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ECED 7259 Enhancing Coherent Understanding of Mathematics Curriculum Standards (ECUMCS) Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Karrie Kieser University.

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Presentation on theme: "ECED 7259 Enhancing Coherent Understanding of Mathematics Curriculum Standards (ECUMCS) Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Karrie Kieser University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECED 7259 Enhancing Coherent Understanding of Mathematics Curriculum Standards (ECUMCS) Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Karrie Kieser University of West Georgia Summer 2008 Karrie Kieser 1 st grade teacher ECED 7259 with Dr. Luo taught 4 years teach Everyday Math Series

2 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Rationale Why data analysis (graphing) and children’s literature? Teachers are used to teaching concepts from the textbook, but it is a growing experience to find literature connections and create lessons around these books. I had limited experience and resources with connecting the two areas and thought it would be an interesting and challenging topic. How will the project help teachers and students to understand math curriculum better? Teachers will have a better understanding of the alignment of the standard and concepts across grade levels. Students will have a better understanding of the reasons behind data analysis (graphing) and the situations in which to use each type of graph.

3 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Matrix of Content Strands and Grade Levels Number and Operations AlgebraGeometryMeasurement Data Analysis and Probability Kindergarten Picture Graph GPS MKD1 First Bar Graph GPS M1D1 Second Venn Diagram GPS M2D1 Third Bar Graph GPS M3D1 Fourth Line Graph GPS M4D1 Grade Levels Content Strands

4 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature Georgia Performance Strands Tree Data Analysis Strand Kindergarten MKD1 picture graph First Grade M1D1 (a,b) bar graph Second Grade M2D1 (a,b) Venn diagram Third Grade M3D1 (a,b) bar graph Fourth Grade M4D1 (a,b) line graph

5 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature GPS Content Standard: MKD1 MKD1 Students will pose information questions, collect data, organize, and record results using objects, pictures, and picture graphs. Lesson/Activity Plan: MKD1Kieser Picture GraphMKD1Kieser Picture Graph Developing a Standards-Based Mathematics Activity Project Completed Picture Graph

6 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature GPS content standard: M1D1 M1D1 Students will create simple tables and graphs and interpret them. a. interpret tally marks, picture graphs, and bar graphs b. rganize and record data using objects, pictures, tally marks, and picture graphs Lesson/Activity Plan M1D1Kieser Bar GraphM1D1Kieser Bar Graph Developing a Standards-Based Mathematics Activity Project Completed Bar Graph of Teddy Bears Sold at My Toy Store

7 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature GPS content standard: M2D1 M2D1 Students will create simple tables and graphs and interpret their meaning. a. organize and display data using picture graphs, Venn diagrams, bar graphs, and simple charts/tables to record results b. know how to interpret picture graphs, Venn diagrams, and bar graphs Lesson/Activity Plan: M2D1Kieser Venn Diagram.docM2D1Kieser Venn Diagram.doc Developing a Standards-Based Mathematics Activity Project Completed Class Venn Diagram

8 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature GPS content standard: M3D1 M3D1 Students will create and interpret simple tables and graphs. a. solve problems by organizing and displaying data in bar graphs and tables b. construct and interpret bar graphs using scale increments of 1, 2, 5, and 10 Lesson/Activity Plan: M3D1Kieser Bar Graph Scale Increments.doc Developing a Standards-Based Mathematics Activity Project

9 Data Analysis and Children’s Literature GPS content standard: M4D1 M4D1 Students will gather, organize, and display data according to the situation and compare related features. a. represent data in bar, line, and pictographs b. investigate the features and tendencies of graphs Lesson/Activity Plan: M4D1Kieser Line Graph.docM4D1Kieser Line Graph.doc Developing a Standards-Based Mathematics Activity Project

10 PBwiki Connecting the Classroom to Technology Professional uses of PBwiki collaboration among colleagues classroom website to share information with parents students use as collaboration tool

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