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Dealing with the Threat of Terrorism on Transit Systems Eva Lerner-Lam, President Palisades Consulting Group, Inc. Presentation at the ICTPA Annual Meeting,

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with the Threat of Terrorism on Transit Systems Eva Lerner-Lam, President Palisades Consulting Group, Inc. Presentation at the ICTPA Annual Meeting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with the Threat of Terrorism on Transit Systems Eva Lerner-Lam, President Palisades Consulting Group, Inc. Presentation at the ICTPA Annual Meeting, October 5, 2002

2 The Threat is Real 1993: Terrorists were discovered with plans to bomb New York tunnels and bridges 1995: A train was derailed in Arizona by unknown terrorists, subways were bombed in Paris and nerve gas was discharged in the Tokyo subway 1997: Terrorists were discovered planning suicide bombings in the NYC subways 1998: an attempt was made to derail a high speed train in Japan and poison gas attack on the Moscow subway

3 The Threat is Real 1999: a Sydney train station was bombed 2000: bomb threats shut down the London subway 2000: bombs injured patrons at the Dusseldorf subway station and the Manila subways 2001: terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11 seriously affected transportation in New York City

4 Furthermore, Transit is a “Critical Infrastructure” It must work DURING and AFTER a terrorist attack It must work DURING and AFTER a terrorist attack  Evacuation  First Responders  Search and Rescue  Recovery  Rebuilding

5 Types of Threats   Armed Assault   Hostage Taking   Chemical Release On Board   Explosive on Board   Chemical Outside   Explosive/Sabotage Outside

6 Four Fronts Counter- and Anti-Terrorism Counter- and Anti-Terrorism Infrastructure Hardening Infrastructure Hardening Business Recovery and Continuity Business Recovery and Continuity Information Technology Information Technology

7 Transit-Specific Responses Since 9/11 FTA “Connecting Communities” Program FTA “Connecting Communities” Program FTA/APTA Transit Security Forums FTA/APTA Transit Security Forums FTA/NTI Security Training Courses FTA/NTI Security Training Courses TRB Security Research Initiatives TRB Security Research Initiatives

8 Other Related Responses Since 9/11 for Transportation Engineers The Infrastructure Security Program (TISP) The Infrastructure Security Program (TISP) Infrastructure Security and the Built Environment (ISBE) Infrastructure Security and the Built Environment (ISBE) ASCE Transportation Security Committee ASCE Transportation Security Committee

9 Transit Agency Needs Education Education Awareness Awareness Training Training Drills Drills Due Diligence Due Diligence

10 What Every Transportation Professional Should Do… Be a “part of the solution” Be a “part of the solution” Learn about national, regional and local programs Learn about national, regional and local programs Participate in drills and exercises Participate in drills and exercises Frequently check your preparedness at work, home, commute and travel Frequently check your preparedness at work, home, commute and travel

11 References TRB: TRB: APTA: APTA: AASHTO: AASHTO: ASCE: ASCE: White House: White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov FBI: FBI: FEMA: FEMA: Red Cross: Red Cross:

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