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2009 RWJF Synergy Workshop Institute of Medicine Washington DC June 18-19.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 RWJF Synergy Workshop Institute of Medicine Washington DC June 18-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 RWJF Synergy Workshop Institute of Medicine Washington DC June 18-19

2 Success Inside the Beltway Understanding the Drivers Who’s Who in the Iron Triangle of Health Policy Strategies for Success

3 The Environment Economy Mounting Federal Deficit Politics  Democrat Control of the White House  Democrat Control of the Congress  President’s Popularity Science

4 Health Care Priorities ↓Uninsured Cost Containment ↑  Aligning Incentives for ↑ value and ↓ cost Food and Drug Safety ↑Prevention  Tobacco Use  Obesity Workforce

5 Who Makes Federal Policy? Administration Congress Interest Groups

6 The Administration Executive Office of the President Office of Domestic Policy Office of Management and Budget

7 Administration Health and Human Services Veterans Affairs Defense

8 ADMINISTRATION Health and Human Services  Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services  National Institutes of Health

9 HHS  Food and Drug Administration  Health Resources and Services Administration  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services  Centers for Disease Control  Indian Health Service

10 The Congress Senate Majority Leader Speaker of the House

11 Senate Committees Finance Health, Education, Labor and Pension Appropriations

12 House Ways and Means Energy and Commerce Education and Labor Appropriations

13 Voluntary Health Associations American Heart Association American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association Paralyzed Veterans of America National Alliance Mentally Ill March of Dimes

14 Trade Associations America’s Health Insurance Plans American Hospital Association Association of American Medical Colleges Federation of American Health Systems Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association ADVAMED

15 Professional Societies American Medical Association National Medical Association American Nurses Association American Pharmacists Association American Trial Lawyers Association

16 Academia/Think Tanks Every University Center for American Progress Heritiage Cato Urban Institute New America Foundation Brookings Institute


18 Other Major Stakeholders AARP Families USA National Governors Association National Conference of State Legislators

19 Secrets to Success Academics vs Politicians

20 Thought Processes Scientific  Problem Statement  Literature Search  Methods  Data Analysis  Results  Limitations  Summary and Conclusions Political  The issue  Current Law  Positions The member The party Relevant Stakeholders Budget Impact and Distribution Staff recommendation

21 Values Academic  Publish or Perish  A Mile Deep  Peer Review  Teaching  Research/Grants  Department  Endowed Chair  Tenure The Hill  The Power of the Press  A Mile Wide  Public opinion  Meet and Greet  Fundraising  Jurisdiction (A/B)  Committee Chair  Reelection


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