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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT ROME."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEGEND OF ROME Mythological start of Rome:
Founded in 753 B.C. by twins Romulus & Remus Abandoned on Tiber River – raised by she-wolf Later the brothers quarrel – Romulus kills Remus


4 GEOGRAPHY Unlike Greece - geography allowed people in Rome to UNITE under one government Built on seven rolling hills on the Tiber River CENTER of the Italian PENINSULA Midway between ALPS and Southern tip of Italy Near the Mediterranean Sea


6 Three Early Groups 3 groups battled for control: I. LATINS II. GREEKS
III. ETRUSCANS 600 B.C. Etruscans take over 509 B.C. last Etruscan King (Tarquin the Proud) overthrown – Rome sets up a REPUBLIC {“public affairs}

7 REPUBLIC Form of Government power is with citizens who have right to vote for leaders {Rome – only free-born male citizens had voting rights} 2 Main Groups struggle for power: PATRICIANS – wealthy landowners- held most power PLEBEIANS- majority of the people: farmers, artisans, merchants {Plebeians could vote but could not hold high office}

8 TWELVE TABLES 451 BC. – creation of written law code:
TWELVE TABLES OF LAW Carved on Twelve Tablets hung for all to see Became the basis for all Roman Laws All free citizens had right to protection


10 ROMAN ARMY All land owning citizens required to serve in army
LEGIONS – large military units of Roman soldiers By 265 B.C. Rome had conquered all of Italy Main enemy becomes CARTHAGE – located in North Africa

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12 Series of 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage
Punic Wars Series of 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage 1st Punic War (264 BC- 241 BC) Romans defeat Carthage Gain control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean 2nd Punic War (218 BC- 202 BC) Carthage led by Hannibal surprise Rome by attacking Spain Used elephants – used elephants Romans led by General Scipio defeat Hannibal 3rd Punic War (149 BC- 146 BC) Rome invades and conquers Carthage Rome becomes the dominant power in the Mediterranean!



15 END OF THE REPUBLIC By 270 B.C. Rome had conquered all of Italy
Through a series of WARS Rome became the DOMINANT power in the Mediterranean area Expansion led to a widening gap – RICH/POOR Thousands of slaves captured in wars caused unemployment Rome’s enlarged TERRITORY made the Republic unstable Eventually the republic gives way to a DICTATOR ruled empire Period of Civil War broke out

16 60 B.C. 1st TRIUMVIRATE 3 leaders: JULIUS CAESAR, CRASSUS, POMPEY brought stability back to Rome 58B.C. -Caesar becomes Governor of GAUL (France) & invades Britain 49 B.C. – Civil War breaks out again between Caesar and Pompey – Caesar’s troops force Pompey to flee to Rome Caesar follows Pompey to Egypt where Pompey is killed {while in Egypt Caesar becomes involved with CLEOPATRA}


18 JULIUS CAESAR 46 B.C. –Julius Caesar comes to power
Caesar returns to Rome – because of his popularity {with both army & poor) he is appointed DICTATOR 44 B.C. – Caesar is appointed “dictator for life” Caesar governed as an ABSOLUTE ruler – total power Caesar was very popular: *Romans conquered most of central and western EUROPE *Created jobs for the poor *Increased pay for military *Made Rome the largest EMPIRE in the world

19 DEATH OF CAESAR Many Nobles & Senators were upset with Caesar’s Power, Success, & Popularity March 15, 44 B.C. – “IDES OF MARCH” – Caesar is murdered in the Senate Chambers – stabbed to death Rome once again fell into Civil War…

20 2nd TRIUMVIRATE After Caesar’s death 3 supporters took control of Rome: OCTAVIAN- Caesar’s adopted son MARK ANTONY- experienced general LEPIDUS- powerful politician The three ruled for 10 years Civil War (again!) – after Lepidus retired – Octavian and Mark Antony fought for control of Rome

21 2nd TRIUMVIRATE While in Egypt Mark Antony had become involved with Cleopatra 30 B.C. – Mark Antony defeated by Octavian {both Mark Antony & Cleopatra commit suicide to avoid capture} Octavian become sole ruler of Rome

22 AUGUSTUS Octavian took title of AUGUSTUS {“Exalted One”}
Also took title of EMPEROR {“Supreme Military Commander} Rome was now an EMPIRE ruled by one man Augustus ruled from 27 B.C. – 14 A.D. – absolute power {27 B.C. is considered start of Roman EMPIRE}

23 PAX ROMANA 27 B.C. – 180 A.D. 200 year period of PEACE, PROGRESS, PROSPERITY, STABILITY {Pax Romana – “ROMAN PEACE”} Rome’s “GOLDEN AGE” – size: 3 million square miles {from Spain to Mesopotamia, North Africa to Britain} Population over 70 million (city of Rome over 1 million)


Created CIVIL SERVICE System – CORRUPTION cut down Gov’t Officials based on MERIT Vast TRADING network – shipping and complex ROADS AGRICULTURE – 90% of people engaged in farming Strong CENTRAL Gov’t (but believed in governing for the GOOD of all – brought REFORMS, fairer TAXES) Glorified Rome with Splendid Buildings Developed efficient Postal System Common Currency







32 DECLINE OF ROME Two CENTURIES of Pax Romana ended in 180 A.D. with the death of Emperor MARCUS AURELIUS (A.D ) PEACE & PROSPERITY was never duplicated Number of causes contributed to the decline & fall: *MILITARY *POLITICAL *SOCIAL *ECONOMIC

33 DIOCLETIAN A.D. 284 – DIOCLETIAN becomes Emperor – strong ruler restored order to the Empire – doubled size of the army – controlled inflation – persecuted Christians Believed the Empire had grown too large & complex – divided the Empire into two parts: EAST – GREEK speaking {Greece, Syria, Egypt, Anatolia} WEST – LATIN speaking {Italy, Spain, Britain, Gaul} Diocletian became the first and only Roman Emperor to resign when he “retired” in A.D. 305


35 CONSTANTINE Constantine best known for being first Christian emperor
A.D while fighting for control in the WEST Constantine reportedly saw an image of a cross – symbolizing Christianity – the day before an important battle – he had crosses put on his soldiers’ shields – and was victorious – took over as undisputed emperor of WESTERN empire A.D issued Edict of Milan - ended persecution of CHRISTIANS {A.D. 380 – CHRISTIANITY becomes Empire’s Official Religion} [proclaimed by Emperor Theodosius]


37 http://channel. nationalgeographic

38 CONSTANTINE A.D. 324 – Empire restored to a single ruler – Constantine defeats Eastern Emperor A.D. 330 – Constantine moves capital from ROME to BYZANTIUM (today this is in Turkey) Constantine built a new city modeled on Rome but also reflecting Christianity – Byzantium would be renamed CONSTANTINOPLE {“city of Constantine”} today the city is known as Istanbul A.D. 337 Constantine dies – Empire is divided again Eventually the East would survive, West would fall

39 END OF ROMAN EMPIRE Decline of the WESTERN Roman Empire took place over many years – both internal & external problems Main external cause – Invasions by Germanic Tribes & Huns A.D. 476 – last Western Emperor overthrown by GERMANIC invaders Eastern Empire became known as the BYZANTINE Empire – preserved Greek & Roman heritage - survived for another1,000 years ruling from Constantinople 1453 – Eastern Empire conquered by Ottoman Turks




LAW – fair, equal, innocent until proven guilty, punished for actions not thoughts LANGUAGE – Latin basis for other languages – French,Spanish, Portugese,Italian (Romance Languages), many English words from Latin, language of Catholic Church ARCHITECTURE/ENGINEERING – roads, bridges, arches, domes, use of concrete in spectacular buildings ex: A.D. 80 – COLOSSEUM, built AQUEDUCTS to bring water to cities LITERATURE – poets Virgil & Ovid



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48 Factors surrounding the collapse of Rome
military political economic social

49 Military Loss sense of patriotism
Warlike mentality weakened by the spread of Christianity The government hired foreign soldiers (mercenaries) to defend borders. (Army lacked training, discipline and loyalty)

50 Political Inefficient and corrupt government
Civil wars and citizens were no longer loyal to officials Sometimes, Roman legions fought one another Too large to govern effectively

51 Economic Plebian class weakened
Farmers left land because of overreliance on slave labor Unfair taxes and unemployment cause inflation Constant civil war hurt economy 1/3 of population was on welfare

52 Social Inequality of wealth created rigid class structure
Many of the underemployed became lazy and selfish Instead of correcting economic problems, the government gave them bread and circuses –(the Colosseum)

53 Foreign Invasion Rome was in decline from 200AD to 500 AD
Final collapse came as a result of foreign invasion

54 The Visigoths, Vandals and Franks all led attacks on the Roman Empire.
German tribes, who had been at peace with the Romans for several years, invaded the territory The Huns, a group of Mongol nomads from Central Asia, led by Atitila, destroyed several Roman cities The Visigoths, Vandals and Franks all led attacks on the Roman Empire. In 476 AD, the last Roman Emperor was removed and German chief named himself King of Italy. This overthrow led to almost a complete collapse of western civilization


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