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ScienceQuest: Integrating Science and Technology in Elementary and Secondary Classrooms Dr. Sheila Offman Gersh City College of New York

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1 ScienceQuest: Integrating Science and Technology in Elementary and Secondary Classrooms Dr. Sheila Offman Gersh City College of New York

2 ScienceQuest projects are: inquiry-based investigations of science topics drawn from the curriculum and students ’ questions and interests which result in “ educational ” websites so as to share students work with peers.

3 Science Projects may: Focus on topics in the Curriculum Focus on topics of interest to the students Focus on a world/social problem related to science Compare and contrast any of the above.

4 Three Broad Steps in Structuring a ScienceQuest Project As a class learns about the content of a particular science topic (core information) students begin to explore areas of the topic that they would be interested in studying in more depth. Students select specific areas of the topic and work individually in small interest groups to research the aspects of the topic chosen. Teacher and Students develop an “educational” web site presenting the results of the inquiry to interested peers.

5 Exploring Properties Weather and Seasons Plants and Animals Sun, Moon and Earth Systems Body Systems Diversity of Life language Habitat Study Forces and Motion Geology Others WHAT TOPICS IN SCIENCE ARE EXAMINED?

6 ELA STANDARDS Standard 1 - Language for Information and Understanding. Standard 2 - Language for Literary Response and Expression Standard 3 - Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Standard 4 - Language for Social Interaction

7 ScienceQuest Projects Should be Designed to Meet the Following NETS Standards Social, ethical, and human issues Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. Technology productivity tools Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

8 NETS Standards (continued) Technology communications tools Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. Technology research tools Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. Students use technology tools to process data and report results. Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions. Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.

9 Traditional Model of Education T S

10 21 ST Century Model of Education L L E L L E LLL E L P LL LLEL

11 Support teachers may need in doing a ScienceQuest project Assistance in locating good science resources. Assistance in guiding students to produce more sophisticated and accomplished work. Help with specific uses of technology (e- mail, Internet, creating Web sites, etc.) Assistance with the pedagogy that supports inquiry- based projects

12 ScienceQuest Teachers Gain these Technology Skills Access Internet resources for the study of culture. Promote communication with students and experts in the topic (ePals). Internet Basics --searching, evaluating Web sites, use of proper citation, appropriate and ethical use policies, etc. Teaching with the Internet Inspiration for graphical mapping of project Creation of an educational Web site. Assist students in using multimedia to support projects (e.g., digital photography, video, graphics and other applications.)

13 ScienceQuest Teachers Gain These Technology Skills Access Internet science resources for the project and web-based lessons Promote communication with students and experts in the topic (ePals). Internet Basics -- searching, evaluating, use of proper citation, appropriate and ethical use policies, etc. Inspiration for graphical mapping of project Creation of an educational Web site. Assist students in using multimedia to support projects (e.g., digital photography, video, graphics and other applications.)

14 Related ScienceQuest Skills Academic Reading Technology Internet Use Learning Styles Problem Solving Science Inquiry Skills WritingComputer Skills Research Skills Knowledge of Topic Studied Music, Art, Literature Web Site Design CreativityInterest in Science History, geography Presentation & Graphics CollaborationPresenting Findings

15 ScienceQuest Pedagogy Student- Centered ConstructivistProject-BasedAuthentic OwnershipMultiple Intelligences Inquiry-BasedCollaborative Teacher as Facilitator Students as Workers Standards- Based Real Audiences for Work

16 The ScienceQuest Process Decide on a science topic Brainstorm what students know about the topic Brainstorm what students want to know about the topic Cover the core areas with whole class

17 The ScienceQuest Process (cont’d) Use to find experts Students communicate with experts using e-mail on Divide students into small groups by interest area

18 In Gathering Information about the Topic Use books and library resources Use Internet resources E-mail to students and/or adult experts

19 Teach Student Technology Skills Graphic Organizers (Inspiration) Internet Basics (searching, evaluation, citation) Web Page creation Web Editing Uploading/managing website

20 Final Products Class creates Web site with general information and links to group projects Other multimedia products: PowerPoint HyperStudio Digital stories with stills and videos

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