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Revelation Seminars 2 Decoding Apocalyptic Messages Messages from Patmos for Today!

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Presentation on theme: "Revelation Seminars 2 Decoding Apocalyptic Messages Messages from Patmos for Today!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revelation Seminars 2 Decoding Apocalyptic Messages Messages from Patmos for Today!

2 Revelation Seminars 2 1.Explain what John was shown about Jesus Christ 2.Examine the special characteristics of the book revealed in chapter 3.Agree on the keys by which we read Revelation objectives Decoding Apocalyptic Messages

3 Revelation Seminars 2 How to study Revelation Review Lesson 1A : How to read the Bible 1. Pray for the guidance of God 2. Read each Book as a whole 3. Read the Bible daily 4. Apply the truths you discover 5. Read the Bible as a whole 6. Focus on the central message of the Bible

4 Revelation Seminars 2 Review Lesson 1A : Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran How to study Revelation

5 Revelation Seminars 2 Dead Sea Scrolls

6 The Theme... What is the purpose of Revelation? Revelation Seminars 2 Q A Q1 Although Revelation is sometimes called "The Revelation of Saint John," who is really the central character of the book? Revelation 1:1,2 A Jesus Christ

7 Revelation Seminars 2 Q2 Who will be blessed by the Revelation? Revelation 1:3 A those who read, hear & do! Q3 Where was John at the time of writing? Revelation 1:9-10 A on the island of Patmos

8 Island of Patmos

9 Revelation Seminars 2 What does John tells us about Jesus? Q4 In addressing "the seven churches in the province of Asia," how did John describe Jesus Christ? Revelation 1:4, 5 A 1. Jesus is the One who gives grace & peace 2. Jesus is the faithful witness 3. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead 4. Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the earth

10 Revelation Seminars 2 What does John tells us about Jesus? Q5 What two things does John say Jesus has done for his readers? Revelation 1:5,6 A 1. Jesus loves us and has freed us from our sins 2. Jesus has made us a kingdom & priests to serve

11 Revelation Seminars 2 What does John tells us about Jesus? Q6 Read the vision that John had of Jesus Christ walking among the seven golden lampstands in Revelation 1:12-20. What two important facts did Jesus reveal about Himself? Revelation 1:17, 18 A 1. Jesus said, "I am the first & the last" 2. Jesus said, "I am the Living One"

12 Revelation Seminars 2 What does John tells us about Jesus? Q7 Jesus Christ walked among the seven golden lampstands and held the seven stars! What does this reveal about His attitude to His people? Revelation 1:19, 20 A Jesus loves to be among His people

13 Revelation Seminars 2 Jesus loves being with His people

14 Revelation Seminars 2 What are the special characteristics of this book? 1 Revelation was RELEVANT TO THE FIRST READERS Q8 Who were the first to read and receive a message from Revelation? Revelation 1:11 A the members of the seven churches

15 Revelation Seminars 2 What are the special characteristics of this book? 1 Revelation was RELEVANT TO THE FIRST READERS 2 Revelation uses SYMBOLS Q9 What symbols are used to portray the seven churches to which Revelation was addressed? Revelation 1:12, 20 A seven golden lampstands

16 Revelation Seminars 2 What are the special characteristics of this book? 1 Revelation was RELEVANT TO THE FIRST READERS 2 Revelation uses SYMBOLS 3 Revelation is full of CONTRASTS Q10 What contrast is drawn in Revelation 1:8? Compare Revelation 1:17 A first & last / dead & alive (vs 18)

17 Revelation Seminars 2 What are the special characteristics of this book? 1 Revelation was RELEVANT TO THE FIRST READERS 2 Revelation uses SYMBOLS 3 Revelation is full of CONTRASTS 4 Revelation is a MOSAIC OF PREVIOUS SCRIPTURE Q11 Where else in Scripture do we find a vision of Jesus Christ that is similar to that found in Revelation 1:12-16? (See footnote or marginal reference on Revelation 1:13) A Daniel chapter 7

18 Revelation Seminars 2 What are the special characteristics of this book? 1 Revelation was RELEVANT TO THE FIRST READERS 2 Revelation uses SYMBOLS 3 Revelation is full of CONTRASTS 4 Revelation is a MOSAIC OF PREVIOUS SCRIPTURE 5 Revelation is CHRIST-CENTERED & CHURCH-CENTERED Q12 What glorious and important truth about Jesus is revealed in Revelation 1:7? A He is coming again & all will see Him

19 Revelation Seminars 2 Jesus is coming for His people

20 Revelation Seminars 2 Q true or false 1.Revelation was relevant to the first readers. 2.The symbols of Israel apply to believers in Jesus Christ. 3.Revelation is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 4.Revelation’s main theme is the second coming of Jesus. Q yes/no/not sure 5. Have you chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? quiz

21 My Response... Q In Revelation Jesus speaks to His followers. What do you think it means to choose to believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour? How does living in harmony with every Bible truth that you already know fit into this? A Revelation Seminars 2 NewChurchLife Resource –

22 Revelation Seminars 2 Decoding Apocalyptic Messages Messages from Patmos for Today!

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