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RT10-B Rail Flaw Detector An implementation of testing truck on a push cart.

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Presentation on theme: "RT10-B Rail Flaw Detector An implementation of testing truck on a push cart."— Presentation transcript:

1 RT10-B Rail Flaw Detector An implementation of testing truck on a push cart

2 10 Chanel Portable Rail Flaw Detector A-scan or B-scan, Recordable

3 OUTLINE n Wheel Probe n 10 Channel Scope n Features of the push cart mechanics n Replay of the test

4 Illustration of the wheel probe Total of 9 transducers, six 70 o, two 37.5 o, one zero degree

5 10 Channel Scope n Overview n B-scan n A-scan n Replay n Other Utilities (managing files, change time etc.)

6 10 Channel Scope -- Overview

7 n Both A-scan and B-scan are offered with B- scan as the recommended testing mode. n Continuously Recordable B-scan. n Built in Windows user interface for easy operation, icons commenting screen. n Continuously GPS tagging. The operation of the instrument is essentially like the operation of a high speed testing vehicle

8 10 Channel Scope -- Overview n 10 Channels, 9 of which is used for testing, one channel is used for hand verification of defect. n Frequency range: 2~5MHz n Repetition Rate: Driven by shaft encoder, 4mm/pulse. n Alarm: Threshold level adjustable, slope line detection, audible. n Recording range: >200 miles Tech Specification:

9 10 Channel Scope – B-scan n What is B-scan? B-scan is a two dimensional view of a scan of the rail. It uses horizontal axis as time, vertical axis as distance, the color of the pixel represent the amplitude of the signal. n Why B-scan better? B-scan is essentially stacking the A-scan wave form, it allows the operator to see the history of the scan.

10 10 Channel Scope – B-scan 12345 Zone 1: Forward and backward Gauge Side 70 channels Zone 2: Forward and backward center 70 channels Zone 3: Forward and backward Field side 70 channels Zone 4: Forward and backward 37.5 channels Zone 5: zero channel

11 10 Channel Scope – B-scan 3mm SDH 1 Zone 2345 Joints 3mm SDH Detail Fracture Icon milepost speed GPS Gain for each channel cyan square for alarm Some 3mm BHBs, see details next 3 rd slide

12 10 Channel Scope – B-scan 12345 Alarm Features: Slope line detection Cyan square indicated on the right Audible with different tone for different channel, 70 channel lowest, 37.5 channel higher, zero ever higher, LOB (loss of base) highest

13 Travel Direction Forward 37.5 beam Backward 37.5 beam Horizontal BHB is 5mm, rest BHB is 3mm Zero channel also indicates horizontal BHB, please note the shift of the white pixel,

14 10 Channel Scope – B-scan, defect input With the scan line on the indication, press the CR key on the panel, the milepost will be automatically added, make selections and press OK, icon will be added to the screen

15 10 Channel Scope – B-scan, structure input crossing joint bridge During B-scan, press number key 1, 2, 3, 4 will put crossing, joints, turn out and bridge icon on the screen and they are also recorded in the data file

16 10 Channel Scope – A-scan From the main menu, use ↓ and ↑ to highlight A-scan Single, press select key. A blank screen shows up. Press Start/Stop key to start A-scan single

17 10 Channel Scope – A-scan Gate Back wall echo Tire Rail Interface 10948 This is channel I Press key, then press + and – to adjust delay Press key, then press + and – to adjust gate width Press key, then press + and – to adjust threshold Press 1, 2, 3, …, 9 key to switch channel

18 10 Channel Scope – Utilities, managing files From the main menu, select Managing File, a list of files will be displayed, use ↓ and ↑ to highlight the desired file, press select key, a menu selection Copy, Delete, Replay, Cancel will pop up. Then again use ↓ and ↑ to make selection

19 10 Channel Scope – Utilities, managing files Copy: Copy file to thumb drive for archiving or replay the test in PC Delete: Remove the file from the instrument Replay: Replay the test on the instrument

20 10 Channel Scope – Utilities, Setup Unit From the main menu, select Setup Unit, a window with mile and kilometer displayed, use ↓ and ↑ to highlight the desired selection, press select key, the unit selected will be saved. The distance shown on the test will be based on the unit selected

21 10 Channel Scope – Utilities, Setup Clock From the main menu, select Setup Clock, a window with date and date displayed, use backspace key to delete old value and use number key to type in new number, use Tab key to move to next field. When done, make OK highlighted and press select key. New time value will be saved

22 10 Channel Scope – Utilities Restore Setting: default to factory setting Upgrade software: for now it is used for upgrade settings from a thumb drive Backup setting: Copy settings to a thumb drive

23 Features of the push cart mechanics n Flexible design allows easy testing on track and conveniently pushing on the ground n Flexible design allows testing on frog and switch n Flexible design allows the adjustment of the wheel probe to accommodate rail condition, tile adjustment and lateral adjustment.

24 Features of the push cart mechanics— wheel probe tilt adjustment Then push the base along the red arrow will tilt the wheel probe in one direction, push along the other red arrow will tilt the wheel probe in the opposite direction. Adjust the tilt to maximize the base reflection of channel 9. First Loose these four screws use hexagon wrench Base used to install the wheel probe on the push stick

25 Features of the push cart mechanics— wheel probe Lateral adjustment Then use hex driver to rotate the screw pointed by the red arrow to adjust the lateral of the wheel so as to maximize the base reflection of channel 9. Then tight the screw pointed by the yellow arrow. First Loose this screws use a hex driver

26 Features of the push cart mechanics—On and Off the rail track The push cart in the above picture is in its off track status, during testing, the walking part can be lifted up. To do so, step 1: pull the handle along red arrow, step 2: lift up along the yellow arrow 1

27 Features of the push cart mechanics—testing frog and switch Derail clamp To testing frog and switch, move the derail clamp out of latch and rotate up.

28 Replay the test in PC n Besides replay testing data in the instrument, testing data can also be transferred to PC using a thumb drive for replay on PC. n PC replay program allows printing and saving B- scan screen shot. n PC replay program also show a two dimensional chart with horizontal axis as testing time and vertical axis as milepost, thus it clearly shows one day testing plan.


30 Replay the test in PC In the above chart, the testing starts at 10:16:21 and milepost 207.869 and ends at 11:21:43 and milepost 210.264 for a total test of 2.395 mile. To review a particular section, use mouse left click starting point on the chart, a green line will be drawn on the chart. Use mouse right click the ending point on the chart, a red line will be drawn on the screen. Then click on start button, the selected section of the test will be replayed.

31 A typical data review screen on PC, bottom shows the testing time, testing speed, milepost, testing cart ID, date, track, GPS coordinate. The circled indication is a 20% detail fracture.

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