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2014 State of Our Church. Agenda 2013 Review Financials 2014 Plan – T4T – Operation 5:16 – Bring ‘em in Events Question and Answer.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 State of Our Church. Agenda 2013 Review Financials 2014 Plan – T4T – Operation 5:16 – Bring ‘em in Events Question and Answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 State of Our Church

2 Agenda 2013 Review Financials 2014 Plan – T4T – Operation 5:16 – Bring ‘em in Events Question and Answer

3 What we did in 2013











14 Church Finances

15 Account Balances as of 1/18/2014 Operating Fund $19,280 Needs Fund$9,400 Building Fund$153,300

16 2012 Avg = $17,372 Current Budget Line = $17,325 2013 Avg = $15,219; Budget Line (no utilities) = $16,510

17 Financial Facts In 2013, we fell short of the $16,510 by approximately $1,300 per month on average. At that rate, if all things remain the same, then our Operating Fund will run out in about 12 months.

18 Giving Many of our members are tithing (at least percentage giving). Praise God for the obedience of those who are tithing regularly. If you are employed and you are not regularly giving on a percentage basis, then start now. Move toward the tithe. Given our small size, if someone does not give or stops giving, then we feel it right away.

19 Our $ Problems are a Symptom of our Lack of Numerical Growth Growing the church numerically, will help grow the finances. Our model of doing church relies HEAVILY on the individual member owning / obeying the Great Commission. One of the most impactful things you can do this year that will help our church grow is to be active in sharing your faith – sow ABUNDANTLY

20 Gospel & Growth Strategy

21 Great Commission Strategy (GCS) Matthew 28:18-20 (NASB) And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

22 Training 4 Trainers is a disciple making process that is bearing fruit all over the world as well as here in the USA.

23 In A Great Commission Group You Learn To: Make Oikos Prayer List Share your testimony in 2 minutes or less Share a 1 verse gospel presentation Practice loving accountability Practice sharing what you have learned Set goals for the coming week Teach new believers to do the above


25 Data From “Lost & Found” By Ed Stetzer

26 Discovery Bible Study (DBS) Short passage followed by 5-7 Questions Designed to do with unbelievers One 7 week DBS series is called “7 Stories Of Hope” A Sinful Woman Luke 7:36-50 1. What does this story say about Jesus? 2. What does this story say about people? 3. What are the sins to avoid in this story? 4. What are the examples to follow in this story? 5. Who do you identify with in this story? Why? 6. Is there someone you know who would like to join us next time? 7. What is your next step in following Jesus this week?


28 Current Progress & Plans For 2014: 1. Our Wednesday night group is piloting this GCS 2. We have made our Oikos Lists and are praying 3. We have learned how to share our testimony in 2 min 4. We have learned a simple 1 verse gospel presentation 5. I have 2-3 additional groups in the works 6. We hope to hold a two day T4T training in Columbus ASAP 7. We would like to start as many groups as possible 8. We will be going out on Saturdays to give away Timbits through out the spring, summer, and fall to find more houses of peace and start more groups.

29 Gospel & Growth Strategy & Each Person’s Part

30 Remember Fall Festival? Bowling &Pizza

31 Palm Sunday & Easter Egg Mother/Daughter Brunch

32 - Celebration Sunday - Potluck -Move In &Cook Outs -Devotions -Breakfast -Morning Session -Service Project - Beach Time - Tie Down -Devotions -Breakfast -Morning Session -Service Project - Back Yard Bible Club - Concert -Hayride - Tie Down -Devotions -Breakfast -Morning Session -Service Project -Back Yard Bible Club -Beach Time -Tie Down -Devotions -Breakfast -Morning Session -Service Project -Back Yard Bible Club -Concert - SkyZone -Tie Down -Devotions -Breakfast -Morning Session -Beach Day -Back Yard Bible Club -Concert -Hayride -Tie Down -Devotions -Breakfast - Carnival

33 Life Application Families Serve and Play Together ALL Creekers can participate: –Construction/repair/paint -Food Prep & Delivery –Musicians: Concerts by DCCC band; LT Band?, MVNU? –Production -Sports Camp -Carnival -First Aid –Beach Activities -Games with local kids -Back Yard Bible Club –Administration -Logistics and Travel -Engineering/Problem Solving –Teaching -Lodging for ~20 people per home -Funding -???

34 Needs Prayer Unity T4T success Commitment from you and your family Homes that can sleep, and shower ~15-20 people each morning Very strong administrator MONEY

35 Questions & Answers

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