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The Message that Changed the World Acts The Message that Changed the World Apostles to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, even to the remotest.

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2 The Message that Changed the World Acts

3 The Message that Changed the World Apostles to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, even to the remotest part of the earth 1:8 Persecution scatters disciples from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria 8:1-4 In Samaria, the conned were converted, including the con artist 8:4-8, 12-13

4 The Message that Changed the World An angel instructed Philip to leave Samaria and go to a deserted road between Jerusalem and Gaza to teach the gospel to one man. Acts 8:26ff

5 The Message that Changed the World Ethiopian From continent of Africa A black man Jer 13:23 Distance from Ethiopia to Jerusalem +/- 1500 miles A proselyte Ex 12:48-49

6 The Message that Changed the World Eunuch A man whose ability to father children was removed in order to make him a trusted government official He was not permitted to “enter the assembly”- to go into the court of the temple to worship- Dt 23:1 Yet, there was an amazing prophecy that gave hope to eunuchs! Isa 56:3-5

7 The Message that Changed the World Qualities of the Ethiopian Eunuch that made him ready to receive the message  Reverence for God 8:27  Desire to learn God’s Word 8:28  Humility 8:30-31  Open-mindedness 8:34

8 The Message that Changed the World: From Confused to Convinced The Ethiopian Eunuch Was Confused: Of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself or someone else?  Prophets did not understand 1 Pet 1:10-11  Prophets wrote for those who heard the gospel 1 Pet 1:12  Jesus had to explain to the apostles Lk 24:44-47

9 The Message that Changed the World: From Confused to Convinced: Beginning from this Scripture The Christ  Despised, Forsaken; A Man of Sorrows 1-3  Wounded for Our Transgressions 4-6,8  Oppressed, Yet Did Not Open His Mouth 7  His Grave Assigned With Wicked Men 9  With A Rich Man In Death 9  Prolong His Days; See Result of His Anguish 10- 11  Reward: Allot Him A Portion With the Great 12 Jesus Wept - Jerusalem Lk 19:41 Bore our sins in His body 1 Pet 2:24 Quiet - Trial Mt 26:63; 27:14 Between 2 thieves Mt 27:38 Joseph buried Him Mt 27:57 Rose from Dead 1 Cor 15:4 God Exalted Him Phil 2:8-11

10 The Message that Changed the World: From Confused to Convinced What else did “Preaching Jesus” involve? Acts 8:36  Personal application- you are the sinner Jesus died for; you need to believe and obey to be forgiven  Baptism (and by implication, repentance Rom 6:3-4)  The Necessity and Urgency of Baptism

11 The Message that Changed the World: From Confused to Convinced The eunuch confessed his belief in Jesus He ordered the chariot to stop They both went down into the water He baptized him They came up out of the water The eunuch went on his way rejoicing Acts 8:37-39

12 The Message that Changed the World Do You Have The Heart of the Ethiopian Eunuch?  Reverence for God 8:27  Desire to learn God’s Word 8:28  Humility 8:30-31  Open-mindedness 8:34

13 Are You Convinced of Who Jesus Is? The Christ  Despised, Forsaken; A Man of Sorrows 1-3  Wounded for Our Transgressions 4-6,8  Oppressed, Yet Did Not Open His Mouth 7  His Grave Assigned With Wicked Men 9  With A Rich Man In Death 9  Prolong His Days; See Result of His Anguish 10-11  Reward: Allot Him A Portion With the Great 12 Jesus Wept - Jerusalem Lk 19:41 Bore our sins in His body 1 Pet 2:24 Quiet - Trial Mt 26:63; 27:14 Between 2 thieves Mt 27:38 Joseph buried Him Mt 27:57 Rose from Dead 1 Cor 15:4 God Exalted Him Phil 2:8-11

14 Have You Applied the Message to Your Life?  Do you see that you are the sinner Jesus died for; you need to believe and obey to be forgiven  Do you understand that you must be baptized?  Do you realize the necessity and urgency of baptism?

15 Won’t You Be Baptized And Go on Your Way Rejoicing?


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