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 Successful Lobby Corps visits by each university  Online voter registration passed/implemented  LME increased in State Grant funding  HEAPR/Bonding.

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2  Successful Lobby Corps visits by each university  Online voter registration passed/implemented  LME increased in State Grant funding  HEAPR/Bonding funding for state universities passed  Two Twitter chats held in support of 2014 HEAPR funding  LTEs written by board members/published

3  Successful trip to Washington, DC  Senator Franken mentioned Kari Cooper in floor speech on Affordable Textbook Act  Worked with SAC to support SELF Loan exemption and textbook bill

4  Internal process in place for Charting the Future work/students appointed to committees  Increased student participation overall in MnSCU committee work  Testified regularly to MnSCU Board of Trustees

5  Governor selected student trustee recommended by MSUSA  Student trustee regularly attended MSUSA conferences  Tim Comes participated on MnSCU panel

6  Nearly 30 visits across all seven campuses, with multiple visits to each campus  Conferences were well-attended and productive (Delegates Assembly conferences & Lobby Corps training)  Brainstorming sessions at conferences enabled student discussion/collaboration

7  Created new organizing model/pilot program proposed and funded for new on-campus organizers  Increased activity/engagement in Diversity Advisory Committee  Increased interest in student officer positions

8  15+ media mentions, including articles featuring State Chair Griffin  Social media presence expanded (Facebook, now 2,000+; Twitter, now 850+)  Expanded MSUSA update list  Increased Lobby Corps engagement in communications through videos/blogs

9  100+ posts to MSUSA blog  Published annual report  Surveyed students regarding awareness of MSUSA for assessment/future tracking  Name change/logo/re-branding in process

10  Alumni attended conferences and presented sessions  Second annual Outstanding Alumni award presented  Alumni participated in Twitter HEAPR chats  Alumni attended scholarship fundraising events  Re-established and grew Alumni/Friends Facebook group

11  Alumni spotlights regularly posted  Engaged alumni in re-branding process  Former State Chair Miles interviewed on MPR (SELF Loan)  Working to solicit applications for Alumni/Friends Board  Holding Alumni/Friends reception tonight!

12  Planned Scholarship Week to promote programs  Provided fall Penny awards (spring awards TBD)  Anticipate another successful Penny Golf Scramble  Working on changes to build/grow Penny Program  Held successful JPS Mini Golf Fundraiser (150% of fundraising target)

13  Obtained grants to support financial literacy work  Created and carried out successful “Walking Debt” financial literacy campaign  2,000+ interactive questionnaires taken by students on debt/credit cards/budgeting  Writing grant application for GOTV work this fall

14  Staff/officers moved to more efficient/user- friendly timesheet  Established long-term venue for Twin Cities Delegates Assembly conferences  Maintained and improved office organization/human resources  Enhanced student conference materials  Updated MSUSA conference room infrastructure

15  Contracted with professional parliamentarian for meetings  All governing documents updated/approved  Quarterly meetings established with MSCSA

16  Working to change structure of Chancellor meetings  Increased number of interns at MSUSA  Chose new database to better meet organization needs and re-organized data

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