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Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ( ECDL 2000 Panel 3 “Digital Libraries Programs and International Cooperation” September.

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Presentation on theme: "Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ( ECDL 2000 Panel 3 “Digital Libraries Programs and International Cooperation” September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ( ECDL 2000 Panel 3 “Digital Libraries Programs and International Cooperation” September 20, 2000 Edward A. Fox CS DLRL Internet TIC Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

2 JCDL 2001  First Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries F F June 24-28, 2001 in Roanoke, VA F Conference Committee: F General Chair: Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech F Program Chair: Christine Borgman, UCLA F Treasurer: Neil Rowe, Naval Postgraduate School F Posters Chair: Craig Nevill-Manning, Rutgers U.

3 Steve Griffin’s 18 Sep 2000 Greetings F Ed, F Thanks. Yes, I'm sorry to be missing such a great meeting. F While I don't have any slides, I think it's important for the group to hear that the IIS Division and DLI is putting a very high priority on establishing new international collaborative efforts and we hope to steadily increase our investment in this area in FY2001 and beyond. We look forward to continuing our joint sponsorship of activities with UK/JISC and the Germany/DFG. We are also looking forward to a coordinated call for proposals with EC (DG XIII/E-2 "Cultural Heritage Applications") in Jan 2001 per Bernard's message to Jose last week. F Steve

4 Computing (flops) Digital content Communicat i ons (bandwidth, connectivity) Locating Digital Libraries in Computing and Communications Technology Space Digital Libraries technology trajectory: intellectual access to globally distributed information lessmore

5 Acknowledgements (Selected) F Sponsors: Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, NLM, NSF, OCLC, SOLINET, SURA, US Dept. of Ed. (FIPSE), … F VT Faculty/Staff: Anthony Atkins, Thomas Dunbar, Debra Dudley, John Eaton, Gwen Ewing, Peter Haggerty, Gary Hooper, Gail McMillan, Len Peters, James Powell, …  VT Students: Emilio Arce, Fernando Das Neves, Brian DeVane, Robert France, Marcos Goncalves, Scott Guyer, Robert Hall, Neill Kipp, Paul Mather, Tim McGonigle, Todd Miller, Constantinos Phanouriou, William Schweiker, Ohm Sornil, Hussein Suleman, Patrick Van Metre, Laura Weiss, …

6 A Digital Library Case Study F Domain: graduate education, research F Genre:ETDs=electronic theses & dissertations F Submission: F Collection: Project: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD)

7 The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Leader of the Worldwide ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Initiative Training Authors Expanding Access Preserving Knowledge Improving Graduate Education Enhancing Scholarly Communication Empowering Students & Universities

8 ETD Initiative (and UMI) Students Learn about DL, EPub TDs become more expressive N. Amer. (T)Ds are accessible, archived Global TDs become more accessible, archived UMI Universities

9 Stakeholder Perspectives F Students – learn, write/author F Faculty – advise, review F Researchers – use collection F Universities – serve students, manage collection, provide access, build DL infrastructure – and SAVE money F Nations – make research visible F International – promote cooperation

10 Grad Program Library IT Ed. (Tech)

11 Users and Roles Author Reader Digital Library Researcher Thesis Secretary Advisor Student Cataloger Librarian

12 Approaches to Open Archives Build By Discipline Build By Institution

13 Approaches to Open Archives Build By Discipline Build By Institution Author Category Interdisciplinary Year Language Query …

14 Eventually at OAI Protocol DO MDO Sets by subjectSets by origin MDO

15 Black Box OAI Perspective ISTEC (Ibero America) PhysDisNSYSU (Taiwan) ADT (Australia) BN.PT (Portugal) www.theses.orgCyberTheses (Francophone) VTDissert.Online (Germany) MITOhioLINKCBUC (Catalunya) NDC (Greece) NDC (Greece) CICU. Bergen (Norway) … …

16 F NOW: James Powell student project, D-Lib Magazine description in Sept. 1998, with XML description of each site –type of search engine / service –language, coverage (for resource discovery) F SOON: –1) VTLS running union catalog –2) Gateway capability with VT’s MARIAN thru protocols - Dienst, Harvest, OA, Z39.50 – and to Emerge (NCSA), Greenstone (NZ), Phronesis

17 Partial History F 1987 mtg in Ann Arbor: UMI, VT, … F 1992 mtg in Washington: CNI, CGS, UMI, VT and 10 universities with 3 reps each F 1993 mtg in Atlanta for Southeast: SURA, SOLINET F 1994 mtg at VT: std of PDF + SGML + multimedia F 1996 funding by SURA, US Dept. of Education F 1997 meetings in UK, Germany,... F 1998 – 1 st symposium – Memphis (20) F 1999 – 2 nd symposium – Blacksburg (70) F 1999 – UNESCO workshop – Paris (20) F 2000 – 3 rd symposium – St. Petersburg (225) F 2000 – Standards workshop – Berlin (30) F 2001 – 4 th symposium – Caltech (???)

18 What are the long term goals? F Educating ALL future scholars: epub expressively for, submit to, and effectively use digital libraries (i.e., become Information Literate) F Millions of students / year exposed / involved F > 200K/yr rich hypermedia ETDs that may turn into electronic portfolios (images, video, data, …) F Dramatic increase in knowledge sharing: literature reviews, bibliographies, … F Services providing lifelong access for students: browse, search, prior searches, citation links F Hundreds/thousands of downloads / year / work F Thousands of universities with DL projects

19 ETDs: Library Goals F Improve library services –Better turn-around time –Always available F Reduce work –catalog from e-text –eliminate handling: mailing to UMI, bindery prep, check-out, check-in, reshelving, etc. F Save space and save money

20 Convene Local Planning Group ETD

21 Build Local ETD Site Digital Library Policies Inspection/Approval Workshop/Training ETD

22 Student Gets Committee Signatures and Submits ETD Signed Grad School

23 Graduate School Approves ETD, Student is Graduated Ph.D.

24 Library Catalogs ETD, Access is Opened to the New Research WWW NDLTD

25 US University Members (44) F Penn. State University F Rochester Institute of Tech. F U. of Colorado Health Science Center F U. of Florida F U. of Georgia F University of Hawaii, Manoa F U. of Iowa F U. of Kentucky F U. of Maine F U. of North Texas – required since 8/99 F U. of Oklahoma F U. of South Florida F U. of Tennessee, Knoxville F U. of Tennessee, Memphis F U. of Texas at Austin – required in 2001 F U. of Virginia F U. Wisconsin - Madison F Vanderbilt U. F Virginia Commonwealth U. F Virginia Tech - required since 1/97 F West Virginia U. - required fall 1998 F Western Michigan U. F Worcester Polytechnic Inst. F Air University (Alabama) F Baylor University F Brigham Young University (part, whole) F Caltech F Clemson University F College of William & Mary F Concordia University (Illinois) F East Carolina University F East Tenn. State U. – require fall 2000 F Florida Institute of Technology F Florida International University F George Washington University F Louisiana State University F Marshall University (W. Va.) F Miami University of Ohio F Michigan Tech F Mississippi State University F MIT F Naval Postgraduate School (CA) F New Mexico Tech F North Carolina State University

26 OhioLINK F Statewide Consortium F Represents 79 colleges, universities, libraries F Public Universities F Private Universities and Colleges F 2-Year Colleges F Only a few (e.g., Miami U. of Ohio) are also NDLTD members on their own

27 Institutional Members (selected) F Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) F Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) F F F ETDweb, a Division of F Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) F National Documentation Centre (NDC), Greece F National Library of Portugal (for all universities) F OCLC Online Computer Library Center F Organization of American States (SEDI/OAS) F Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) F UNESCO (

28 National / Regional Projects F Australia (ADT) –U. New South Wales (lead) –U. of Melbourne –U. of Queensland –U. of Sydney –Australian National U. –Curtin U. of Technology –Griffith U. F Germany (Dissertationen Online) –Humboldt University (lead) –3 other universities –5 learned societies: Chemistry, Education, Math, Physics, Sociology –1 computing center –2 major libraries F OhioLINK: 79 colleges/univs F Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, CBUC, as group, –Universitat de Barcelona –Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona –Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya –Universitat Pompeu Fabra –Universitat de Girona –Universitat de Lleida –Universitat Rovira i Virgili –Universitat Oberta de Catalunya –Biblioteca de Catalunya

29 Other Countries with Members F Belgium F Brazil F Canada F China F Hong Kong F India F Italy F Mexico F Netherland F Norway F Russia F Singapore F S. Africa F S. Korea F Spain F Taiwan F UK

30 Other Countries with Members F Belgium: U. Catholique de Louvain F Brazil: U. de São Paulo F Canada: Regis U., U. Guelph, U. Laval, U. Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier U. F China: Shanghai Jiao Tong U. F Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong F India: Indian Inst. of Tech. Bombay, U. Mysore F Italy: U. Pisa F Mexico: UDLA (Puebla)

31 Other Countries with Members F Netherland: U. Utrecht F Norway: U. Bergen F Russia: St. Petersburg State Technical U. F Singapore: Nat’l U. Singapore, Nanyang Tech. U. F S. Africa: Rhodes U. F S. Korea: Chungnam National U., Gyeongsang National U. F Spain: U. Alicante, U. Politecnica de Valencia (+ 9 Catalunya institutions in CBUC …) F Taiwan: National Sun Yat-Sen U. F UK: City University London

32 NUDL Partners (selected) [Networked University DL] F Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Universidad de Chile, Chile F José Luis Brinquete Borbinha, Biblioteca Nacional, Portugal F José Hilario Canós Cerdá, U. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain F Stavros Christodoulakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece F Peter Diepold, Humboldt University, Germany F Sung Hyon Myaeng, Chungnam National University, Korea F Ana Maria Beltran Pavani, Prédio Cardeal Leme, Brazil F Lim Ee Peng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore F Alexander I. Plemnek, St.-Petersburg State Technical U., Russia F J. Alfredo Sánchez, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Mexico

33 International Perspectives F ISTEC: promote economic growth in Ibero-America F OAS: increase visibility of research in Americas –Partially funding booklet on digital libraries –Partially funding workshops – e.g., Costa Rica, Dec. 1999 F UNESCO: –Increase access to knowledge –Funding Guide in English, French, Spanish (+ Portuguese, Russian, …) –Funding workshops – e.g., Columbia, Aug. 2000 –Providing travel funds for those in developing countries –Support developing countries F NSF – DFG: –Collaborative research of Virginia Tech and University Oldenburg

34 Interesting Research F Scaling: individual, university, region, world F Federated search, harvesting, mirroring, discovery F Retrieval w. multilingual large texts + multimedia F Bibliographies --> citation databases F Metadata, automatic classification, user training F Usability: supporting authors and users F Preservation and archiving F Policies, economic effects, social impacts

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