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HOW TO ORGANIZE A TECHNOLOGY CLUB IN YOUR SCHOOL Denise Trombly New Searles Elementary Nashua, NH

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO ORGANIZE A TECHNOLOGY CLUB IN YOUR SCHOOL Denise Trombly New Searles Elementary Nashua, NH"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO ORGANIZE A TECHNOLOGY CLUB IN YOUR SCHOOL Denise Trombly New Searles Elementary Nashua, NH

2 Genesis of the idea Day of Code December 2013 Student Interest Need for STEM enhancement to current curriculum Smarter Balance and other Computer based testing Prepare students for the future

3 Launch February 2014 Invitation limited to Grade 5 ( student pool of 75) Before School 8:00-8:45 AM with additional support during lunch recess or free time Students to brainstorm focus One faculty advisor

4 OMG ! First meeting=31 students appeared @ 8AM Interest ranged from building drones and robots to coding, to media of all kinds, and simple Microsoft Office skills. Faculty support for the effort tremendous Buzz in early grades created more demand Excitement

5 Wish List of Club Activities Learn to Code Make Drones Animation Video Photography Robotics IPAD skills/Apps Build video games Virtual tour of school Staff support Student support Build Computers Podcasting Skyping Microsoft Office A white board full

6 Re-Group and Re-think Recruited more staff and parent/volunteers with appropriate skills (5 more) Categorized the wish list into 4 broad areas: 1) Coding 2) Photography 3) Video And… grade level support for teachers as a secondary “job” for all students in the club

7 What They Accomplished Coding Students were in the lab with software engineers and learned basic code. ( used CODE SITE FOR THIS YEAR tools and Khan Academy)CODE SITE FOR THIS YEAR Taught and learned from each other as well. Used “ ask 3 then me” Developed simple code for game *This years code begins December 8th

8 What They Accomplished Photography Photography club of Nashua provided basic teaching of how to take photos. Parent support as well With the help of Guidance Counselor, took pictures and helped assemble end of the year slide show ( on memory stick) Helped take photos for 5 th grade year book

9 What They Accomplished Video I Movie ( in GMAIL HAPPY Virtual tour of the School and its students HAPPYHAPPY Learned planning, storyboarding, editing and layering of music as well as I MOVIE app Work with NHSS students to learn broadcasting as well as all the technology that goes into production

10 What They Accomplished Grade Level support Banners for Weather Grade 1 Designed program for graduation in Publisher for Grade 5 Researched and created PPT for Pre K Assisted with K-1,2 in computer lab ( I-Ready and Smarter Balance, E-portfolio) Banners for Art, PE Downloading pieces for Music teacher Finding appropriate support material for Library for Lady Bug book nominees.

11 End of the Year Surprise! Field trip to Nashua South TV studio Students worked as “talent”, floor directors, in the control room and operated cameras. Learned many aspects of production and possibilities for careers Results: New Searles Take 2 andNew Searles Take 2 New Searles @ NHSS 2

12 Results Lots of learning and lots of fun! Generated much interest in all facets of Technology and its applications Gave each student a time to shine Provided support for faculty and staff ( freeing up most precious time)

13 Plans for 2014-2015 Continue the following: Grade 5 only Brainstorm and categorize Changes due to learning: Work with Nashua South to start earlier Coding effort enhanced Grade level work promoted more aggressively More volunteers from the beginning

14 Possibilities are endless Do it within a grade After school program Challenge Groups Speakers Coordinate with high schools/industry Teachers helpers Library Media projects Coordinate with LEGO league????

15 Questions How can we as educators build these skills and interest students in all facets of technology? How could this work at your school? Any other suggestions for activities or support?

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