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2000 Introduction to By: Ken Pekarek EPPL7 Coordinator EPIC A desktop GIS that WORKS! 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "2000 Introduction to By: Ken Pekarek EPPL7 Coordinator EPIC A desktop GIS that WORKS! 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 2000 Introduction to By: Ken Pekarek EPPL7 Coordinator EPIC A desktop GIS that WORKS! 2000

2 What you will learn today An Overview of Epic 2000 How to Use Epic 2000  How to install EPIC 2000  How to View and Print Maps  How to Produce reports  How to understand Data  How to build a base map Using Epic to solve problems  How to add graphics into a presentation  How to build a study area  How to add detailed land use & GPS data  How to evaluate proposed sites

3 Two Views of GIS or Raster format Vector format Raster Vector

4 GIS Options DNR - LMIC extensions link EPPL7, EPIC and ArcView

5 What is EPIC? EPIC is a desktop GIS created by users for users. It is a dynamic and evolving program and new data CDs will be released shortly.. EPIC Stands for EPPL Interface Consortium of Minnesota State Agencies. Presently DNR, LMIC & BWSR are members. New members are welcome! EPIC Began as a DOS based interface to EPPL7 8 years ago. In June, 1998 EPIC for Windows 1.1 was released. EPIC 2000 was just released.

6 What Epic can do  View and map data  Analyze Data  Build detail study areas      Add GPS data

7 Epic 2000 graphics Add maps to your Web site Add maps to your presentation Land Use Map  Add Data

8 Epic 2000 Applications  Access to data. EPIC has over 700 data layers that can be mapped or viewed from within ArcView.  Analysis of natural resources. EPIC’s analysis commands allow you to build complex models. Gypsy Moth Study  Growth management studies: I-94 Corridor Study is a Prototype.

9 Installing EPIC  Load EPIC from the Start button. Select the Run option, type D:\SETUP.EXE then follow the prompts  EPIC installs 180 megs of data This is only a sample of over 700 statewide and 150 metro data layers.  Select Typical installation. 2000

10 Starting EPIC or EPIC 1.1  Double click EPIC icon & select FILE, Open Study area  Click OK  Select a study area from the left and a layer from the right 2000

11 Viewing data: EPIC vs EPIC 1.1  EPIC 2000 draws the map automatically  EPIC 1.1 you need to c lick the Globe 2000

12 Presentations Options  Screen Captures (Alt/Print Scrn)  Save view and insert as a picture  Add statistics from Epic reports  Land Use with in 2 miles of Luverne 1176.196 16.873 Urban-Rural Dev. 4386.025 62.921 Cultivated Land 1050.175 15.066 Hay, Pasture & Grassland 14.826 0.213 Brushland 195.209 2.800 Forest 123.550 1.772 Water 24.710 0.354 Mining

13 Epic 2000 - Training plans on the CD  Lesson 1 - Build a map atlas  Lesson 2 - Make a presentation  Lesson 3 - Rice County landfill site evaluation.  Epic 2001 - Profiles of learning

14 Lesson 1: Building a Base Map EPIC has the most up to date boundary files for the state and tools that allow you to make reference maps. The map below is Map18: Ethanol Plants in Minnesota Lesson 1: How to build a base map to place on the Web, in a report or as part of a statewide map set like “Food for Thought” Map 18: Ethanol Plants (corn processing) Plant Locations existing and proposed

15 Lesson 2: Define a Project area EPIC has analysis tools that allow you to select a project area, county or school district from over 30 statewide boundary files. The map below is an example of a project area map. Lesson 1: How to locate a project area or school district and create a graphic that can be used in a presentation, on the Web or in a report. Rice County Landfill siting Study An example of how a graphic can be added to a presentation as a reference map.

16 Lesson 3: Site Evaluation Lesson 3: Locate landfill sites using GPS data and then evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed sites. Rice County Landfill Study    Existing site    Epic has the ability to load identify point features using GPS data and then evaluate environmental impacts.

17 Location of Existing Landfill Site in Rice County

18 Proposed Landfill Sites EPIC Allows you evaluate the potential impact on adjacent land uses, surface water or groundwater

19 Evaluation of site 4 Detail maps can be made that show the potential conflicts with adjacent land owners or the potential impact on groundwater resources.

20 EPIC 2000 - A GIS for the rest of us Technology you can use Statewide vector and raster data files include: land use, Elevation, shade relief, NWI (wetland poster classes, Circular 39 and raw classification) MnDOT roads and lots of useful shapefiles Minnesota Data CD

21 Eppl - Epic used worldwide

22 Location of ethanol plant in Rock County n 6970.691 2.912 Inside Buffer Area n 1176.196 16.873 Urban-Rural Dev. n 4386.025 62.921 Cultivated Land n 1050.175 15.066 Hay, Pasture & Grassland n 14.826 0.213 Brushland n 195.209 2.800 Forest n 123.550 1.772 Water n 24.710 0.354 Mining

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