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 Using locations outside the classroom  Using industry and professional experts that are passionate about their field of work  Real learning linked.

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Presentation on theme: " Using locations outside the classroom  Using industry and professional experts that are passionate about their field of work  Real learning linked."— Presentation transcript:

1  Using locations outside the classroom  Using industry and professional experts that are passionate about their field of work  Real learning linked to employment skills, leisure interests positive citizenship

2 Purposes of Education  Dylan Williams says there are 4 purposes:  1) Personal empowerment  2) Cultural transmission  3) Preparation for citizenship  4) Preparation for work  Work is changing so fast that this is most important to all educators

3 Predicting the future  We are preparing student for a world that we cannot imagine  Eg. Encarta project died but Wikipedia survived against all logic  We need to prepare young people to react intelligently when they are not prepared for it  What they need to know has not been discovered yet

4 Pedagogy to prepare for the unexpected (Bill Lucas)   What kind of life are we preparing students for?  Authentic (rather than contrived), questioning(rather than certain), extended learning (rather than bell-bound), workshop (rather than classroom), group (rather than  individual), assessment visible (rather than hidden)

5 Ideas for possible joint working or sharing  Open Badges from Mozilla  Use to create a framework that matches project aims  Comenius badge created by us for students digital e-portfolio  Existing one include Sports Reporter in 3 areas: Journalist, Coach and Producer  With 3 levels Bronze, Silver and Gold

6 Other ideas for lifelong learning validation  IGGY from Warwick University  A gifted and talented programme for individuals to access other like-minded students in specialist areas on interest It is a new social networking site for 13+  Arts Award Bronze, Silver and Gold  www. uk  Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze, Silver, Gold 

7  Common Standards for Hosting Comenius Project 2012-14

8 Visits to Schools  From Thurs 6 th December to Tues 11 th December for Augsburg, Germany  From 2nd May to 7 th May 2013 for Murcia, Spain  Mid October 2013 to Bourges, France (Festival international du film écologique)  End November/ beginning December 2013 to Helsingør, Denmark  Early May 2014 to Cornwall UK

9 Comenius Project Principles  A minimum of 3 students per school on each trip (Minimum of 24 mobilities per school over project)  If a school wishes to bring more, this should be a mutual and reciprocal arrangement with the host country and the decision remains with the host country.

10 Student Ambassador Selection  School invites applications from students who are age 13 +  They must be interested in learning beyond the normal curriculum and classroom  They must be studying a foreign language and have a working knowledge of English  They should have good social skills including independent research skills and team work  They must have an interest and enthusiasm for other cultures and an ability to appreciate difference

11 Pre-Hosting Planning  Every effort should be made to match the students with gender, age and interests in mind  A common application form should be used across the project to enable good matching to take place  Students are encouraged to contact their host family/student at least one week before visiting  All students to bring a typical regional gift for the host family to the value of no more than 10 Euros

12 Pre Hosting Planning(cont)  Check and/or bring health insurance  Check passports/ID details are in date  Check all homework/assignments are complete

13 Hosting Obligations  All students involved in the project should agree to host at least one student from a partner Comenius school  Hosts must provide food and drink for the duration of the stay this should include breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as drinks/snacks for the duration of the stay  All families are expected make an effort to show the visitor the local attractions and ensure young peoples’ safety at all times

14 Transport Standards  All transport costs are provided for by the host school from the arrival in the host school  The host school will arrange the transfer from the airport to the host school but will not incur the cost

15 Visit Arrangements  Host country to distribute a preliminary programme for the visit one month in advance, and a detailed programme one week before  To include:  Times  Locations  Activities  Avoid arriving early/late for the programme

16 Transport Arrangements  Murcia, Spain  Alicante or Murcia airport. Connection by bus  Arrive on 2 nd May by 1700 (To be confirmed:);  Departure on 7 th May  The school will meet the party at the bus station

17 Transport Arrangements  Bourges, France  Paris, Orly or Roissy CDG  RER Train to Paris and change for Bourges  The visitors will be met at the train station

18 Transport Arrangements  Denmark  Copenhagen Airport  Train from airport to Helsingør  Pick you up from airport  Arrive on 28th Novemberby 1700 (To be confirmed:);  Departure on 3 rd December

19 Transport Arrangements  UK  Best to fly to London Gatwick (Air Southwest or Flybe) then fly to Newquay (MBA can collect you from Newquay) OR  London to Penzance direct by train via London Paddington or coach via London Victoria  Cheapest and most practical transfer is from London by taxi.  Dates to be confirmed

20 Food and Drink Standards  Students food and drink will be provided by the host family or school this includes breakfast, lunch and dinner  Staff food and drink  Breakfast and lunch paid for by guests  Welcome Party/Banquet (staff only) and Farewell Feast provided by host school including plates of food from the families  All soft and alcohlic drinks paid for by individuals

21 Visits and Trips Standards  The host school will pay for all visits and trips  The first day of the project is travel  One day or two half-days is “down-time”  Three days are for working on the project  The last day is for travelling home

22 Managing project meetings  The agenda should clarify whether the item is a discussion / a decision / an action point  All action points should be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-related) and designate the person responsible

23 Tasks  Germany: Complete common application and student details form, by the end of November  UK???  Spain???  France???  Denmark???

24 Tasks continued

25 Tasks

26 Communication The website is needed to provide an evidence base for the final report Sam will set up a Facebook page for the project to communicate. There will be a moderator from each country who can upload photos. Germany: Udo Denmark: Helle Spain: Antonio France: Lenny Cornwall: Sam

27 Email group Here are all your email addresses: (Countries in alphabetical order) Cornwall: not UK ;-)

28 Email group Here are all your email addresses: Denmark:

29 Email group Here are all your email addresses: France:

30 Email group Here are all your email addresses: Germany:

31 Email group Here are all your email addresses: Spain:

32 What makes our school unique  France :  UNESCO school  Programme with India – reciprocal exchange  Parenthèse – student “time-out” programme

33 What makes our school unique  Spain  Student mediation programme  Debate project with a University  Extra curricular programme run by volunteer staff  School improvement programme with other schools

34 What makes our school unique  Denmark  205 pupils and 25 teachers and 5 pedagogues  3-week projects – 50% lesson time and 50% project time as a Free School not bound to a curriculum  All students aged from 6-17 work together on these projects  No bells

35 What makes our school unique  Germany  Projects with Kulturpark West  Arts projects with industry experts  School exchanges with several partners with incorporated learning experiences.

36 What makes our school unique  Cornwall  Arts Award programme  Teams of industry experts – non teachers  Student teams who are skilled in media  Radio and TV channel, outside broadcast van  All staff and students have ipads  Improving Teachers Programme – learning from each other

37 Managing project meetings  The host country will chair project meetings in their own country  The host country will delegate a secretary to record meeting action points and agreements.  The host country will be the time-keeper of the meetings and the breaks.

38 Good work, team!!!! We look forward to seeing you all in Murcia. Hasta la vista!!!!!!

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