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Using BIBLES STORIES to Evangelize People groups of the WORLD.

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2 Using BIBLES STORIES to Evangelize People groups of the WORLD



5 ACTSACTS WHY… STORY TELLING? 1.ORAL communication is practical, economical, convenient, personal-relational, unlimited opportunities, cultural, “ageless”… 2.Brain & Memory friendly… it can easily be encoded and recalled ( Told & remembered)… compatible to human brain. 3. Duplicable, transmittable- “communicable”, “portable”, “indigenous, natural…etc. WHY… STORY TELLING? 1.ORAL communication is practical, economical, convenient, personal-relational, unlimited opportunities, cultural, “ageless”… 2.Brain & Memory friendly… it can easily be encoded and recalled ( Told & remembered)… compatible to human brain. 3. Duplicable, transmittable- “communicable”, “portable”, “indigenous, natural…etc.

6 Some interesting facts about the use of stories in the Bible: 1. Out of 39 books of the old testament: a) 34 books are stories of bible times. b) 2 books of songs but still tell stories (ballad).(Psa.& Songs of Solomon) c) 2 books are sayings - Prov. & Ecclesiastics. Ecclesiastics is the story of the philosophers mind. d) 1 book (Leviticus)has listed national, religious and ethical laws of Israel but as a whole is part of the Bible story. 1. Out of 39 books of the old testament: a) 34 books are stories of bible times. b) 2 books of songs but still tell stories (ballad).(Psa.& Songs of Solomon) c) 2 books are sayings - Prov. & Ecclesiastics. Ecclesiastics is the story of the philosophers mind. d) 1 book (Leviticus)has listed national, religious and ethical laws of Israel but as a whole is part of the Bible story.

7 Some interesting facts about the use of stories in the Bible: 2. Out of the 27 books of the New Testament: a) All books contain stories. b) About 70% are in story form. c) Jesus used stories most of the time in his ministry. The rest were direct discourses, sayings, command, comments, preaching, signs and wonders. Jesus used stories. 2. Out of the 27 books of the New Testament: a) All books contain stories. b) About 70% are in story form. c) Jesus used stories most of the time in his ministry. The rest were direct discourses, sayings, command, comments, preaching, signs and wonders. Jesus used stories.

8 Some interesting facts about the use of stories in the Bible: 3. The whole bible as a book is about 80% stories and none of these were originally written for children. Implications: 1.Bible Stories are God's major vehicle for teaching man His words. 2.We have more opportunity to share God's word through storying than by lecturing,preaching or any other form. Not all can preach make discourses or lecture but everyone can tell a story to anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace..."in season or out of season". 3. The whole bible as a book is about 80% stories and none of these were originally written for children. Implications: 1.Bible Stories are God's major vehicle for teaching man His words. 2.We have more opportunity to share God's word through storying than by lecturing,preaching or any other form. Not all can preach make discourses or lecture but everyone can tell a story to anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace..."in season or out of season".

9 Bible STORY TELLING pologetical hronological heological criptural ACTSACTS

10 pologetical A - means... Using bible stories to teach biblical truths to address BARRIERS to the gospel Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. … and teach foundational truths that will build up a defense for the GOSPEL.

11 Bible STORY TELLING pologetical A - means... Using bible stories to teach biblical truths that will address BARRIERS to the gospel Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. … and teach foundational truth that will build up a defense for the GOSPEL. What are the barriers to the gospel? How did it form?

12 Barriers comes through Culture: (Culture Formation) Influencing Environments

13 Factors Forming Culture: (Culture Formation) INFLUENCE

14 Factors Forming Culture: (Culture Formation) INCROACHMENT

15 Factors Forming Culture: (Culture Formation) INVASION

16 Factors Forming Culture: (Culture Formation) TOTAL ABSORPTION

17 Factors Forming Culture:(Culture Formation) TOTAL MIND CAPTURE -ADOPTION

18 (Culture Formation) MIND SET

19 (Culture Formation) MIND SET

20 (Culture Formation) MIND SET BELIEF SYSTEM



23 Different ATTITUDES:



26 Different VALUES: = “vocations”

27 Different BELIEFS:=“Faith”

28 Good work RC/JW/SDA/Islam/ Jew/Hindu/Bud./ Appease-SPIRITS. Common BELIEF says GOOD WORK can SAVE! Appeasing the Spirits is important for safety! MIND SET Eph 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. NIV

29 Good work RC/JW/SDA/Islam/ Jew/Hindu/Bud./ Appease-SPIRITS. BARRIERS are in… MIND SET 1.Destroy 2.Correct 3.Clarify 4.Undermine 5.Supply lacking info. 1. MIND 2. HEART 3. Spiritual powers The WORD Human Needs Ministry Prayer & Spiritual warfare

30 Bible STORY TELLING hronological C - means... STEP by STEP or sequential teaching of biblical truth that will address BARRIERS … and lay sequential foundational truths leading to the understanding of the GOSPEL through telling of BIBLE stories arranged and taught in sequence. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info.

31 Bible STORY TELLING heological T - means... Telling the BIBLE stories to teach biblical theology that will address BARRIERS … and supply the THEOLOGICAL foundation that will explain the THEOLOGY of the GOSPEL Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info.

32 Bible STORY TELLING criptural S - means... That all the doctrines and theology, the apologetics, to address BARRIERS … and the understanding and response to the GOSPEL must be according to the SCRIPTURES. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info.

33 Bible STORY TELLING criptural S - means... That all the doctrines and theology, the apologetics, to address BARRIERS … and the understanding and response to the the GOSPEL must be according to the SCRIPTURES. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. What is the GOSPEL according to the Scriptures?… 1 Corinthians 15 15:1 Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, NIV

34 Bible STORY TELLING criptural S - means... That all the doctrines and theology, the apologetics, to address BARRIERS … and the understanding and response to the the GOSPEL must be according to the SCRIPTURES. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. WHAT is the SCRIPTURE?... Luke 24:27-28 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. NIV

35 Bible STORY TELLING criptural S - means... That all the doctrines and theology, the apologetics, to address BARRIERS … and the understanding and response to the the GOSPEL must be according to the SCRIPTURES. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. WHY this is so IMPORTANT?… John 7:38-39 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. NIV

36 Bible STORY TELLING criptural S - means... That all the doctrines and theology, the apologetics, to address BARRIERS … and the understanding and response to the the GOSPEL must be according to the SCRIPTURES. Destroy Undermine Correct Clarify Supply Info. WHY this is so IMPORTANT?… Rom 8:9-11 9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.

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