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Understanding Web Services by Debbie Lyn Jones, IT Manager I, NSU Webmaster FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Web Services by Debbie Lyn Jones, IT Manager I, NSU Webmaster FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Web Services by Debbie Lyn Jones, IT Manager I, NSU Webmaster FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 2015

2 Understanding Web Services What is Web Services? Web Services at Norfolk State University provides website planning, *design, development and maintenance support. The NSU Webmaster also assists the website owners with the creation of a search engine (SEO) profile and a google analytics account. The Norfolk State University Webmaster manages 180 websites as well as maintaining permissions for 195 SharePoint sites. In addition the NSU Webmaster is responsible for the creation of new NSU Websites or SharePoint sites and management of the Web Content Management System (WCM). * Due to a limitation of resources, each website within the NSU website follows a pre-set design & theme for their NSU Website.

3 Understanding Web Services What is a website owner?  A website owner is by default the department head which the website falls under.  This department head either is the one that requested the site be created, or inherited it - once they were assigned the role of department head.

4 Understanding Web Services However…..  The department head assigns a website content editor  The website content editor, then becomes the website owner. *The website content editor must be a NSU Faculty or Staff member

5 Understanding Web Services Does the editor manage the website alone?  The website content editor can assign1 to 3 website content contributors.  It is required that they assign at least 1 contributor.  The department head may also assign contributors.  While the website content editor retains website ownership, the website content contributors assist the editor in keeping the website content updated. *The website content contributors can be NSU Faculty, Staff or Students

6 Understanding Web Services How do the website content editors & contributors update their NSU Website?  The editor and contributors fill out a form requesting to be assigned as the editor and/or contributors.  The NSU Webmaster then sets permissions to the Web Content Management (WCM) system.  The editor and contributors then attend a scheduled training session.  If the editor or contributor are having difficulty learning the WCM, they can schedule a one on one training session with the NSU Webmaster in the webmaster’s office.

7 Understanding Web Services Do the editor or contributors need to understand technical languages?  No coding or programming languages are required.  The editor and contributors only need to know how to do the following:  General word processing (text editing)  Able to cut and paste text  Able to select and click buttons  Able to highlight text, delete text and double click the mouse keys.  There are tutorials online as well as continual training sessions to assist the editor and contributors in learning the web content management system. At no time does the editor or contributor need to manage coding.

8 Understanding Web Services The NSU Webmaster offers the following web services to assist the website content editor and contributors in keeping their website updated:  Creates website shells for new website requests  Relocates or renames existing websites due to organizational changes  Sets WCM permissions for editor or contributors  Main Navigation - creates or edits the websites main navigation Resizes images for website use or banner use  Banner Slides - replaces / links banner slides continued…

9 Understanding Web Services continued from previous slide  Creates redirects – which is the creation of a shorter website address for the purpose of having a shorter website address to provide over the phone or place on marketing materials.  Videos - Places videos on the streaming server and provides the link to the requester  Carves Content Regions – Carves out new content regions (columns or rows) for the editor or contributors.  Archives (removes from live server) – any web pages, files or images the editor or contributors wish to delete  Troubleshooting & Training - Offers continual technical support and training

10 Understanding Web Services So, once I am given permissions to the website – then what?  Navigate to and click on the Training Schedule  Attend a training session  If you need more assistance then send the NSU Webmaster an outlook meeting request & request a one-on-one training.  Bring your necessary changes on a memory stick  Divide out your changes in the following manner:  Images [ additions – changes - deletions ]  Files [ additions – changes – deletions ]  Web Pages [additions – changes - deletions]

11 Understanding Web Services continued from previous slide  Continue to edit your website as needed  Review your website every 30 days  Check the content for accuracy  Check your links  Check your spelling  Ensure any dates listed within your content does not make your site appear outdated There are browser add-ons that can do link and spell checks

12 Understanding Web Services Why is it important to update my website frequently?  After 30 days – of a website not being updated, they begin to slip in search engine results.  After 60 days – search engines begin to drop your website completely.  After 90 days – search engines then consider your website abandoned and your listing will be removed  Once a website has been removed from a search engine listing due to being abandoned, it can take up to three months to be relisted. Websites that continually show unreliable updates, can be eventually labeled as a hobby website suffering from “build it and forget it syndrome”.

13 Understanding Web Services What happens after I edit my website?  Once you edit your website, you select SUBMIT  The NSU Webmaster then receives an email notification of your submission and reviews it  Once your submission has been reviewed, it will be approved and later published  Once a website has been removed from a search engine listing due to being abandoned, it can take up to three months to be relisted. Websites that continually show unreliable updates, can be eventually labeled as a hobby website suffering from “build it and forget it syndrome”.

14 Understanding Web Services What about marketing my website?  The NSU Webmaster can assist you in writing a Search Engine Optimization Profile (SEO Profile)  The Webmaster, can then place your SEO Profile, in each of your web pages.  The Webmaster, can also setup Google Analytics for your entire website. Google Analytics provides website statistics for you to access using a Gmail Userid/password. Please schedule a meeting for both of these requests

15 Understanding Web Services How will I remember what I own and who has permissions to my website?  The NSU Webmaster has posted excel sheets on the Web Services website.   At the bottom of the page, select: WHAT DO I OWN  This link will take you to a page with records regarding:  Website Content Editor and Contributors Listing  Redirect Listing  Videos or Flash files on the streaming server  SEO Profile Listing – includes the actual SEO profile for the website  Google Analytics Listing  SharePoint Site Manager Listing These listings are updated frequently

16 Understanding Web Services What if I want my website redesigned?  Due to a limitation on resources the NSU Webmaster cannot offer redesigns at this time.  However, the NSU Webmaster can assist you with ‘ content design ’ and this basically is adding columns, rows and creating images/graphics to help your website flow better and information be found easier.  Don’t forget you are not limited to ONE look and feel for your website. Your main page can look different from your inside pages, with a large banner and you might have one inside page with events that has 3 columns.

17 Understanding Web Services Is there any other services offered?  Site Inspection – The NSU Webmaster can inspect your website and run link and spelling checks for you.  Site Clean – The NSU Webmaster can clean up your content (align it better, replace your slides, etc..)  The Webmaster can also make the following changes for your website:  Headings 1-6 – changes can be made to your H1-H6 relating to alignment, size, color, etc.  Font Color, Font Size, Link Colors – changes can be made to these in addition  Lists – The Webmaster can align your ordered (numbers) and unordered (bulleted), if you would like them to appear differently. Please open a ticket for each of these requests

18 Understanding Web Services Other Questions:  Site migrate – My website is on a departmental server – can the NSU Webmaster migrate it into the WCM?  Yes – however, the website being migrated would be placed in the default NSU website theme.  Online Form - What if I want an online form?  Eventually, the Forms Tool within the WCM will be functional. If you require a form at this time, please contact the Web Application Team. Site migration or move requires a meeting with the NSU Webmaster

19 Understanding Web Services Question and Answer time To find the Web Services website: 1. 2. Select the A-Z Index (top left) 3. Select the large blue image (to the right) – that has Web Services on it The WCM ZONE is linked to the Web Services website. Please log using your NSU Userid/Password if on campus and your NSU email address/password if off campus.

20 Understanding Web Services Thank you for attending These slides will be posted online – and linked to the training calendar page.

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