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Augmented Reality. What is it and why is it used? By whom?  Augmented reality is when reality and ICT meets together.  We can use augmented reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Augmented Reality. What is it and why is it used? By whom?  Augmented reality is when reality and ICT meets together.  We can use augmented reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augmented Reality

2 What is it and why is it used? By whom?  Augmented reality is when reality and ICT meets together.  We can use augmented reality when we’re picking restaurants, in aircraft, in entertainment, in medical, shopping and even when we’re reading bed time story.  It’s use by: Normal people, tourist, pilot, teachers and Children.

3 What hardware & software do you need to use augmented reality? Hardware Software  Smart phone  Monitor  Glasses  Camera  Specific software for example: the 3D and Google street view.  Analogue to digital convertor  Compass

4 What is GPS?  GPS stands for Global Positioning System  GPS is a navigation system which use satellites to pinpoint your position on the globe.  Can navigate cars, ships and airplanes.  When emergency happens GPS can make it quicker for help to get there faster.

5 What are the advantages of augmented reality?  Can see how it is even though even haven’t been there.  Can find where the hotel we book for the vacation – prevent lost  Before if we’re going into a foreign country we have to rely on maps. So of them is not updated and something might be very hard to find.

6 Google Street View  Google street view show you an street view of almost anyplace in the world  You could ‘walk’ on the street of a completely different country without leaving your seat.  Use in animation. Animator don’t have to draw all the background in the animation anymore. That could use picture from the Google street view and out in effects.

7 Example of Google street view in animation.

8 What are the possible drawbacks?  If yours using it to find an restaurant or leading you somewhere and the battery of your phone run-out for example everything would be over.  When it has games like a first-person shooting game it would be to real and people would be into the game to much. - crime  If the information is not updated then I would be inaccurate.  Young people couldn’t separate which is really reality.

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