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The Principles of the United States Constitution.

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2 The Principles of the United States Constitution

3 I. Popular Sovereignty  The people hold the ultimate authority  A representative democracy lets the people elect leaders to make decisions for them.  Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell and Jay Inslee are our elected officials in Congress

4 II. Limited Government  Framers wanted to guard against tyranny  Government is limited to the power given them in the Constitution.  The Constitution tells how leaders who overstep their power can be removed  Government must adhere to the law

5 III. Federalism  The division of power between State and National Governments  Some powers are shared  The National Government has the “ supreme power ”

6 IV. Separation of Powers  No one holds “ too much ” power  Legislative branch makes the laws  Executive branch carries out the laws  Legislative branch interprets the laws

7 Legislative Branch  Senate and House of Representatives  Make our laws  Appropriate Money  Regulate Immigration  Establish Post Offices and Roads  Regulate Interstate Commerce and Transportation  Declare War

8 Executive Branch  The President of the United States  Chief Executive  Chief of State  Chief Legislator  Commander in Chief

9 Judicial Branch  Supreme Court and other Federal Courts  Preserve and protect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution  Considers cases involving national laws  Declares laws and acts “ unconstitutional ”

10 V. Checks and Balances  Prevents the abuse of power in government  Each branch can check each other branch

11 Executive Checks  Propose laws to Congress  Veto laws made by Congress  Negotiate foreign treaties  Appoint federal judges  Grant pardons to federal offenders

12 Legislative Checks  Override president ’ s veto  Ratify treaties  Confirm executive appointments  Impeach federal officers and judges  Create and dissolve lower federal courts

13 Judicial Checks  Declare executive acts unconstitutional  Declare laws unconstitutional  Declare acts of Congress unconstitutional  The Supreme Court holds the final check

14 Article II Section 1  Which branch of the government is established by Article II?  Executive  The President’s term in office is ______ years? 44  Which amendment regulates the President’s term in office?  22

15 Article II Con’t.  How many consecutive terms can a President serve? 22  Maximum number of years a President can serve  10  Who actually votes for the President?  Electoral College

16 Article II  How many electors is each state granted?  Equal to the number of representatives plus two senators  How many electors does Washington state have?  12 for the first time! (2012 election)

17 Article II 

18 Article II  Name three qualifications that must be met in order to be elected President  Natural born citizen  Resident of the US for at least 14 years  At least 35 years old

19 Article II--Presidential Succession  Vice President (Joseph Biden)  Speaker of the House (John Boehner)  President ProTempore (Daniel Inouye)  Secretary of State (Hilary Clinton)  Secretary of Treasury (Timothy Geithner)  Secretary of Defense (Leon Panetta)

20 Article II--Presidential Succession  How is this order determined?  In the order the department was established  Attorney General  Secretary of the Interior  Secretary of Agriculture  Secretary of Commerce  Secretary of Labor  Secretary of Health and Human Services

21 Article II Presidential succession  Secretary of Health and Human Services  Secretary of Energy  Secretary of Education  Secretary of Transportation  Secretary of Veterans Affairs  Secretary of Housing and Urban Development  Secretary of Homeland Security

22 Article II  According to the 25 th amendment, what happens if the office of Vice President becomes vacant?  President names a new VP  Both houses of Congress must approve

23 Article II  What two processes are set up to allow the President to temporarily step aside?  Pres. sends note to Speaker of the House and Pres. Pro Tempore stating he/she is unable to perform duties  VP and majority of cabinet address Congress and say President is unable to perform duties

24 Article II  On what date is the President sworn into office?  January 20 th  What was the date before the 20 th amendment changed it?  March 4 rth  This is called the LAME DUCK amendment

25 Article II Section 2  The President is the “Commander in Chief” of ____ ?_____  All armed forces  The President has the power to grant reprieves and Pardons for offenses Legal forgiveness Delay the execution of a sentence


27 Advice and Consent  President has the power with advice and consent of Senate to do the following:  Make treaties  Appoint ambassadors and public ministers  Appoint justices to the Supreme court  Appoint other officers not provided for in the constitution

28 Senatorial Courtesy  If the President is making an appointment, he will first talk to the senators from that state to get approval

29 Article II  What fraction must approve a treaty?  2/3  What fraction must approve all other appointments?  Simple majority (51%)

30 Duties of the President  State of the Union address; propose new legislation  Call congress together in emergencies, convene and adjourn Congress  Receive Ambassadors and Public Ministers  Execute the laws of the US

31 Article II  On what charges can a President be impeached?  Treason, bribery, federal crimes and misdemeanors

32 Article III  Which branch is established?  Judicial  Judicial power is vested in one supreme court and in lower (inferior) courts as Congress shall ordain and establish  Judges serve for how long?  Life in “good behavior”  Highest court in the land?  US Supreme court

33 Article III  How many justices on the Supreme Court? 99  Who determines this?  Congress  Current Chief Justice  John Roberts (Bush 2005)  First African American  Thurgood Marshall

34 Article III  First female Justice?  Sandra Day O’Connor  Newest Justice  Elena Kagan (Obama 2010)  Who appoints Justices?  President  How long do they hold office?  For life

35 Court System  Jurisdiction:  The power to hear a given case (area of authority)  Original jurisdiction:  The lowest level at which a case may be heard. It is a trail court where facts and evidence are decided.

36 Court system  What court has original jurisdiction in most federal cases?  US district court  Appellate Jurisdiction  A higher court that can decide whether the law was correctly applied in a given case.

37 Article IV ”Full faith and Credit Clause” Each state must honor and accept legal proceedings of every other state For example: Marriages Divorces Court orders

38 Extradition  Legal order requesting one state to turn over a fugitive wanted in another state

39 Article V  Whenever 2/3 of Congress thinks it is necessary, they may suggest changes to the Constitution. When 2/3 of states asks them to, Congress shall call a convention to suggest amendments. Proposed amendments n=must have approval of ¾ of states legislatures or conventions of ¾ of states to become part of the Constitution.

40 Article VI  National Supremacy:  The Constitution, the laws passed by Congress and our treaties shall be the Supreme law of the land.  Judges in every state must make their decision according to this law, even if their own constitution and laws disagree.

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