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Sustainable Development: the contribution of UK Higher Education Dr Andy Johnston Head of Education and Learning, Forum for the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development: the contribution of UK Higher Education Dr Andy Johnston Head of Education and Learning, Forum for the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development: the contribution of UK Higher Education Dr Andy Johnston Head of Education and Learning, Forum for the Future

2 What will the VC/Principal of a leading university look like in 10 years time? 1.Social entrepreneurs 2.Society’s challenges 3.Innovative solutions 4.Context 5.The education challenge 6.How VC/Principal react?

3 Social entrepreneurship Identify the pressing problems of society and provide practical innovative solutions

4 Visionary

5 Determined

6 Innovative

7 The new breed of Vice Chancellor ?

8 Resource depletion Wellbeing – health and happiness The end of party politics Globalisation Lifestyle and individualisation Social inclusion Society’s challenges

9 LandWoodEnergy (CO2) Construction materials Metals Environmental Space 0 1234 5 Number of planets needed to sustain current global consumption Resource use

10 The Equity Issue – 80:20 rule 0 20604010080 10000 20000 30000 40000 Mozamibique India China Mexico Greece UK USA Switzerland Poorest 20%Richest 80%World population GDP per capita US$

11 1906, Carroll glacier, Alaska

12 2004

13 Carbon trading – other resource trading? Fair trade Microgeneration Regeneration Science Shops Green Gown THES award Innovative solutions

14 Climate change Efficiency Comprehensive Spending Review Business Context

15 Ever increasing student numbers Workforce ICT Resource costing Governance Funding Marketing The education challenge

16 Competition Students as customers – quality Research International competition Business Regions Communities The education challenge

17 Leadership Policy alignment Partnership Externally focused Support entrepreneurs and their ideas Sell good practice How VCs Principals react?

18 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming The controversial bit

19 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming Students and logos on the rise The controversial bit

20 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming Students and logos on the rise Cities not regions The controversial bit

21 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming Students and logos on the rise Cities not regions Healthy environments for students The controversial bit

22 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming Students and logos on the rise Cities not regions Healthy environments for students Privatisation of universities leads to marginalisation of environment The controversial bit

23 Increased importance of environmental resources leads to mainstreaming Students and logos on the rise Cities not regions Healthy environments for students Privatisation of universities leads to marginalisation of environment Environment manager is dead long live the CSR manager The controversial bit

24 EAUC scaling up good practice HEEPI rewarding good practice Forum for the Future facilitating good practice How can we help?

25 Thank you Dr Andy Johnston

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