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SAICM: A Business and Industry Perspective Paul Sykes, ICCA CSD-18 Learning Centre, May 5 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SAICM: A Business and Industry Perspective Paul Sykes, ICCA CSD-18 Learning Centre, May 5 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAICM: A Business and Industry Perspective Paul Sykes, ICCA CSD-18 Learning Centre, May 5 2010

2 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Societal evolution – Towards Sound Management 50 years of evolution: From Chemical Safety to Product Stewardship 2002 WSSD (World Summit on Sustainable Development), Johannesburg – sets 2020 goal 2006 Responsible Care Global Charter & Global Product Strategy 1972 Global Environmental Conference, Stockholm  creation of UNEP 1985 Responsible Care 1992 Rio Earth Summit  Agenda 21 2006 ICCM-1, Dubai Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) 2020 goal Safer Chemicals Management

3 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) ICCA and SAICM The private sector is an active stakeholder in SAICM, and committed to implementation of the 2020 goal. By 2020, through a combination of voluntary and regulatory initiatives, ICCA will have:  Established a base set of hazard and exposure information adequate to conduct safety assessments for chemicals in commerce  Improved global industry capacity to implement best practices in risk assessment and chemicals management, especially in developing countries  Shared relevant product information with co-producers, governments and the public  Worked across the value chain so that suppliers and customers can effectively evaluate risks and enhance their performance

4 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) ICCA voluntary initiatives Global Product Strategy - To increase public and stakeholder awareness and confidence that chemicals in commerce are safely managed throughout their lifecycle Responsible Care® - Commitment to improve health, safety and environmental performance, to advance sustainable development, and to communicate with stakeholders High production Volume Chemicals - Global, voluntary cooperative effort by our industry to provide data and hazard assessments for approximately 1,000 HPV chemicals Long-range Research Initiative - To enable industry, regulators and society as a whole to make informed decisions about chemicals based on high quality scientific information

5 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Why does the chemical industry need a Global Product Strategy (GPS) ? Need to improve product stewardship/product safety performance in the global industry and, in turn, to improve public confidence in chemicals. Globalization of markets requires improved harmonization of chemical management systems at national, regional and worldwide level. A harmonized global standard would improve environmental and health protection throughout the value chain, including consumers. Differences in national regulatory requirements lead to increase in costs / time and to distortions in international competition and trade restrictions. GPS is a best practice example which can serve as a basis for the revision of existing and new regulations, particularly in developing countries. GPS fulfils the requirements of a modern chemical management system.

6 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Global Product Strategy - Contribution to SAICM

7 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) GPS – Leverage and Build Upon Existing Work Global Product Strategy (GPS) Globally consistent approach that accommodates national, historical, cultural and regulatory differences  Voluntary initiatives Responsible Care ICCA HPV Base Set of Information OECD / SIDS LRI etc.  Regulatory initiatives EU REACH US TSCA US ChAMP Canadian DSL Japan CSR GHS etc.  Cooperation UNEP UNIDO OECD NGOs ICCA internal etc.

8 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) GPS Implementation through to 2020

9 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) A base set of information is needed to perform a credible job on the GPS safety assessment Similar to the US EPA and ICCA High Production Volume chemical programs concept. Helpful to companies that lack expertise -- permits gaps to be filled through alternatives to animal testing The "base set" constitutes a best practice for the industry, helps to shape management systems in developing countries Improve Industry performance – Base Set of Information

10 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) The target audience are developing regions and small and medium sized companies with no or very limited experience in risk assessment and related methodologies Our goal was to come up with an easy to use step wise process leading to understandable risk assessment as a first step to bridge gaps in current performance. Based on the comments from a pilot project we’ve decreased the level of details from the first version and instead referenced other sources of in depth expertise to keep it simple and straightforward. The guidance has its limitations, it will be a living document to be updated / improved in the years to come based on the feedback we will receive of the companies using it. Improve performance – Risk Assessment Guidance

11 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) 2008 2009 2010 ICCA Capacity Building Workshops In cooperation with associations, companies and in the EU partially sponsored by the EC Target SMEs Tools & Best Practices Train the Trainer

12 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) ICCA GPS / REACH / PS Workshops

13 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Ongoing Contribution to SAICM Implementation GPS and Responsible Care are a significant contribution of industry resources, but only part of the picture. ICCA is also:  Partnering with UNEP on specific projects that contribute to SAICM implementation (e.g. retiree project)  An active participant in intersessional SAICM work (e.g. chemicals in products, nanotechnology)  Committed to publicly reporting progress against SAICM reporting parameters – will submit initial baseline report in next few weeks  Seeking new ways to engage with other SAICM stakeholders (e.g. NGOs) on projects to advance SAICM objectives.

14 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Upcoming events - broader focus on sustainability Chemicals are one of five focal areas for the 2010-2011 cycle of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). Brazil will host the “Rio+20” global sustainable development summit in 2012 (a follow up to the Rio Earth Summit and WSSD) ICCA will participate actively and highlight industry’s contributions to sustainable development Focus on Responsible Care ® as ICCA’s commitment to sustainability Highlight industry’s role as a “solutions provider” through products such as green building materials, solar panels, insulation, etc. Emphasize the industry’s contribution to GHG emissions savings Provide sustainable solutions for other sectors, e.g. transport, waste, …

15 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Conclusion Increasingly crowded international agenda for international chemicals policy ICCA recognizes the importance of these forums and the need for the global chemical industry to play an active role ICCA remains committed to achieving the 2020 goal, and supports the further strengthening of SAICM to achieve this objective Responsible Care® and the Global Product Strategy will remain the cornerstone of the industry’s efforts The global chemical industry has a critical contribution to make in enhancing sustainability and sustainable development worldwide.

16 Chemicals Policy and Health (CP&H) Thank you!

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