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Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Nila Benito.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Nila Benito."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Transition Systems Change in Florida: From State Policy to Grassroots Nila Benito Kathy Burton Susan Redmon Donni Sorrell Guenevere Crum

2 2002 Florida Outcomes  55% of students with significant disabilities exited school with no diploma or certificate of completion for school year 2002-2003, according to the Florida Department of Education Data Warehouse.  Only 12% of all students with significant disabilities were enrolled in post secondary programs according to 2002 Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) surveys.  Only 17.5% of students with significant disabilities were employed after exiting secondary schools with average quarterly earnings of approximately $3,700 according to 2002 FETPIP surveys.

3 Systems Change Elements for Success (10 year process) 1. Governance - what are the laws and policies in place? what are those that need to be changed/amended or new ones created? 2. Infrastructure Reforms - current agency or systems that is in place to support change or is the system/bureaucracy so disjointed and unsupported that the might need to change the infrastructure to support implementation? 3. Accountability - who is actual responsible held accountable? and who has the authority to make change happen? 4. Financing - what funding support is out there? (i.e. are segregated settings better funded at school - on the waiver - in VR?). what is the economic impact? (legislators want to know this!) what data is collection to support budget decisions? 5. Capacity Building – what programs are in place to give people, practitioners, families, and self advocates the skills and support they need regarding the implementation of evidence based inclusion practices with fidelity.

4 Partners In Transition began 7 years ago with the goal of creating system change around the post school outcomes of youth with disabilities. Today Partners In Transition has developed the Florida Strategic Plan on Transition, which defines how state agencies, families, youth, state and local government programs and society can reach more young Floridians with disabilities with a message of hope and the promise of independence in their education, at work and in life. Collaborative Partners

5 Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. Florida Department of Children and Families Department of Children’s Mental Health Agency for Person with Disabilities Florida Department of Health: Children’s Medical Services Florida Inclusion Network Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Agency for Workforce Innovation Florida Protection & Advocacy Center The Able Trust ADA Working Group Family Network on DisabilitiesInitial Collaborative Partners

6 Highest expectations for all youth, including youth with disabilities, Full participation through self-determination, informed choice, and participation in decision making, Independent living including long-term supports &services, Transition planning is individualized and person-driven and Economic self sufficiency, including through competitive employment, with any support that is needed, is everyone’s life goal. Values and Principles

7 The creation of a statewide transition services strategic plan, based on national evidenced based research and best practices, of what all youth need and additional supports youth with disabilities may need to guide policymakers and practitioners in systematically addressing the major challenges and critical issues regarding transition services in the State of Florida. Purpose and Mission

8 National Transition Guideposts for Success 1. SCHOOL-BASED PREPARATORY EXPERIENCES: i.e. Quality academic & vocational programs. CAREER PREPARATION & WORK BASED LEARNING: 1. SCHOOL-BASED PREPARATORY EXPERIENCES: All youth need to participate in educational programs grounded in standards, clear performance expectations and graduation exit options based upon meaningful, accurate, and relevant indicators of student learning and skills. i.e. Quality academic & vocational programs. 2. CAREER PREPARATION & WORK BASED LEARNING: All to make informed choices about careers. These experiences can be provided during the school day, through after-school programs and will require collaborations with other organizations.

9 National Transition Guideposts for Success YOUTH DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP: Exposure to mentors, role models, and the Youth Leadership Forum. 3. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP: Supports youth need in order to control and direct their own lives based on informed decisions. i.e. Exposure to mentors, role models, and the Youth Leadership Forum. 4. CONNECTING ACTIVITIES: transportation, physical and mental health, benefits planning, and economic futures planning. 4. CONNECTING ACTIVITIES: All youth need connections and linkages for effective transition. i.e. health services; transportation; tutoring, personal assistance services, including attendants, readers, interpreters, transportation, physical and mental health, benefits planning, and economic futures planning. 5. FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: Access to training and information about transition and Access to training and information about transition and evidence based practices. evidence based practices.

10 Plan Development  5 Strategic Plan Work Groups  Cross representative  Identify and Address Gaps Goals Strategies Benchmarks  Evaluate the Need for Additional Expertise in the Planning Process

11 Sample Statewide Plan Goals  Career Preparatory Experiences Youth are provided with career awareness, exploration, and preparatory activities in school-based and community-based settings.  Youth Development and Youth Leadership Youth demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions for themselves.  Schooling Youth have equitable access to a full range of academic and non-academic courses and programs of study.

12 Sample Statewide Plan Goals  Family Involvement A comprehensive statewide system for disseminating information, training, and resources about effective transition practices is in place.  Connecting Activities All youth and young adults have quality, affordable health insurance.

13 More Collaborative Partners More Collaborative Partners  School District Representation Bay Brevard County Broward County Citrus Collier DeSoto Duval Flagler Gadsden Glades Hendry Hernando Hillsborough Holmes Lee Leon Levy Manatee Marion County Miami/Dade Monroe Nassau Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Taylor Sarasota Volusia Wakulla Walton

14 Florida School Health Association Florida Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged Florida Public Transit Association Florida Parks & Recreation Association United Way Gulf Coast Down Syndrome Association Families Self-Advocates More Collaborative Partners

15 Implementation of Statewide Plan Annual Summit 33 Cross-Stakeholder Teams Needs Assessment Ongoing Training, Technical Assistance, Coaching and Support

16 Priority Needs for County Teams Meeting Facilitation  Completion of County Plan & Consolidation of Activities Assessment & Career Planning Individualized Vocational Exploration Options Representational Portfolios Self-Determination Transportation


18 The Governor defined the BRTF charge as aligning resources and eliminating all barriers in the way of: Expanding and improving inclusive community living options for individuals with developmental disabilities; Coordinating the provision of effective transition services statewide for students with developmental disabilities; and Expanding and improving competitive, integrated employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.

19 High level agency representation, families, and self-advocates. Met monthly for 6 months. Each of the monthly 2 day meetings focus on a specific topic. 12 Public Forums around the state, August- November 2004.

20 86 Recommendations Most important recommendation was to create the Blue Ribbon Implementation Working Group to implement the 86 report recommendations. Develop an A + Transition Plan

21 SB1278: Creates the Interagency Services Committee for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities within the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. Legislation Passed (ISC)

22  The work of Partners In Transition and the Blue Ribbon Implementation Working Group received support at a the federal level in FALL 2005 from the National Governor’s Association. Florida was 1 of 6 states accepted to participate in a policy academy focused on developing public policy that improving outcomes for young adults with disabilities and encompasses the crucial areas of customized employment, access to healthcare, housing, schooling, lifelong learning, transportation, community participation, and inclusion. National Governor’s Association Policy Academy

23 These ongoing initiatives are linked by agency and individual members and the common: VISION OF: All individuals, with and without disabilities, live, learn, work, and participate together in all life experiences. and the PRIORITY GOALS OF: Goal 1: Florida youth and young adults with disabilities participate in work experiences and opportunities that ultimately lead to a living wage, work related skills development, income and benefits potential, and asset accumulation. Goal 2: Florida youth and young adults with disabilities participate and demonstrate success in post-secondary educational opportunities and/or other employment related opportunities. COMMON LINK

24 Outcomes for Students  Discovering Personal Genius (Marc Gold & Associates)  School Districts: (Brevard, Dade, Escambia, Hillsborough, Palm Beach, Pasco and Polk Counties)  Implementation  Capacity Building  FL Department of Education/Division of Vocational Rehabilitation:  Established as a Service  Eligibility Determination

25 State Level Efforts – Reaching the Person Customized Employment: SCIETT  Supported, Competitive, Integrated Employment Training Team:  Community Teams of Employment Stakeholders (6)  Job Seekers  Families  School Districts  Community Rehabilitation Providers  State Agencies  Intensive training sessions with follow-up technical assistance Implementation Capacity Building

26 State Level Efforts – Reaching the Person Customized Employment: METTA  Micro-Enterprise Training & Technical Assistance and the new Center for Self-Employment  Entrepreneurs  Business Design Teams  Business Concept Development  Market Analysis  Benefits Analysis  Business Plan Development  Capacity Building

27 State Level Efforts – Reaching the Person Roddie & his VR Counselor Roddie with his newly purchased vending machines Roddie’s Vending Service

28 Future Directions  New Governor  Partners In Transition – 2007 Summit – Ongoing Training & Technical Assistance

29 ? Q & A?

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