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EDITOREDITOR FILM INDUSTRY – PAIGE SMITH. D U TI E S Visit locations during filming Go through footage Trim and assemble footage Work with sound effects.

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Presentation on theme: "EDITOREDITOR FILM INDUSTRY – PAIGE SMITH. D U TI E S Visit locations during filming Go through footage Trim and assemble footage Work with sound effects."— Presentation transcript:


2 D U TI E S Visit locations during filming Go through footage Trim and assemble footage Work with sound effects editors, sound editors and musical directors Insert music, dialogue and sound effects Review the edited film Make revisions and prepare the final cut for release to the film house for production.

3 B E N E FITS Get a direct input into how the film is made and how the finish product turns out Work and income are more steady than other careers in the film industry Get to work closely with the director and other major contributors to the film

4 S K IL L S Knowledge of the film industry and movie production Knowledge of editing equipment Good photographic eye, as well as knowledge of audio effects Problem-solving skills Strong interpersonal skills

5 C H A RA C T ERIST I CS Ability to work alone Flexibility Ability to remain calm and confident Willingness to work long hours on rush assignments

6 E D UCAT I ONAL R EQ U IREME N T S Bachelor of Art w/ a major in film and television, film studies or communications. Independent film schools, photographic institutes, community colleges and technical schools. Local Institutes: SFU – School of Contemporary Arts BCIT - Media and Creative Communications

7 C A RE E R I N FO Salary ranges from $30, 000 - $80, 000 per year Long and irregular hours during evenings, weekends and public holidays to meet deadlines

8 P L AC E S OF E M P L O YMENT Most are independently employed Some work for studios ( Vancouver Film Studios, O h Just Peachy Studios Productions )

9 OH JUST PEACHY STUDIOS PRODUCTIONS Full service video production and post-production studio located in Vancouver Provides film and video production and post- production services to small businesses, individuals, artists, and bands all over North America.

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