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Open Data Kit and Other Technologies Use of Java in the Third World Steven M. Lewis PhD

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Presentation on theme: "Open Data Kit and Other Technologies Use of Java in the Third World Steven M. Lewis PhD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Data Kit and Other Technologies Use of Java in the Third World Steven M. Lewis PhD

2 Computation and the Third World Information technology has changed our lives That technology has not penetrated the third world to the extent that if penetrates out lives The constraints of developing for the third world are different

3 Challenges for the Third World Connectivity cannot be assumed. Power cannot be assumed Services cannot be assumed Money is a huge issue Literacy cannot be assumed

4 Connectivity cannot be assumed Many Villages are not wired Wireless may be the only communications Even this may be unreliable

5 Power cannot be assumed Power may not be available Even when available it may not be reliable

6 Services Cannot Be Assumed Systems placed in villages will not be maintained Parts will not be available The knowledge to repair any issues cannot be assumed

7 Money is a huge issue The cost of a laptop is more than the average yearly income in many countries In India a cell phone can be bought for $12 A village might have a single cell phone

8 Literacy Cannot be assumed

9 What Device is going to have Impact in the third world? ?? ?

10 Cell Phone Advantages Very Portable Cheap and getting cheaper Solves problems with intermittent and rarely available power Automatically solve the problem of connectivity Is sealed, self contained, rugged and very reliable

11 Moral - Today we talk about mobile devices as the wave of the future. In the third world they are the only widely available computing platform Effective solutions today need to consider the cell phone as the primary platform.

12 Problem – Matching Fish to Markets on the India Coast Problem – Fishermen in India can deliver their fish to one of several markets If a market has more fisherman than buyers, the price for fish will be very low If there are few fisherman and many then the price will be high

13 Spread of Cell Phones

14 Effect of Cell Phones on Fish Prices


16 Moving Away from Paper

17 Community Health Workers 17 Must bring health care to people First line of defense Routine, regular home visits Know their community Eyes and ears for local health Provide education for best practices

18 Current methods 18 Little, if any, supervision Paper-based forms – ad hoc design Long time-lag to usable data No historical data

19 Our Goals 19 Standardization of data Rapid data aggregation and analysis Supervision of CHWs Connection to health records (OpenMRS) CHW + phone => Flexible, efficient platform for: Better home care (checklists, protocols, etc) New outreach programs Outbreak detection Improved disease surveillance

20 Open Data Kit Open-source data collection tool kit Collaboration between Google & UWashington Forms + GPS + Picture + Barcode + Audio + Video … Initially targeted at public health applications Current deployments in Uganda and Kenya  20

21 Open Data Kit Toolset Collect – Android client for data entry Aggregate – App Engine server for data collection Submit – multi-transport layer async data transfer Manage – remote management tools for config Tasks – assignment of tasks to specific workers DB – connect forms to existing DBs for browse/update Viz – visualization of data on graphs/maps Super – supervisory dashboard for mobile supervisors Planner – day planning tools for workers SMS – communication/notification with community 21

22 Open Standards –in Java Xforms – W3C Same data collection forms can run on any platform Standard HTTP client/server APIs Allows for different server implementations Android Open source platform with multiple implementations by different vendors (HTC, Samsung, …) Example: DataDyne/Episurveyor & Open Data Kit Same forms (but different capabilities) Data can be submitted to either server Allows deployments to use mix of pl atforms 22

23 ODK Collect A tool build on top of XForms Using JavaRosa (XForms for Mobile Devices) for data collection and submission on the Android

24 What is XForms XForms is an XML standard developed by W3C for specifying Forms in XML Example Oberon forms

25 JavaRosa: XForms on Mobile Devices JavaRosa Supports a supports a subset of the xform standardxform standard Questions are asked one per screen Supports many phones Written in Java ME

26 Open Data Kit- ODK Collect Android library written to support JavaRosa Forms. Supports Standard Types – text, number date, select, multiselect Supports Bar Code, Picture, GPS inputs Supports upload to a server running ODK Aggregate

27 A Little About The Android

28 Android should be on Java Developer's Radar Its native language is Java It supports full JDK 1.6 The platform is open source Well known tools such as Eclipse and IntelliJ have Android plug-ins Application distribution is much less controlled Build it and they will come!

29 ODK Form demonstration






35 Form Elements Language Section Define Keys for all Supported Languages Instance Section Define Structure of the data Binding Section Annotate requirements Define Conditions Input Section Define Controls

36 Language Section Male Female Sex M�nnlich Weiblich Sex

37 An Aside on Translation Google has a very nice API for translation Machine translation is good for a first cut Is also good for field use where a translation is needed and not translator is available Automatic tools to add needed entries to multiple language bundles are easy and worthwhile. My tools build the language section from language bundles

38 Translate Code import; import; public static final String WEB_SITE = ""; public String[] translate(String[] input, Language from, Language to) throws Exception { Translate.setHttpReferrer(WEB_SITE ); System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "proxy"); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080"); return Translate.execute(input, from, to); }

39 Instance Section...

40 Binding Section

41 Input Section Male Female...

42 Tools PurcFormsPurcForms a GWT based tool for editing XForms ODK Forms DesignerODK Forms Designer a GWT tool specifically targetted to ODK Annotation Based Generator

43 ODK Aggregate Infrastructure for Storing results Build on top of Google App Engine Demo

44 Deployments 44 Kenya HIV, 300 CHWs Tanzania e-IMCI, 5 clinicians


46 Sample Applications





51 Crisis Management - Haiti

52 Person Finder Demo

53 Person Finder Results

54 Other Applications

55 Open MRS

56 Patient Search

57 Open MRS Demo

58 I-Tech I-Tech (International Training and Education Center for Health Health Workforce Development Operations Research and Evaluation Prevention, Care, and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Health Systems Strengthening

59 Where is the Java? MRS and LIMS “In every country where I-TECH works, health needs and program goals are best met when local laboratories and services are reliable, consistent, and readily available.” Electronic Medical Record Systems (MRS) Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) [ systems-strengthening/laboratory-systems- strengthening/laboratory-systems-strengthening ] systems-strengthening/laboratory-systems- strengthening/laboratory-systems-strengthening

60 Summary In the first world the cell phone is the wave of the future In the third world the cell phone is currently the main line computing device. Cell phones can make a huge difference in the absence of viable alternatives. The University of Washington has a very active program in this area

61 Getting Involved Work with the CHANGE group at the University of Washington Subscribe to the developers mailing lists for ODK and JavaRosa Contribute time and code.

62 Project Links Open Data Kit Open MRS University of Washington Change Center Crisis Mappers


64 ODK Use

65 Demo

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