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El monte coalition of latino professionals Annual Membership Meeting June 21, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "El monte coalition of latino professionals Annual Membership Meeting June 21, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 el monte coalition of latino professionals Annual Membership Meeting June 21, 2004

2 Board of Directors  Norma Edith García, Chair  Hernan Munayco, Marketing & Publicity  Bismarck Obando, Membership  Silvia Gutierrez, Treasurer  Edward Zuniga, Secretary  Andre Quintero, Civic Participation  Norma Macias, Community Development  Roberto Salcedo, Culture & Arts  Maribel García, Education


4 Accomplishments  Developed Vision for emCLP Mission Statement Mission Statement  Developed By-Laws  Formed Board of Directors Board Retreat Board Retreat

5 Accomplishments  Held Inaugural Event  Policy Initiatives General Plan Update General Plan Update Inclusionary Housing Inclusionary Housing  Co-Sponsored Community Events: El Monte’s First Art Fair El Monte’s First Art Fair El Monte’s First Concert in the Park Series El Monte’s First Concert in the Park Series

6 Accomplishments   Media San Gabriel Tribune Magazine, “El Monte: Growing community embraces change, but retains its small-town feel. Mid Valley News: Inclusionary Housing Article "We love this city." "We love this city." Garcia and friends have formed the El Monte Coalition of Latino Professionals, a group that will become movers and shakers in city politics during years to come, she vows. Garcia and friends have formed the El Monte Coalition of Latino Professionals, a group that will become movers and shakers in city politics during years to come, she vows.

7 Work Plan   Organization Marketing & Publicity Membership Treasury   Civic Participation   Community Development   Culture & Arts   Education

8 emCLP El Monte Coalition of Latino Professionals (EMCLP) is committed to building leadership capacity through a variety of strategies that include civic participation, cultural awareness, education, and community development in the City of El Monte. El Monte Coalition of Latino Professionals (EMCLP) is committed to building leadership capacity through a variety of strategies that include civic participation, cultural awareness, education, and community development in the City of El Monte.

9 Organization  Develop/Approve Work Plan  Obtain 501-C3 Status File Articles of Incorporation File Articles of Incorporation  Develop Organization Funding Mechanisms  Build Board & Committee Structure  Establish Organizational Contacts Host meetings w/ Stakeholders Host meetings w/ Stakeholders  July 2004  June 30, 2005  June 2005  September 2004

10 Marketing & Publicity  Establish contacts with local and regional media and local cable  Establish quarterly newsletter  Establish web presence  Create in house media graphic design of material  August 2004  September 2004  July 2004

11 Membership  Membership Drive Goal: 30 members Goal: 30 members  New Member Networking Session  Membership Database  Contact Database  June 2005  August 2004

12 Treasury  Prepare and Present 2004 - 2005 Fiscal Year Budget  Develop organizational funding mechanisms  Identify potential supporters  Identify potential grant opportunities  June 2004  On-Going

13 Civic Participation To advance civic participation through a community of strategies that facilitate public policy discussion. To advance civic participation through a community of strategies that facilitate public policy discussion.

14 Civic Participation  Neighbor-to-Neighbor Voter Registration Project  Community Participation Survey  Policy Seminars: Housing Housing Education Education Health Health Environment Environment  September/ Oct. 2004  November 2004  February – August 2005

15 Community Development To promote community development and nurture economic opportunities in housing, retail, and transportation. To promote community development and nurture economic opportunities in housing, retail, and transportation.

16 Community Development  Inclusionary Housing Ordinance  Co-Sponsor General Plan Workshop for City Council, City Staff and Planning Commissioners  Educational Seminar on mortgage lending for first time home buyers.  June 2004  July 2004  September 2004

17 Culture & Arts To promote cultural awareness that empower and acknowledge history and the arts. To promote cultural awareness that empower and acknowledge history and the arts.

18 Culture & Arts  Concert in the Parks  2 nd Annual La Historia Art Show  Create Database of Cultural Amenities, Artists & Performers in the greater El Monte area  June & July 2005  September 2005  March 2005

19 Education To promote education by providing financial, academic, social, and professional support to El Monte students. To promote education by providing financial, academic, social, and professional support to El Monte students.

20 Education  Scholarship Program  Mentor Program  El Monte History Curriculum  City-Wide College Fair  November 2004  January – May 2005  September 2005

21 Committee Discussions (15 minutes)

22 Questions?

23 Is there a Motion to Approve emCLP’s 2004-2005 Work Plan?

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