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Agenda Greek government and society Greek government and society Review for Quiz Review for Quiz.

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1 Agenda Greek government and society Greek government and society Review for Quiz Review for Quiz


3 A. Geography is very important in determining the way of life of the early Greeks. (Where you live affects how you live) 1. Peninsula – surrounded by the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian Seas. 2. Includes many islands within the Aegean and Ionian Seas. B. Because of the large amount of coastline – fishing, sailing and trading are major industries. C. Very attractive to traders from Egypt and the Fertile Crescent – exchange of goods and ideas. D. Geography did not encourage national unity – separate city- states instead of unified country.

4 A. Minoans 1. Lived on Crete in 2000 BCE. 2. Named for King Minos – who had a palace in the city of Knossos 3. Very advanced for their time – running water, frescoes, sculpture 4. Sailors and traders 5. Poor soil, therefore little agriculture. They had to trade for food. 6. 1628 BCE – volcanic eruption weakens Minoan civilization and it dies out.

5 B. Mycenaeans 1. Took over Crete circa 1400 BCE 2. Warriors. 3. Died out by 1200 BCE because of earthquakes and warfare. 4. Contributions included the development of written language called linear B – the earliest form of Greek writing used to keep all records.

6 A. Formed between 800 and 600 BCE. B. Called polis – and developed around a central fort. C. The polis included the fort, city, and surrounding villages which supplied food. D. Each city functioned independently – even competing with others. Included separate governments and economies. E. Most had a population under 10,000 – including slaves and non-citizens (women and foreigners)

7 F. Most had the fort built on a hill – called the acropolis, which also included various temples and other buildings. G. All city-states had a marketplace called the agora. H. The agora also served as a public meeting place where people exchanged ideas along with goods and services. I. Each polis had its own money, government, calendar and system for weights and measures. J. The two unifying factors for all Greeks were language and religious beliefs. K. Greeks felt a tremendous sense of loyalty to their polis – not to Greece.

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