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Published byVictoria Dennis Modified over 9 years ago
Command and Control of Space Forces - A Weapon System Approach
NDIA 25 Aug 05 Welcome CC or designated Rep Identify VTC participants as required Col Tony Williams Division Chief AFSPC/XOZ
Overview The Challenge - Synchronizing Global & Theater Space Effects to the Combatant Commander, Satisfying Timing & Tempo Needs The Solution – a Space C2 Weapon System Bottom Line Sir, our agenda for today.
Overview The Challenge - Synchronizing Global & Theater Space Effects to the Combatant Commander, Satisfying Timing & Tempo Needs The Solution – a Space C2 Weapon System Bottom Line Sir, our agenda for today.
OIF Warfighter’s Reliance on Space
TSTs Navigation: 24/7 GPS Enhanced Theater support enabled Time Sensitive & Dynamic Targeting for OIF ~ 70% of all munitions used GPS Weather: NASA’s Aqua & DoD’s DMSP sats predicted March sandstorms, warning commanders and troops Missile Warning: Space IR systems detected ~1,493 provided missile events CSAR: Space enabled largest Joint Search and Rescue operations in history 55 missions, 73 people saved (Pvt. Lynch rescue utilized ISR, UAVs linked by SATCOM) SATCOM: ATO transmissions over MILSTAR took 6 sec; air delivered in Gulf War ~750 Tomahawk missile updates were transmitted via SATCOM Communications capacity increased from 100 megabits to 2.6 gigabits; commercial satellites provided 80% bandwidth ISR: 24/7 coverage enabled 116 C4I targets, including 10 media facilities Intent: Punctuate warfighter’s reliance on space with OIF stats on space use Sources: (U) CENTAF OIF By the Numbers report (U) Weather: “Technology Goes to War,” Electronic Engineering Times, April 14th, 2003. (U) SATCOM: “WAR IN IRAQ,” Aviation Weekly, June 9th 2003, Vol. 158, No. 17; Pg. 50 (U) Pvt Lynch & Tomahawk facts: “War in Iraq,” Aviation Week,June 9th 2003, Vol. 158, No. 23; Pg. 44 Space Systems Are Now an Accepted, Proven and Mandatory Element of National Military Power
Space C2 Capabilities are Fragmentary and Ad Hoc
TBMCS GCCS SBMCS CCIC2S GCSS “The AF must restructure the way C2 programs are managed and resourced” (USAF SAB, May 2001)
Operational Command Flow for Space Forces
CDR USSTRATCOM CDR JFCC SGS CDRJSO Direct Support CAOC AOR Tactical Units JSTO COCOM OPCON TACON JFC Space Effects Theater B Theater A JSpOC During the 2004 VMOC out brief and a TacSat-2 briefing, MGen Hamel asked who is controlling the data food fight on the tactical assets? The answer was no one. When MGen Hamel asked what an S-T-O would look like for a new asset like TacSat, the answer was very different from today. With that in mind, MGen requested that we begin to bound the questions that need to be asked and form the basic ConOp for how we would answer the questions. The outcome was the 2005 Space Apportionment For Effect (SAFE) demonstration. At its core is the new Space Apportionment VMOC, fielded by GD, in the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC). It provides the 14 Air Force JSpOC the tools to begin addressing how to globally manage satellite utilization in support of theater operations. The SA VMOC tool set includes the Vehicle Analysis and Simulation Tool (VAST) and the Multi Mission Planning and Control System (MMPCS), which allows the JSpOC to fly the missions in future time to de-conflict requirements and maximize the space effects. Once satisfied, the VMOC can release the Space Tasking Order for implementation. The SAFE demonstration is not designed to tackle the complete set of heritage MilSatCom systems, but to focus on the new Joint Warfighting Space TacSats and the DSCS IIIA Test and Checkout (TACO) assets. It is hoped that the SAFE demonstration will allow the 14AF to answer the questions MGen asked, and begin to automate the S-T-O process. Recent Componency Changes Increase the Challenge for C2 of Space Forces in providing space effects at the timing and tempo needed by the Theater
JFCC SGS Distributed Operations
Summary of the Need Capability to gain and maintain situation awareness of all space related activities Capability to plan, task, and direct space forces to provide timely effects in support of the warfighter Net centricity Service Oriented Architecture JC2 interoperability requirements
Overview The Challenge - Synchronizing Global & Theater Space Effects to the Combatant Commander, Satisfying Timing & Tempo Needs The Solution – a Space C2 Weapon System Implementation Strategy Bottom Line Sir, our agenda for today.
Space C2 WS Defined Functions are an arrangement of…. Facilities
The Space C2 WS is the means for commanders to exercise authority and direction over assigned and attached forces to carry out joint space operations (CC Intent & Feedback) Space C2 functions are performed to allow a commander to plan, direct, coordinate and control operations of assigned forces Functions are an arrangement of…. Facilities Equipment Communications Procedures Personnel Training Sustainment (Joint Pub 1-2) General, you have seen this before but this is just a re-baselining (Start) First the OV-1 reflects in whole the Space portion—what we intend to C2 (Build 1) The C2 definition is reflective of the Joint & AFDD definition of C2 as flavored by space efforts (Build 2) Additionally, the WS is executed through the functions and arrangement of facilities, equipment, comms, procedures, personnel, training, and sustainment.
Space C2 WS Employs NC SOA, shared with SSA Community
GIG Status and Tasking Status and Tasking Tasking and Mission Data Space Superiority Assured Access Global Surveillance Targeting and Tracking (GSTT) Global Information Services (GIS) SSA OCS DCS Other Services e.g., Value Added Processing DB DB DB DB DB Space C2 Services eg. Space Tasking SSA Services eg. Sensor Tasking, Fusion Core Enterprise Services (Service Discovery. Data Discovery, Security, etc.) Other UDOPs SSA UDOP Key Source Space C2 UDOP
Space C2 Weapon System – Systems
GIG Status and Tasking Status and Tasking Tasking and Mission Data Space Superiority Assured Access Global Surveillance Targeting and Tracking (GSTT) Global Information Services (GIS) SSA OCS DCS Space Control Center Space Surveillance Network and sensor sites Space Based sensors DCS systems OCS systems Satellite Operations Range Assets Launch Systems Missile Warning Space Based Ground Based Space Radar Comm Wideband Protected Narrowband Broadcast Environmental Timing & Navigation Blue Force Tracking Other Services e.g., Value Added Processing DB DB DB DB DB Space C2 Services eg. Space Tasking SSA Services eg. Sensor Tasking, Fusion Core Enterprise Services (Service Discovery. Data Discovery, Security, etc.) Other UDOPs Includes liaison/coordination with National/Civil/Commercial/Allied Spaced Assets SSA UDOP Key Source Space C2 UDOP
Space C2 Weapon System – Types of Information
GIG Status and Tasking Status and Tasking Tasking and Mission Data System Effects (GETS, CV) Counterspace taskings Collision avoidance maneuvers Maintenance schedule direction SCC priorities, Launch calls Space Superiority Constellation / system health & status Maintenance & launch schedules EW/RFI Capability predictions by time or region In-space events: Conjunctions, NFLs, Maneuvers, Re-entries, etc. Feedback & Assessments (COAs, CC’s Intent Assured Access Global Surveillance Targeting and Tracking (GSTT) Global Information Services (GIS) SSA OCS DCS Other Services e.g., Value Added Processing DB DB DB DB DB Space C2 Services eg. Space Tasking SSA Services eg. Sensor Tasking, Fusion Core Enterprise Services (Service Discovery. Data Discovery, Security, etc.) Other UDOPs SSA UDOP Key Source Space C2 UDOP
Space C2 Weapon System Initially Focused on Two Key Processes
ENABLE SPACE TASKING CYCLE Continuous Flexible process to produce: Space Ops Directive: Strategies Priorities Master Space Plan: Asset-to-Task Resource Allocation Space Tasking Order (S-T-O) Apply CDRJSO & Combatant Commanders’ Intent, Priorities & Objectives, ROE, ATO/SPINS MAINTAIN INTEGRATED SPACE PICTURE Events in the Medium of Space: Conjunctions, Maneuvers, NFLs, Payload assessment, Red/Gray Space Order of Battle Space environment assessment & projections Blue space asset status and projections Constellation / system health & status Maintenance & launch schedules Capability predictions by time or region All said, this slide re-emphasizes that for the purposes of establishing the WS, our initial efforts will stem from the operational level and will focus on the Space Tasking Cycle and the integrated space picture. The Space Tasking Cycle is a continuous, flexible process that applies CC Intent and objectives to provide the Space Tasking Order among other things The ISP is the process of depicting what we could refer to as the Space COP plus—not only displaying the medium of space and what is in it, but also the capabilities of assets reflected in the space picture This is not the WS in total, it is what we are using to “jumpstart” the WS
Falconer AOC vs JSpOC Core Process
Executes Joint Targeting Cycle Strategy-to-task process Effects-based operations Requires internal & external coordination Some activities span more than a single tasking cycle 24/7 operations (when activated) Supports coalition operations Operations planned at multiple security level Intel critical throughout Theater responsibilities Single COCOM focus Crisis operations Up to taskings per ATO Assets assigned/attached for single theater support Joint Space Operations Center Executes Joint Targeting Cycle Strategy-to-task process Effects-based operations Requires internal & external coordination Some activities span more than a single tasking cycle 24/7 operations Supports coalition operations Operations planned at multiple security levels Intel critical throughout Global responsibilities balanced w/ theaters’ support requirements Services National, DoD, Civil and foreign customers Peacetime and crisis operations coexist and support integrated globally Average ~25 taskings per S-T-O Assets are global requiring deconfliction across battlespace DIFFERENCES SIMILARITIES
Space C2 WS Development Approach
Incremental Steps towards Comprehensive Net-Centric Space C2 WS SBMCS Worldwide system and web client users NAV ACC, AOF, Look Angles (LA), Mission Critical Reporting System (MCRS), Automated Warning Capability Full ISP Full S-T-O Automation Sp C2 WS Block X Initial ISP GIS ISP SSA ISP Master Space Plan Automation Sp C2 WS Global View (CJMTK) Space OB DSCS Data SIRS MCRS SISP 1.0 Global View (ICSF) MCRS SIRS SISP Prototype AOF MCRS SBMCS
Space C2 WS Development Approach
Incremental Steps towards Comprehensive Net-Centric Space C2 WS SISP Prototype Initial developmental effort to consolidate dispersed information into a single integrated picture Global Status View, Mission Critical Reporting System (MCRS) Alerts, SATCOM Interference Reporting System (SIRS) Alerts, RFI Geo-location data, SATCOM User Information Full ISP Full S-T-O Automation Sp C2 WS Block X Initial ISP GIS ISP SSA ISP Master Space Plan Automation Sp C2 WS Global View (CJMTK) Space OB DSCS Data SIRS MCRS SISP 1.0 Global View (ICSF) MCRS SIRS SISP Prototype AOF MCRS SBMCS
Space C2 WS Development Approach
Incremental Steps towards Comprehensive Net-Centric Space C2 WS SISP 1.0 Net-centric SOA system development, New Web Services for Simple Access, NAV ACC, AOF, Look Angles (LA), Combined AOF & LA, HF Propagation, Sat Cat, Space Support Request, S-T-O, Mission Critical Reporting System (MCRS) Full ISP Full S-T-O Automation Sp C2 WS Block X Initial ISP GIS ISP SSA ISP Master Space Plan Automation Sp C2 WS Global View (CJMTK) Space OB DSCS Data SIRS MCRS SISP 1.0 Global View (ICSF) MCRS SIRS SISP Prototype AOF MCRS SBMCS
Space C2 WS Development Approach
Incremental Steps towards Comprehensive Net-Centric Space C2 WS Sp C2 WS Initial Space C2 Weapon System capability providing an integrated command and control system Integrated Space Picture, Space Tasking Order Development tool Full ISP Full S-T-O Automation Sp C2 WS Block X ISP GIS ISP SSA ISP Master Space Plan Automation Sp C2 WS Global View (CJMTK) Space OB DSCS Data SIRS MCRS SISP 1.0 Global View (ICSF) MCRS SIRS SISP Prototype AOF MCRS SBMCS
Space C2 WS Development Approach
Incremental Steps towards Comprehensive Net-Centric Space C2 WS Sp C2 WS Block X Net-centric Service Oriented Architecture capability, Expanded space data access, fully capable Integrated Space Picture, Space Tasking Order Automation, Robust Strategy-to-Task Tool Full ISP Full S-T-O Automation Sp C2 WS Block X ISP GIS ISP SSA ISP Master Space Plan Automation Sp C2 WS Global View (CJMTK) Space OB DSCS Data SIRS MCRS SISP 1.0 Global View (ICSF) MCRS SIRS SISP Prototype AOF MCRS SBMCS
Space C2 WS Way Ahead HPT Periodic Reviews Team Effort
FY 06 FY 07 Enabling Concept 3 Ltr Coord Periodic Reviews 2 Ltr Coord Final Org Construct Proposal Stand-up 6 month review C2 Int in all Sp Programs, Documents updates, etc. Vision 2.0 Cost Est Group AFSPC Appr FY 08 POM Defend HQAF HQ AF, STRATCOM, AS2ISRC, ISAG, etc. Advocacy C2 SSA COI Pilot Development -SISP 1.0 -Prototype -SpC2S 10.1 -Other Efforts -SpC2S 20 CDR FDE Field Team Effort 18 Core Members/25 Augmentees AOs=Daily / O-6s=Weekly / GOs=Bi-weekly Advocacy Who & When defined; What being tweaked ISAG Lead first target Management Organization Initial Champion Final decision point Integrated Roadmap Dev Eval/Exercise Dev Eval/Exercise Field Automate Integrated Space Picture, Automate S-T-O Process JSpOC Baseline, SCTD, GPS Interface, SBIRS Tasker, Deconfliction, COI Pilot, JSpOC-X, RAIDRS Initial Planning Refinement Execution Prep CC Updates June July Aug Sep Oct Jan 06 Apr Jul Oct Jan 07 Apr Jul Oct Jan 08
Overview The Challenge - Synchronizing Global & Theater Space Effects to the Combatant Commander, Satisfying Timing & Tempo Needs The Solution – a Space C2 Weapon System Bottom Line Sir, our agenda for today.
Benefits – Bottom Lines
NC is cool, will bring good things to all mankind Syncronization of timing/tempo/effects enables Space to exponentially improve how it supports theater
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