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Positioning with LiDAR Lucia Scimone, 31 st May 2011 GMAT9205 – Fundamentals of Geo-Positioning School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems The.

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Presentation on theme: "Positioning with LiDAR Lucia Scimone, 31 st May 2011 GMAT9205 – Fundamentals of Geo-Positioning School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positioning with LiDAR Lucia Scimone, 31 st May 2011 GMAT9205 – Fundamentals of Geo-Positioning School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems The University of New South Wales Lucia Scimone, 31 st May 2011 GMAT9205 – Fundamentals of Geo-Positioning School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems The University of New South Wales

2 Aims What is LiDAR? How it is collected XYZ Positioning What does it look like Limitations

3 Background Australian Hydrographic Office Why? - Marine Navigation, Charting, Environmental Research, Mining /Exploration Shallow water bathymetry, eg. Greet Barrier Reef Source:

4 Bathymetric Acquisition Methods Source: (left) (right)

5 LADS Hydrography Source: Australian Hydrographic Service LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging. Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS II) fitted in a de Havilland DASH 8 aircraft. Land Based

6 Lidar Data Collection Source:

7 LiDAR Data Collection Airborne LiDAR system consisting of lasers, scanner, optics, and acquisition, electronics. Picture: Andreas Axelsson, (2010)” Rapid topographic and bathymetric reconnaissance using airborne LiDAR”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7835,783503 Sweden – accessed online at:

8 “Lasers” L-A-S-E-R : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation two frequency beams – Green laser pulse 532 nm, pulsed (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet green laser) – Red laser pulse (near infrared beam) 1064 nm Each laser footprint is around 2.5m diameter, green beam passes through water and diverges due to light scattering. Source: Axelsson 2010

9 Remember last weeks GMAT 9205 Lecture on GPS/INS Integration for Geo-referencing (Week 10)? Positioning Aircraft altitude and speed need to be considered when collecting data: Laser Time return Sampling rate Sub-ns accuracy for timing calibration Beam divergence Target characters

10 Positioning - xyz Vertical & Horizontal Altitude of aircraft GPS / INS (Inertial Navigation System) Both onboard and at a station on the ground Tides system's operating geometry propagation induced biases wave height Source: ttp://coastalwiki.or g/w/images/8/8b/Li dar_fig_02.jpg

11 Positioning - xyz The body frame (b-frame) is an orthogonal frame in which the measurements of a navigation system are made. - Origin: The centre of the navigation system - X-axis: Toward the front end of the vehicle - Y-axis: Toward the right side -Z-axis: Downwards and perpendicular to the X-Y plane -(Wang 2011, Lecture 10) The navigation or local level frame (n or l- frame) - Origin: The centre of the navigation system - X-axis: Toward ellipsoidal true north (North) - Y-axis: Toward ellipsoidal east (East) - Z-axis: Downwards direction along the ellipsoidal normal (Down)

12 Limitations Depth of water < 60m Conditions need to fly <500m so needs good visibility ie. low cloud/ fog present problems Turbidity (refracts light within the water column, produced too much noise) Wind <20knots, sea state

13 Questions

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