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Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Initiative
Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Initiative Paul J. Hutter Chief Officer, VHA Legislative, Regulatory and Intergovernmental Affairs
VJO Initiative The VJO initiative is designed to prevent homelessness by connecting eligible justice-involved Veterans with needed mental health, substance abuse, and other VA services, when possible, as an alternative to incarceration or other traditional criminal sanctions.
Defining Justice-Involved Veterans
A justice-involved Veteran is: A Veteran in contact with local law enforcement who can be appropriately diverted from arrest into mental health or substance abuse treatment; A Veteran in a local jail, either pre-trial or serving a sentence; or, A Veteran involved in adjudication or monitoring by a court Related issues Reentry for Veterans being discharged from State and Federal Prisons Disruptive Behavior Committees to establish individualized strategies for safe management of Veterans who are dangerous to other patients, visitors, or providers
Implications Veterans are not more likely to be arrested than other adults The healthy soldier effect should lead to lower numbers America has an obligation provide treatment and rehabilitation for the invisible wounds of the brain, mind, and soul to decrease rates of “criminal” behaviors, arrests, and incarcerations
Estimated Arrest Rates-2007
2007 adult population Arrest rates Male population Female population Male rate (per 100,000) Female rate (per 100,000) Veterans 22,614,000 1,650,000 5,076 703 Others 85,264,300 113,024,700 9,817 2,255 Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics
Estimated Justice-Involved Veteran Population-2007
US Number Est’d % Veterans Est’d Veteran Number Probation 4,293,200 9.3% 399,300 Parole-Supervised Release 824,400 9.1% 75,000 Local Jail 780,600 72,600 State Prison 1,315,300 10.4% 136,800 Federal Prison 197,300 9.8% 19,300 Total Correctional 7,328,200 9.6% 703,000 Adults Arrested 12,078,000 1,159,500 Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics
Incarcerated Veterans: What are Their Offenses
Current Incarceration Offense Category : 35% violent 25% property 26% drug 16% public order 26% probation/parole Definite release date: 70% Age at first arrest: 27 Number of previous arrests: 8 N=2091 for the data.
Invisible Wounds Combat can cause invisible wounds to the brain, mind, and soul Traumatic brain injury Mental health conditions Both types of injuries can lead to Poor judgment Impulsivity Difficulty in matching behavior to the context Behaviors attributable to these injuries Can look like criminal behavior Can be criminal
Recent Events December 2008 April 2009 May 2009 January 2010
Outreach Planning Conference April 2009 Summit 8 State and Federal Judges Broad VA representation May 2009 Policy memo Program development January 2010 VJO National Training Conference Regional Training September 2010 – Buffalo, NY May 2010 – San Jose, CA June 2010 – Chicago, IL August 2010 – Tulsa, OK & Atlanta, GA
Deputy Under Secretary for Operations and Management Memo to Veterans Integrated Service Network Directors May 27, 2009 Designation of a Veteran Justice Outreach (VJO) Specialist at every VAMC Requirements for VA Medical Center and VISN activity focused on justice-involved Veterans: VA Medical Centers must provide outreach to justice-involved Veterans in the communities they serve In communities where justice programs relevant for Veterans exist, VA will take the initiative in building working relationships to see that eligible justice-involved Veterans get needed care Veterans courts Mental Health courts Drug Courts CITs
DUSHOM Memo (cont.) Requirements for VA Medical Center and VISN activity focused on justice-involved Veterans (cont.) In communities where no such programs exist, VA will reach out to potential justice system partners to connect eligible justice-involved Veterans with VA services Judges Prosecutors Police Jail administrators VA Medical Centers must also ensure that VA Police located at their facilities have received training on Veteran-specific issues
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists
Each VAMC has designated a VJO specialist Responsible for Outreach, assessment, case management for justice involved Veterans in local courts and jails Liaison with local justice system partners Providing/coordinating training for law enforcement personnel Specialists will Assist in eligibility determination and enrollment Function as members of court treatment teams Refer and link Veterans to appropriate providers
Special Courts: a growing movement
Veterans courts ~ 31 operational ~ three dozen being planned Mental Health courts > 300 operational Alternatives include MH presence for all courts MH programs for probation Drug courts > 2300 operational
Limits on VA Authorization
Title 38 CFR does not allow VHA to provide: Hospital and outpatient care for a Veteran who is Either a patient or inmate in an institution of another government agency If that agency has a duty to give that care or services
Partnership with State Directors of Veterans Affairs
State Veterans Affairs provide additional benefits to veterans Help identify areas in each state that would be ripe for Veterans Courts Leverage strong relationships with Veteran advocacy groups Leverage established relationships with law enforcement VHA provides healthcare and treatment
Next Steps Continue implementation of the VJO Initiative
Maintain close partnership with State Veterans Affairs Departments Continue working with local justice systems to establish solid relationships Work with CIT programs and special courts in each area Work with other stakeholders to establish these programs where they do not currently exist
Points of Contact Paul J. Hutter, Chief Officer, Office of Legislative, Regulatory & Intergovernmental Affairs (202) Jim McGuire, VA Program Manager, Healthcare for Reentry Veterans Program (310) ext Sean Clark, VJO National Coordinator, Office of Mental Health (202) Christine Merna, Office of Legislative, Regulatory & Intergovernmental Affairs (202)
Veterans in Prison Older Less likely to be minorities
More likely to have been married More educated More violent offenses State (57.4% vs 46.8%) Federal (19.0% vs 14.1%) More likely to have known victim * (70.9% vs 54.3%) More likely relatives/intimates* (37.1% vs 21.1%) Less likely to use weapon* (29.5% vs 37.8%) Less drug offenses State (15.0% vs 22.1%) Federal (46.3% vs 56.2%) Longer sentences State (mean 147 vs 119 mos) Federal (mean 138 vs 127 mos) * State prisons
Incarceration in Prisons-2004
Rate per 100,000 adult males Age Veterans Others All adults 630 1,390 18-24 1,391 1,446 25-34 1,232 2,260 35-44 1,861 1,763 45-54 1,314 846 55-64 345 451 65 and older 76 105 Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics
Types of Discharge-2004 61.6% 65.3% 16.9% 15.9% 3.1% 1.9% 8.8% 6.4%
State Prisons Federal Prisons Total number 127,500 12,500 Honorable 61.6% 65.3% General (honorable conditions) 16.9% 15.9% (other) 3.1% 1.9% Other than honorable 8.8% 6.4% Bad conduct 3.0% 2.5% Dishonorable 2.8% 5.6% Other 3.7% 2.4% Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics
Outreach to Veterans in Prison
Health Care for Reentry Veterans (HCRV) 29,000 to 56,000 Veterans are discharged from State and Federal prisons each year 39 FTEE HCRV Specialists Are contacting Veterans in 955 of 1319 State and Federal prisons, and have Worked with 19,682 Veterans reentering the community from prison
VA-Department of Labor Justice Collaboration
Then: PL §2023: “Shall be carried out in at least 6 locations” Veterans: “transitioning from certain institutions (i.e. penal) who are at risk of homelessness” Referral/counseling services: Jobs; Housing; Healthcare; Benefits. Demonstration ( ): Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program (IVTP) 7 Sites – jail and prison-focused Final Report to Congress (May, 2008): One-year positive effects – Healthcare (47%), Employed (57%), Recidivism (35%). Now: PL §702: Requires program in at least 12 locations; Extends the program through FY2012. HVRP – fund homeless at risk population, funded community service agencies that provides homeless counseling for Veterasns. Employment counselors. Prep for employment once the prinoners got ou. Reminding the Vets of the opportunity for health care. Jobs – 7 sites throughout the country. VA specialists to provide assistance. Outreach specialists DOL will contract with community agencies.
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