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Photojournalism. Goal of Photojournalism Selecting story telling photographs that can convey the fullest, most accurate sense of the situation photographed.

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Presentation on theme: "Photojournalism. Goal of Photojournalism Selecting story telling photographs that can convey the fullest, most accurate sense of the situation photographed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photojournalism

2 Goal of Photojournalism Selecting story telling photographs that can convey the fullest, most accurate sense of the situation photographed

3 Goal of Photojournalism Engage the heart and mind of a viewer with a compelling version of truth that results from bearing witness or a situation or event.

4 Age of the Visual Journalist Visually intense society raised on millions of pictures. Average of 5000 images a day in a variety of forms. Role of the photographer and writer are changing.

5 The Visual Journalist Combined role of writer, photographer, researcher, and graphics designer. Requires a new mindset and vision The “meaning business” Marriage of words, images, and designs to convey information

6 Ethical considerations

7 Five Ethical Concerns Victims of Violence Right to privacy Picture manipulations Stereotyping Mixing of advertising, public relations and journalism

8 Victims of Violence “If it bleeds it leads” Human tragedies and are often the fields of harvest for Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Are the images really needed for the story?

9 Right to Privacy US courts have continually maintained that privacy right differ between public and private persons. Is the reason to rob privacy a truthful, comprehensive and intelligent account?

10 Picture Manipulation Picture an subject manipulation are as old as photography. Digital imaging make it easier to accomplish and harder to detect. At stake is the reputation of the news service.

11 Stereotyping Long list...African Americans are criminals. Latino are gang members. Native Americans alcoholics... Results of images we have seen out of context.

12 Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism Blurring “Advertorials and info mercials” Advertising, public relations and journalism have been fused into advertorial.

13 Documentary Styles

14 Spot and General News Human Interest and pictorial features Sports action and Features Picture stories

15 Spot News

16 General News

17 Human Interest

18 Pictorial

19 Sports Action

20 “Celebration of victory and agony of defeat”

21 Sports Feature

22 Picture stories

23 Telling a visual story

24 Narrative thread Difference in visual story telling vs photo illustrated texts is the narrative thread or sequence that tells a story. Today to most readers, images are more powerful and capture more attention, than text.

25 Active vs.. Passive photographs Active Show real people engaged in real events in real time Example: James Natchway’s images of starving mothers and children in the Sudan. Passive Show people in in situations in which their essential purpose is to have their picture taken for the newspaper. Example: Rick Sammon’s travel images

26 Context of the Photograph Photographers and photo editors must strive to give an accurate image of an event or person rather than something taken out of context that makes a good image.

27 Time and Speed Printed news services and especially the web require almost instantaneous news from around the world. Photo editing decisions must now be done in minutes and seconds instead of hours and days

28 Photo editing Current decision making constraints require a strong background in news, ethical judgement and philosophical base.

29 Photo Captions Photos engage the eye, captions should engage the mind A way to go beyond what the viewer can already see It all starts with the photographer who was there and captures the moment

30 Tips for good captions Point out subtleties not apparent to the viewer Point out ambiguities and prevent viewer misunderstanding Use quotes that add depth to the storytelling image Explain technical information Relate to the four non visual senses

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