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For Photography 20.  Plan  Shoot  Sort ◦ Apple iPhoto – advantages & disadvantages ◦ Apple Aperture – professional version ◦ Adobe Photoshop Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "For Photography 20.  Plan  Shoot  Sort ◦ Apple iPhoto – advantages & disadvantages ◦ Apple Aperture – professional version ◦ Adobe Photoshop Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Photography 20

2  Plan  Shoot  Sort ◦ Apple iPhoto – advantages & disadvantages ◦ Apple Aperture – professional version ◦ Adobe Photoshop Elements ◦ Adobe Lightroom (Adobe Bridge) ◦ Adobe Photoshop

3  Crop  Adjustments ◦ Brightness ◦ Contrast ◦ Saturation ◦ Burn & Dodge  Editing ◦ blemishes, red-eye ◦ Objects  Effects  Text

4 Photoshop main screen (in Windows) with components

5  Once opening an image in Photoshop, save the file with a new name! This will make sure you always have the original  If you make a mistake while working, there is a command similar to Undo. It is called Undo and Step Backward (may not be available for everything)  History Command in Windows Menu  Revert is a command that replaces the current state of your image with your last saved image

6  With this tool you simply sample a part of your photograph and cover another part of your photograph with the sampled area  The pixels from one area basically replaces the pixels to another part of the image  Think of this tool as if you are painting a wall and covering it with another “coat of paint”  The pixels from one area basically replaces the pixels to another part of the image

7  Choose the Clone Stamp Tool from the Tools Panel on the left  Select a brush from the Options bar – you can choose from a variety of types and adjust the hardness (amount of feathering), size and opacity (level of transparency/intensity)  Deselect Aligned Sample (optional). This will keep the sample from the initial point the same, rather than moving and changing the sample point while cloning

8  Choose a sample of color from your image by placing cursor over desired location and choose option on keyboard and click with mouse  Choose location you wish to cover and click with mouse  To adjust the size of your brush you can simply use the [ and ] on your keyboard to make the brusher smaller/larger

9  With this tool you simply remove blemishes and other minor flaws from images  Does not require you to take a sample area as it automatically matches pixels – form of blending  Choose this tool from the Tools Panel on the left and make necessary modifications to size and hardness  Locate desired area and click on mouse

10  Select either a Quick Selection Tool or a Magnetic Lasso Tool from the Tools Panel  Draw around your object you wish to “cut out”  Press delete on your keyboard and OK to the Fill dialogue box that appears on your screen that indicates Content-Aware is used (or click Edit, Fill and use “content aware”)  Magically, your object disappears (you may need to touch up). Command D deselects  This may not work with absolutely every object you wish to make disappear!

11  Choose the Spot Healing Tool from Tools Panel  Modify size, brush, etc. in Options bar  Make sure Content-Aware button is selected  With mouse, click and drag over (colour over) object  Release mouse button and Photoshop should replace content/pixels  This may not work for everything!

12  Burn allows you to darken the exposure over specific areas of a picture (make darker or more dark)  Dodge allows you to lighten the exposure over specific areas of a picture (make brighter or more white)

13  feature-tour/contentaware-fill feature-tour/contentaware-fill

14  Practice ◦ Edit the blemishes from the picture of the girl ◦ Edit the volleyball picture to remove the man in the background and the water bottle ◦ Edit the lady with flowers and remove the lady  Assignment ◦ Choose two of your own pictures that would benefit from editing ◦ Touch up the pictures using Photoshop tools ◦ Be prepared to show “before” and “after” pictures

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