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Harry Klodowski—Pittsburgh—Allegheny Mountain Section 724-940-4000.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Klodowski—Pittsburgh—Allegheny Mountain Section 724-940-4000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Klodowski—Pittsburgh—Allegheny Mountain Section 724-940-4000

2 What You Need to Know to Run a Section or Chapter 1. What are the rules? 2. What does the S&C Council do for you? 3. How does A&WMA HQ help Local Units?

3 What Does the S&C Council Do for You? Operational Purpose of the S&C Council: 1. Help Sections & Chapters Improve Delivery of Benefits to Members 2. Communicate Local Unit Concerns to/from BOARD and Staff 3. Help the Association Remain in Business

4 S&CC ACTIVITES Train Volunteers to Manage Better Improve Quality & Number of Programs Increase Membership Improve Communications Among Volunteer Leaders

5 What Makes a Good Section or Chapter? Programs Communication Membership

6 What We Offer Professional Education New Requirements or Skills Continuing Education & News Live and Internet Programs Information Networking Communication Career Services Personal, Professional, & Community Improvement

7 Sections & Chapters Council Committees Annual Reports & Awards Committee Section & Chapter Annual Reports due in Spring every year. April 1, 2014 for 2013. 2013 Report login citation Annual “Minasian” Award for Best Performing Sections Annual “Chapter Cup” Award for Best Performing Chapter Awards now go to top 20 th percentile Possibly 6 Sections Possibly 12 Chapters

8 Why Annual Reports 1 Many Independent Volunteer Units (Sections & Chapters) Major Means of Communication HQ to Locals (The Questions) Coordinate Efforts between HQ—Locals Information Exchange between Sections & Chapters Locals to Headquarters (The Answers)

9 Why Annual Reports 2 Minasian Awards Chapter Cup Awards D&O Insurance Evaluation of Health of Various Programs, and Local Units

10 Why Annual Reports 3 Local Units Deliver Member Services! 6,667 People attended 230 Section or Chapter Programs in 2011, 279+ Local Programs 18 Section Annual Meetings in 2012 (More than A&WMA?) $124,900 in 40 Scholarships Awarded by Sections & Chapters in 2011, $183,430 in 2012 (Five times “HQ” Scholarship Awards)

11 If You Don’t File The Annual Report Not Eligible for Section & Chapter Performance Awards Sections—No Section Fees No D&O Insurance Not Part of the Volunteer Community! (Information is Used by Other Sections & Chapters too)

12 2013 Annual Report Deadlines ChaptersApril 1, 2014 SectionsApril 1, 2014 We will be encouraging all Sections and Chapters to file reports

13 Questions On Annual Reports 1. Mohan Balagopalan—LA—West Coast Section 2. Kim Marcus—Portland—PNWIS 3. Greg Johnson—New Orleans—Louisiana Section 4. Harry Klodowski—Pittsburgh—Allegheny Mountain Section

14 Sections & Chapters Council Committees Communications Committee The “Conduit” Newsletter Four times a year? Samples are in your materials Help Wanted—Editor in Training (20 hours/year)—Three article writers (12 hours/year) AWMA Sections & Chapters Council on Linkedin Keep up with the latest events! Subgroup for webmasters and newsletter editors The Website “Under Construction” New Committee Vice Chair wanted?

15 Sections & Chapters Council Committees Governance, Legal, Finance Committee Provide Assistance to Local Units on Organizational requirements Finance & accounting basics Legal questions Interpret and update the S&C Council Manual of Operations

16 Governance Model Bylaws Section Chapter Student Chapter Review Petitions for New Sections, Chapters, Student Chapters

17 Sections & Chapters Council Committees Leadership Training Leadership Academy “POSS” Volunteer Leadership Webinars (1-1.5 hours, free) Member Benefits Orientation Project/Video

18 2013 & 2014 POSS Webinars Feb & MarchOnline Annual Report System 3/20/13Membership Development 3/23/13Ethical Decisions for Professionals 7/17/13Effective Meetings 9/18/13Continuing Education Credits for Programs 11/20/13Membership Tools 2/11/14Online Annual Report System 3/13/14Local Unit Finance 101

19 Sections & Chapters Council Committees Vitality Committee Monitoring Activity of Sections, Chapters & Student Chapters Decharter Inactive Chapters (~4) Decharter Inactive Student Chapters (~30) Fix the Local Unit List on the Website Move Chapters to another Section or merge into a Section Help Establish Student Chapters (about 5 in formation)

20 Other Sections & Chapters Council Committees and Groups Membership Board Liaison Contacts Committee Local Associates Task Group

21 Awards to Sections or Chapters Minasian—Sections Chapter Cup Student Chapter Award??? Membership Performance Recognition Award


23 Membership Support Local Unit Lists in Member Reports Portal Current, New, Lapsed, Renewed Lists/Spreadsheets For each S&C For Specific Date Ranges Instructions Periodic Member Development Training—March & November 2013 (Webinar Recordings)

24 Membership Development Resources General Application & Half Page Brochure One Page Benefits of Membership Flyer Three Times a Year—Local Unit Membership Summaries (from HK) Student Student Trifold 2012 Student/Faculty Recruiting PowerPoint Graduation Gift 10 Tips by S&CC Young Professionals YP Trifold YP Benefits on USB “How To” Memo by YPAC

25 Membership Development Resources Part 2 Local Letters/Emails New Lapsed Renewed Prospect—Attended Program Newsletter/Website Advertisements Membership Categories Overview Organizational Membership Ad

26 Section Fees (Really Dues) $15 of $195 Individual Membership is a “Section Fee” collected by HQ Sliding amount based on cost of membership (E.g., Young Professional is $8, Organizational Submember, Student is $5) Paid to Sections, (Not Chapters*) Paid twice a year (October, April) Check goes to known Section Treasurer (if annual report filed) If Section does not report for 2 years, fee can go to Chapters who file reports

27 Local Event Price Differential A&WMA Members Must Get at Least a 25% Discount on Local Events “Local Members” are not A&WMA Members Do Not Give Away Member Benefits

28 The Member Directory Members—Including Local Officers Change/Update Your Own Contact Information on Member Database Ad for Newsletter/Website If you do not know how to use Member Database, I can demo it Best Practice—Every year, call or write to Members & confirm email!

29 A&WMA Membership How to Update Your Contact Information The A&WMA membership database allows you to update your contact information, such as phone number, email address and employer, on a self-service basis. The procedure is: 1. Go to 2. Select the “Log In” button at the upper right 3. Enter your member number and password (or follow the password help instructions) 4. Select “Membership” from the menu at the top of the page 5. Select “My Account” from the Member Services memo on the left of the page 6. To update your address or email address, select “Address” and “Edit” at the bottom of the “Address” page

30 Accounting Training/Support Treasurer 101

31 Program Assistance (Goes up to International Programs, Down to Chapters) Efficient Event Registration Training Exchange of Program Ideas, Speakers Program Development Task Force We Need Webinars!

32 Marketing of Local Events Listing on calendar (for example, Section Annual Meetings) Advertise Local Scholarship Programs

33 Insurance for Section & Chapter Board, Officers and Members Liability Directors & Officers

34 Local Elections HQ Can Support Your Local Election Survey Monkey Format You Provide “Ballot” Information on Candidates HQ Will Format, Send to Your Members by Email HQ Provides Results


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