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DO NOW: 1. Take out review sheet 2. What are three things you did not know on the review sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: 1. Take out review sheet 2. What are three things you did not know on the review sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: 1. Take out review sheet 2. What are three things you did not know on the review sheet

2  “Blueprint for Living”  Includes all things that contribute to the development of society

3  Discover and interpret a society’s past  Leakeys-archeologists  Discovered that humans first came from East Africa

4  Dependent on rivers flooding to provide them with fertile land  Transportation and communication was promoted by mild climate, fertile soil and natural waterways

5  Established the first democracy  Divided into polis (city-states) because of geography  Advances in art, architecture and philosophy

6  Developed concept of rule by law  Created the first Republic  Political corruption led to fall  Fall of Rome led to period of disorder and weak central government

7  Greek philosophers

8  First emperors of the Roman Empire  Ended the Republic  Augustus began the 200 year period of Pax Romana

9  Discovery of agriculture  Led to establishment of permanent settlements  Began in Middle East

10  King of Babylon  First written code of law

11  Conquered Greece and Persian Empire  Hellenistic culture-blending of Greek, Persian and Indian cultures

12  Five Relationships  Social order-how a person acts is most important  Filial piety

13  Founder of Buddhism

14  Traditional religions  Appreciation for forces of nature  Developed in Africa, Asia, Latin America

15  Animistic religion from Japan  Worship of nature  Emperor is a God

16  Originated in India  Reincarnation  Karma and dharma  Caste system determined their social status  Goal is to merge in brahmin

17  Eightfold Path  Four Noble Truths  Need to give up selfish desire  Goal to reach nirvana or enligtenment

18  First monotheistic religion  Torah is their Holy Book  10 Commandments

19  Monotheistic religion  Grew from the Jewish tradition  Jesus is the Savior  The Bible is the Holy Book  10 Commandments

20  Monotheistic religion grew out of Judeo- Christian religion  Mohammed is their profit  Five Pillars  Qur'an is the Holy Book  Muezzin calls faithful to prayer five times a day

21  China-deep respect for nature  Concept of yin and yang  Government that governs the least is the best

22  Emperor of Byzantine Empire  Justinian’s Code revised and preserved Roman Law

23  Eastern Roman Empire  Capital was Constantinople  Preserved the cultural heritage of Rome

24  Founder of the Mongol Empire  United all the Mongol tribes  Created the largest land based empire in the world

25  Genghis’s grandson  Ruled China’s Yuan Dynasty  Pax Mongolica  Golden Age for the Silk Road

26  Ruler of the Mughal Empire  Believed in religious toleration

27  Golden Age  Emphasis on arts, medicine and science  Invented algebra  Spread the Indian number system  Created a large trade based empire

28  Golden Ages for China  Invented porcelain, paper, printing, compass, rudder  China was the most open to trade  Economy was very strong

29  Classical Civilization for India  Advanced in science and medicine

30  Controlled trade routes across the Sahara  Gold-salt trade  Ghana, Mali and Songhai

31  Muslim King of Mali  Went on the haj to Mecca

32  Traveled extensively through Asia and North Africa  Wrote books about their experiences

33  Developed advanced and complex societies  Built large cities  Practice blood sacrifice  Mayas and Aztecs developed writing systems  Aztecs and Incas created large empires

34  Seen in Japan and Europe  Rigid social structure  Ruler  Nobles/Daimyos  Knights/Samurai  Peasants  Relationship between lords and vassals  Exchange of land for loyalty  Exchange of crops for protection

35  Holy Wars to gain control of Holy Land in Israel from the Muslims  Led to an increase in demand for Middle East and Asia

36  Revival of Greek and Roman ideas  Questioning spirit led to questioning of authority  Humanism

37  Started the Protestant Reformation  Wrote the 95 Theses  Against the sale of indulgences

38  Protestant leader from Geneva Switzerland  Believed in Predestination

39  Started the English Reformation  Founder of the Anglican Church  Passed the Act of Supremacy  Wanted to divorce his wife

40  Increase in trade as a result of the Crusades  Leads to the Renaissance

41  Looking for an all water route to Asia  Motivated by Gold, Glory and God  Led to the death of Native Americans from disease  Scientific Revolution’s technological advances led to Age of Exploration

42  Explorer from Spain  Led expedition to Asia  Founded the Americas

43  King has complete control over the country  Power of the king comes from God

44  Wrote The Prince  “The ends justify the means”

45  Known as the Sun King  Absolute ruler of France  Built the Palace of Versailles to help control the nobles

46  Absolute ruler of Russia  Westernized Russia  Moved capital to St. Petersburg to be a “window on the west”

47  Protestant Rulers of England  Came to power as a result of Glorious Revolution  Had to agree to the English Bill of Rights- limiting the power of the king

48  Economic theory related to colonialism  Colony exists for the benefit of the mother country  Colony provides mother country with raw materials  Mother country sells back manufactured goods

49  Examined natural laws  Made major discoveries in Astronomy  Sun centered universe  Developed the Scientific Method

50  Active during the Scientific Revolution  Believed the Earth rotated around the sun  Discovered the moons of Jupiter  Laws of Earthly (Terrestrial) Motion  Forced to recant his ideas by the Church

51  Concept of natural laws  Led to the development of democracy  Against absolute rule  Talked about the changing relationship between people and government

52  Natural Laws  Life, liberty, property  If the government is not protecting your rights, you have the right to overthrow the government

53  Separation of Powers

54  Belief that your culture or ethnicity is the best

55  Spreading and mixing of culture  Result of frequent contact with other groups

56  Resistant to change  Economic decisions are made by tradition  Children learn from parents

57  Worldwide exchange of plants, animals and disease  Result of Age of Exploration

58  Conquistadors rewarded with land  Can get taxes and work from Native Americans that live on the land

59  Trip from Africa to Americas  Brutal conditions for the people being taken as slaves

60  King had to ask permission to tax the people  Limited the power of the king

61  Parliament overthrew the king  Limited power of the king  King has to follow the laws

62  China  Power of emperor comes from gods  Similar to divine right in Europe

63  Power of king comes from god  Used to justify absolute rule  Similar to Mandate of Heaven

64  Renaissance idea  Focus on the individual

65  Took over the Byzantine Empire  Had a strategic location between Europe and Asia

66  Influenced by China  Influenced Japan  Acted as a bridge between the two countries because of its location

67  Trade routes and trade organizations have had an impact on nations and regions. The effects have been both positive and negative.  Identify two trade routes and /or trade organizations and for each:  Explain one reason for the establishment of the trade route or trade organization.  Discuss one positive effect or one negative effect of the trade route or trade organization on a specific nation or region.  Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the Silk Roads, the trans-Saharan trade routes of the African kingdoms, Mediterranean trade routes, trans-Atlantic trade

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