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CfE Higher World Religion: Christianity
Use as a check list revision guide and for homework tasks
CfE Higher World Religion: Christianity
Use as a check list revision guide and for homework tasks
Try and look through the eyes of a person of faith
RMPS Skill Try and look through the eyes of a person of faith You keep your beliefs and values but you are trying to see what things about their faith are significant (important) to them and what impact these things have on them and the world around them. You are also looking for connections. You can take the glasses off after the lesson!!
GOD Christian belief about Revelation
Revelation is God’s way of revealing Himself to His Creation GOD
GOD Christian belief about Revelation
Revelation is God’s way of revealing Himself to His Creation Christians believe revelation is the process by which God makes Himself known to His creation. All knowledge about God comes by way of revelation. Without revelation we would not know God, what God is like and what His purpose is for us, His creation. God is completely different to us, wholly spiritual, from a spiritual dimension – invisible to the human eye far above human comprehension. It is impossible to understand God without God making the effort to communicate to us - revealing Himself to us. Revelation is God closing the communication gap with us His creation. Reflection Task: Analysis & Evaluation How did you do? How easy was it to reveal the real you to a person who doesn’t know you? 3. How could you improve the communication so the other person understands you better? Task: Pair up with someone you don’t know. Try to reveal the real you to someone else. Tell them about: Your likes Your dislikes Hobbies Your hopes Your dreams GOD
Special General Christian belief about Revelation
There are 2 ways God reveals Himself to His creation Special General GOD The Bible God’s Word The Incarnation God becomes Human Jesus of Nazareth Supernatural Experiences Nature Designed By God This is where God relates directly with people. This type of revelation is more relational. This is where God interacts with humans beings on a more personal way so that they get a better insight into what God is really like and who they really are. Also known as Natural Revelation. This is where we look at nature – the universe, the world and it’s creatures and work out whether they have been designed and if God is the designer.
Christian belief about Revelation
General Special GOD The Bible God’s Word God becomes Human Jesus of Nazareth The Incarnation Supernatural Experiences Nature Designed By God Tasks 1. Describe what Christians believe about Revelation in depth. Go into detail like Mr P’s PPT. 2. Why do you think Revelation is so significant (important) to the Christian faith? 3. Do you think one type of revelation is more significant and impacting than another for Christians in the modern world? Explain and give your reasons. There are roughly 3 types of Christians in churches today. Literal Christians who believe every word of the Bible & believe Supernatural Experiences still happen Literal Christians who believe every word of the Bible but don’t believe in Supernatural Experiences Liberal Christians who don’t believe the Bible is the word of God or in Supernatural Experiences Why do you think there are different types of Christians? 5. Make up PPT, study cards, memory aids, etc on Revelation
Higher in depth answers will include some or all of the following
Explain the key point in 1-2 sentences (Exp) + additional detail (Add) + examples (Exa) + reasons (R) + evidence (Ev) + implications (Imp) Impact on a person of faith Daily living Work practices Personal relationships Ethical choices Financial choices Social life Spiritual Life Any relevant area of life
Revelation: Scripture
God communicating to humans
1. What have you been learning
about Christianity from John Wimber’s Personal story? 2. Can you see any of the course in his story ?
Revelation: Scripture
So what is in the Bible?
A library of Books called the Bible
(TORAH) Old Testament Books 39 New Testament Books 27
Research & report back to the class
Revelation & Scriptures (The Bible) Research & report back to the class 1. What is the Bible & why is it so significant to Christians? 2. What is the difference between the Old & New testaments? 3. What does it mean that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God? 4. What is the canon of scripture? 5. How is the Bible used in individual and community Christian worship? 6. What does a literal Interpretation of scripture mean? What does a metaphorical Interpretation of scripture mean? Give an example for each interpretation from a miracle in the NT. 9. What are the Gospels and why are these significant to Christians? Click on link In a team of 3 or 4
A Christian’s Mission in life is to share their faith with others.
The goal of mission for many Christians is to convert others to the Christian faith from Atheism, Agnostism or other faiths. The ultimate goal for mission/evangelism is the Evangelisation of the world where the whole world comes to faith! The word Evangelism is based on the Greek word Evangelion which literally means ‘good news’. Task 1: Find out what the good news Christians are to share? The Risen Jesus actually commanded evangelism in Matthew Chapter 28 verse 16-20 Task 2: Find these verses and copy them into your jotter. Explain why these verses has been so significant to Christians over the centuries. The act of mission is called evangelism. This can be done individually, or in small or larger numbers and in all sorts of ways. Task 3: We studied the mission of 3/4 different Christians when you were in S1/2 RME. a. Who were these Christians you studied? b. How did they do mission? c. Who were they evangelising? d. What impact did their evangelism have on the people they were reaching? Clue: We learned their true stories through DVD/Movie
Reflection on previous lessons
Get into a group of 3 or 4 to talk about the questions below In the last episode of John Wimber’s story where did you see: 1. Revelation through Scripture 2. Revelation through the Supernatural 3. How significant were these revelations to him? 4. What impact did these revelations have on 5: Where did we see Mission and a Community of Faith (Church) as part of his story? 6. What do you think he will say next? Click link An example of a person’s story recounting their faith journey
His Story Enlightened Europe
Western Europe has for the last couple of centuries accepted the enlightened view that reality should be based on naturalistic empirical explanations. Where before people would have given a supernatural God as an explanation for the beginning and meaning of life now science had taken that place. What scientific discoveries do you think have most impacted the religious view on life and meaning? How significant do you think the scientific view of life is on the average person on the street in Scotland? 3. How significant do you think the religious view of life is Is there a place in our modern rational world for a supernatural God? Give your reasons with proof/evidence. There are many different views Christians have on Supernatural Revelation. Describe the 3 main types of Christian beliefs. Explain what they believe and why. His Story Types of Christian Relating to the Supernatural Cessasionist Continuationist Liberal
Research & report back to the class
Revelation & Scriptures (The Bible) Research & report back to the class 1. What is the Bible & why is it so significant to Christians? 2. What is the difference between the Old & New testaments? 3. What does it mean that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God? 4. What is the canon of scripture? 5. How is the Bible used in individual and community Christian worship? 6. What does a literal Interpretation of scripture mean? What does a metaphorical Interpretation of scripture mean? Give an example for each interpretation from a miracle in the NT. 9. What are the Gospels and why are these significant to Christians?
You are required to read some Bible Sources in the Higher Course
Bible gateway App
Evangelical/Charismatic Christianity
Christian Revelation What is it? Where do you see it in any of these Christians stories? Rev David Wilkerson Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity Father Damien Catholic Christianity Christian Mission Evangelism and Evangelisation What is it? What does Matthew 28 say about it? What is similar about evangelism in these Christians stories? What is different about evangelism in their stories? 5. Do you think all Christians agree on evangelism? Why? Rev John Wimber Evangelical/Charismatic Christianity Miss Corrie Ten Boom Evangelical Christianity
Key Bible sources The Old Testament The book of Genesis Chapters 1-3
The Prophecy of Isaiah Chapter 53 The New Testament The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of John Chapters 1-3 The book of the Acts of the Apostles The New Testament Cont.. The Apostle Paul’s letter to the: Romans Chapters 3, 5 & 6 I Corinthians Chapters 12-15 Philippians Chapter 2 Colossians Chapter 1 verses 15-23 The book of Revelation Chapter 4, 5, 21 & 22
Religion and Revelation
Summary Notes
Revelation is communication from God to humans.
The word revelation in ordinary English is used to mean the ‘realisation of something which was previously unknown’. In this sense, God. Revelation is communication from God to humans. It can be in many forms. In Christianity, examples of revelation are: Individuals: Jesus, his life and teachings Scriptures: the Bible Nature: the world around us and use of reason Religious faith is accepting these revelations and acting on them Hugh Mackintosh: “All religious knowledge of God comes by revelation. If this was not the case then we would be committed to the belief that human beings can know God without God ever having revealed Himself.” We wouldn’t know about God if he hadn’t let himself be known – as there are religions, He must be letting himself be known.
General Revelation It is possible for anyone to know God through general revelation. This can happen in a number of ways: Reflecting on nature, and drawing conclusions [e.g. the order and beauty must have been designed by a God] Use of our conscience [develops from an early age, and although subject to influences, al humans have a sense of this = must be ‘in-built’] Reflecting on scriptures [the culmination of human reflection on God and what He wants – often believed to be the word of God written down, although most Christians would accept some human interpretation] Reflecting on the lives of important figures (e.g. Jesus, Mother Teresa, etc) [people who have acted according to what they believe God wanted, and inspire others to do the same]
Special Revelation This refers to individuals having DIRECT experiences of God: Dreams / Miracles / Receiving Messages (e.g. Terma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism) / A Strong Feeling of ‘God’ Linked to an Event Often interpreted as a ‘calling’ from God to ‘do’ something specific e.g. David Wilkerson’s mission to the gangs in New York. These experiences are individual, and so open to interpretation
Strengths and Weaknesses of revelation in the culture we live in
God is out with our realm of senses, and as such cannot be ‘known’ scientifically Because God is separate, different and ‘other’. Humans can never fully understand or fully know God this side of heaven. Ideas of God through revelation are only human descriptions which so are limited in what they can say Ideas of God through revelation are interpreted which can mean our ideas of God can be inaccurate or biased Strengths A significant spiritual experience can affect and change a persons whole life Different types of revelation ‘add up’ to reinforce belief Sharing experiences with others also reinforces belief There is a long tradition of revelation dating back to start of the Judeo/Christian religion. Abraham, Moses, Elijah all had significant spiritual revelations Christianity is a religion of revelation. From the Incarnation to the Resurrection
Revelation as a source of human knowledge
Check your learning about: Revelation as a source of human knowledge 1. What do Christians understand by revelation? 2. Describe 2 key benefits of revelation for a person of faith living in 21st century Dunoon 3. Describe 2 key drawbacks of revelation for a person of faith 4. Why is revelation important to Christians? 5. Do you think science and religious belief are compatible?
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