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1 / x Spatial Data Infrastructure GRS-21306 Tips and publication strategy Arnold Bregt.

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Presentation on theme: "1 / x Spatial Data Infrastructure GRS-21306 Tips and publication strategy Arnold Bregt."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 / x Spatial Data Infrastructure GRS-21306 Tips and publication strategy Arnold Bregt


3 Content Introduction Elements of a Paper Final Remarks/Summary

4 Introduction Publications are essential for your future career Writing publications (or thesis) is difficult You can learn it (it is a skill not an art) “easy reading is hard writing” “tell a scientific story”


6 Elements of a paper Title Abstract Introduction (Materials) and Methods Results Discussion Conclusions References

7 Title Shortest summary of your paper Attracts attention for your work Put the most important words at the beginning

8 Title papers (exercise) Title 1: Open data policies, their implementation and impact: A framework for comparison Title 2: A stakeholder-based assessment framework applied to evaluate development scenarios for the spatial data infrastructure for Flanders Title 3: Spatial Data Infrastructures: Hype or Hit?

9 Introduction From general to specific Statements about the topic (context topic or problem) Aspects already studied (with references to others) Aspects not studied or know (with references) Selection of research niche Goal of the paper

10 Introduction Main problem: selection of research topic TIP: make is small and concrete

11 (Materials and) Methods How was the work done? The method must be a scientific method Transparent Objective Reproducible TIP: Use are much as possible existing methods and procedures TIP: Most critical section of a paper

12 Example Source: Kok, 2014

13 Results (Sometimes combined with Discussion) Presentation of the results in a few Figures and Tables Do not present all findings (only the most important ones What are the most striking results (highlight results) TIP: Take the reader by the hand

14 Example Source: Ningal et al., 2008

15 Discussion (A restatement of the main findings) Explanations of the findings (supported by literature) Limitations of the study Implications of the study Personal TIP: Limit is to a few main discussion points

16 Conclusions Repeat the overall objective of you paper Formulate the answers/main findings Suggestion for further research TIP: Keep it short and to the point

17 Example Source: Weitkamp et al., 2014

18 References Always follow the guidelines of the journal TIP: Check them for completeness and correctness!

19 Example Source: Ningal et al., 2008

20 Abstract Some backgroud information Scope of the study Some info on the method Most important results Conclusion and recommendation

21 Final remarks/Summary Follow the agreed structure for scientific papers Study good examples Keep the objective limited Pay amble attention to a clear scientific method!

22 Final remak Paper writing is difficult (even for experienced scientists) All scientists have some of their papers rejected Essential skill for your future career!

23 Further reading Cargill, M and P. O’ Conner, 2009. Writing scientific research Articles, Strategy and steps. Wiley-Blackwell. The unofficial guide for authors (or how to produce research articles worth citing) (google)

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