are caused by: Pneumonia/fluPneumonia/flu HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Diarrheal diseasesDiarrheal diseases TuberculosisTuberculosis MalariaMalaria Hepatitis BHepatitis B MeaslesMeasles


7 Staggering Statistics 13 million people die each year from infectious diseases 13 million people die each year from infectious diseases Within the next hour, 1,500 people (half of them under 5 years old) will die from an infectious disease Within the next hour, 1,500 people (half of them under 5 years old) will die from an infectious disease A child born in a developing country has a 1,000-times greater chance of dying from measles than one born in a industrialized country A child born in a developing country has a 1,000-times greater chance of dying from measles than one born in a industrialized country

8 Low-Cost Disease Prevention Childhood vaccinations Childhood vaccinations Mosquito bed nets Mosquito bed nets Inexpensive drugs Inexpensive drugs Access to condoms Access to condoms Vitamin and mineral supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements Education Education Good hygiene Good hygiene


10 Non-Fatal Effects of Disease Heath-care expenses Heath-care expenses Inability to go to work or school Inability to go to work or school Body deformities (open sores, loss of fingers and toes, grotesque swelling) Body deformities (open sores, loss of fingers and toes, grotesque swelling) Excruciating pain Excruciating pain Social stigmatization Social stigmatization Emotional stress Emotional stress Orphaned children Orphaned children




14 Monster Inside Me Living with the Enemy Kelly’s Temp Living with the Enemy Kelly’s Temp United streamingUnited streaming

15 TB Kills 1.7 million people per year.

16 Disease Distribution Are these infectious diseases distributed equally throughout the world? Are these infectious diseases distributed equally throughout the world?

17 Transmissible Diseases Good News : Since 1950, death rates fallen dramatically Bad News: Bacteria resistance growing and insects becoming immune to pesticides

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