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President Michelle Grant Vice-President Mary Diaz Treasurer Vacant Secretary Joann Scarpelli Trustee Sylvia Alvarez Trustee Robert Chovanec

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Presentation on theme: "President Michelle Grant Vice-President Mary Diaz Treasurer Vacant Secretary Joann Scarpelli Trustee Sylvia Alvarez Trustee Robert Chovanec"— Presentation transcript:

1 President Michelle Grant Vice-President Mary Diaz Treasurer Vacant Secretary Joann Scarpelli Trustee Sylvia Alvarez Trustee Robert Chovanec Message From the President July 2015 HOPE Hello members, I hope you had a great 4 th of July! I am excited to announce the Fort Worth Chapter of HOPE has a website. It’s still under construction, but you can go to the website and browse through the pages. You can also join HOPE, make a donation, or pay your registration fee via PayPal. There is a $2 convenience fee (PayPal’s fee). The garage sale was a complete success! Thank you to all the volunteers and to those who donated items. I want to encourage you to participate in HOPE’s Bowling Tournament! Get your friends and family and form your team. We always have a great time! Prizes for 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place! Don’t bowl? Come out anyway! Support HOPE! Have you packed your bags? Join us for the HOPE Cruise January 25, 2016 to Mexico! You can take advantage of the convenient HOPE payment plan or you can call Carnival direct. Call 1-800-764-7315 ext. 70232 If you decide to contact Carnival to book your room, you will be required to pay at least the $200 deposit per person per cabin. You will need the following booking information: Group: HOPE Booking #: 6P5CV3 PIN #: 2525 Ship: Carnival Freedom Departing: 1/25/2016 PLEASE REMEMBER, your deposits are due by September 11, 2015 and your final payment by November 28, 2015. Join us Thursday, J See you at the next HOPE meeting, Michelle

2 . SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015

3 Sunday August 2, 2015 CITYVIEW BOWLING LANES 6601 Oakmont Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76132 Registration will begin at 12:00 ~ Tournament will begin at 1:00 p.m. $20.00 per bowler League Style Bowling / 3 Games 4 Members per team Mixed (at least 1 male or 1 female) 9 Pin No-Tap ( 9 pins counts the same as a strike) To register or for more information, please contact Daniel Mata 817-304-2806 or Mary Diaz 817-689-7974

4 CARNIVAL CRUISE LINE January 25, 2016 Interior: $359.19 Ocean View: $409.19 Balcony: $539.19 (double occupancy-includes taxes/fees) An initial deposit of $50 per person due July 17, 2015 or you can pay $200 in full by July 17, 2015 Or, take advantage of HOPE’s convenient payment plan $75.00 due to HOPE by August 14, 2015 $75.00 due to HOPE by September 11, 2015 Total balance due to Carnival by November 26, 2015 Cruise with HOPE to Cozumel Mexico! For more information or to book a spot on the HOPE CRUISE, contact Joann Scarpelli 817-897-1984 or Mary Diaz 817-689- 7974


6 Do you have a recipe you would like to share? Send your recipe to FIRE CRACKERS 4 sleeves Premium Saltines 1cup canola oil 2 Tbsp. Crushed Red Pepper (Pizza Pepper) 1 Tsp Garlic powder 1/2 Tsp. Onion powder 1 pkg. Dry Ranch Salad Dressing Mix Stand all crackers on their edges (like papers in a file) in a large bowl or Dutch Oven. Have a second bowl of similar size ready. Mix all remaining ingredients in a small bowl to become a dressing. Pour this mixture over the crackers. Let the dressing drain down and let set for 15 minutes. Transfer the crackers into the second bowl by hand. Reuse the same 'dressing' over the crackers again. Let sit for 15 more minutes. Repeat this cycle 2 more times. Remove crackers from any remaining liquid and store in an air-tight container.

7 Thursday, July 16, 2015 Humperdinks 700 Six Flags Dr, Arlington, TX 76011 Phone:(817) 640-8553 Happy Hour/Dinner 5:30 PM 7:00 Meeting Sunday, August 2, 2015 HOPE Bowling Tournament Thursday, August 20, 2015 Meeting: 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Hispanic Hertiage Month Kick Off Sunday, September 20, 2015 Meeting: 1:00 PM Lunch 2:00 Meeting Saturday, September 26, 2015 Celebrate HHM by taking breakfast to 3-4 offices Thursday, October 8, 2015 HHM Pot Luck luncheon for the Atrium and Plant employees Thursday, October 15, 2015 Meeting: 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 Meeting Kick Off for Toy and Food drive for NICA Thursday, November 12, 2015 Meeting: 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 Meeting NO DECEMBER MEETING Toy and Food drive for NICA

8 HOPE Meeting Thursday, July 16, 2015 700 Six Flags Dr. Arlington, TX 76011 Phone:(817) 640-8553 Happy Hour/Dinner 5:30 PM 7:00 Meeting

9 FORT WORTH CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORT WORTH CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Hispanic Organization of Postal Employees Fort Worth Chapter, PO Box 162422, Fort Worth TX 76161-2422 2015 Membership Application Membership Dues: $20 Please Print Name: Address/C/S/Z+4: AC/Phone: Hm/Cell/Wrk (Circle One) DOB (Month/Day) Personal eMail**:  NEW Member  RETURNING Member Referred by: Signature Date **All correspondence from this organization is sent via email. This includes notices, announcements and the HOPE newsletter.

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