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Friday February 7, 2014 OBJ: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of the cabinet and what functions they serve. Drill: How are cabinet departments formed?

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Presentation on theme: "Friday February 7, 2014 OBJ: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of the cabinet and what functions they serve. Drill: How are cabinet departments formed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday February 7, 2014 OBJ: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of the cabinet and what functions they serve. Drill: How are cabinet departments formed? What, if any new cabinet departments need to be created to tackle issues today? Homework: Executive Branch Vocabulary, definitions and importance due Tuesday. You can work with a partner, separate sheets of paper and both names need to be on your paper. Read the article and choose one aspect of how Obama is not using his cabinet, explain how using it might help him.

2 Chapter 8.1 The President’s Cabinet In addition to the Executive Office of the President, – There are 15 cabinet departments that assist the President in carrying out the work of the executive branch.

3 The Cabinet the-white-house-the-cabinet the-white-house-the-cabinet

4 Heads of Cabinet Departments Called Secretaries – Examples: Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of Agriculture Only exception is Attorney General – Head of the department of Justice.

5 1789 1 st Cabinet President Washington – Picked his most loyal allies. Alexander Hamilton (Sec. of Treasury) Henry Knox (Sec. of War) – Later became Sec. of Defense Up until Civil War – Cabinets were POTUS main advisory group. Now, it’s the Presidential Staff.

6 The Cabinet

7 SUCCESSION From oldest department to youngest... Department of State Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton Department of the Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Department of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates Department of Justice Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr Department of the Interior Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack Department of Commerce Secretary Gary F. Locke Department of Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan Department of Transportation Secretary Raymond L. LaHood Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano

8 Oldest Cabinet State Department (1789) Treasury Department (1789) Defense Department (1789) – First called War Department Justice Department (1789)

9 Newest Cabinet Department of Homeland Security – Started in 2001 by Pres. Bush After 9/11 – Focuses on counter-terrorism Idea of finding terrorists before they find us!

10 The Cabinet Divided into departments that perform the actual work of the government. Sometimes called: – Bureaus Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – part of Department of State – Administrations Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – part of Department of Agriculture – Agencies Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – Part of Department of Defense

11 Understanding The Cabinet You and 2, TWO, DUEX, DOS TWO!!!!!!!! Other people will divide up the cabinet departments. Using the links provided investigate the cabinet departments. Who is the secretary, when was it created, what are the functions and find one relevant news story and summarize it. This will be considered a class work grade.

12 Understanding the Cabinet In Pairs, you will select a cabinet department. Using the link provided you will research your cabinet department. Create a PPT presentation (save it to a thumb drive or be able to email it to yourself). You need: the current secretary, year it was created, functions of the department, find at least one news story related to that department and how it relates to the executive branch. Should have the seal. Presentations will be given on Monday. MUST BE EMAILED TO ME BY SUNDAY NIGHT

13 Wrap Up Which Department is the most important? Defend your answer.

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